203948 �- . ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �,• u • ���P, �� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. . ,- FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �COU IL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM i�-�,r ' PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE pA7E R�O�V�D� That the �Commissioner of Public �Torks be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary sidewalk extensions to be constructed at the locations listed belo�r by the Northwest Flooring Co. Inc. under theix annual sidewalk contract known as Comptrollerts Contract , L No. 6311 at a cost not to exceed �35�0.00 based on the unit prices bid for four inch monolithic concrete sidewalk which cost_is to be charged against the P. I. R. FUND -• Tax �empt Properties. Northwest corner of Atlantic �t. and Idaho Ave. •• Double apron Southwest corner of Atlantic St. and Larpenteur Ave. - Double apron Southeast corner of Orange Ave. and Edgerton St. - Double apron Across Winthrop Walk, on the north side of Corn�ay St. from Pederson St. to Howard S'�t. �outhwest corner of E. 3rd. St. and Johnson Parkway - Single apron . � Southwest corne"r of Clinton Ave. and Con�r_essJSt. -�]] e apron Councll File No.. 203948—By Mllton Rosen— ' Resdlv,ed, That the Commissioner Of ' Public Worl�s be and he is hereby suthorized and directed to cause the - necessazy sidewalk extensions to be ^ constructed at the locations listed be- O low by the Northwest Flooring Co. ` Inc.,under their annual sidewalk con- - - tract lrnown as Comptroller's Contract . ��,,,. :��. ;. L No.6311 at a cost not to exceed �350.00 based on the unit prices bid for four inch monolithic concrete side- � walk which cost is to be charged against the P. I. R. �E'UND — Tax EKempt Properties. Northwest corner oE Atlantic S� and � -T3J,5��Prr.,r_n lt,i_e an� .�...--: � < . � . = s�p 15 a96� ,� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays SEP � C� ��� ' DeCourcy ��r� ' _ Approved 19— Loss n Favor Mortinson _ Mayor Rosen A gainst Mr. ' , _ P�LISI�I9�� °� � �"/ �/ sM G-G1 .��Y � ������ p�C DUlLIGATC TO rRINTHR CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � - - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �. _,. . PRESENTED 6Y COM M I551 ON ER DATE R�OLV�A�� �►� the �nn3.saioner of Publia i+rorks be and hs i� Yiereby authoriaed �nd d3rected t:o ceu�e the nece�eary eid�lk ex�en�in�e to be con�t�uc�ad at the �;ocatione �.i�ed be1o� by �he �tosYthirest �ioor�.ng Qo. Zna. im,�e� t2�ir' annu�l �ide�lk �sontrs�t knoxn ae �aeaptroller�s Contr�crt � Ao. 6311 at a coet not to e�Ce9d ���;0.00 baaed on the nn3,t pr�pe� bid for �our inoh monolit2�c aonorete �3dexelk xhiah coat ia �o bo charged �ga�t the P, �. R. FUND � �aa Sycc�pt Pxtipert�.ea. - NorthWe�t corne� of'�tZantio St. �nd Tdaho �ve. � 13oubYe mpron Sonthwe�� cornex o� At�.an�ic 3t. and 7�arpenteur Ane. - Double apron Southeaet aoxner of Orange Ave. and Edgerton 3t. - Double apron dcro� Wintbrop Wa1ki, on �he t�orth a3ci� of Conway St. t'�oa P�on 8t. to Hox��d S�. Sou�hireet Qo�ter o�' E. 3rd. St. end Johneon �'axkFay - S3ng1e apron South�et coraer of (�'iinton Ave. �nd �ong'rema 3t. - Double s�pron SEP � 5 �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays 15 ���� DeCourcy ��P Approved 1g_ Loss Tn Favor Mortinson ��,�— Mayor �tosen A gainst . si ent, Vavoulis ° • 8M (i�(jl ..