203946 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 2�039�� ; CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _ ' " OF ICE OF THE CITY CLERK _, CbUN RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � - COMMISSIONER DATF RFS�LVED� That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby • authorized and directed to cause the necessary sidewalk extensions to be constructed at the location listed below, by the Northwest F7.00ring �Co. ~ Inc. under their annual sidewalk contract known as Coiaptrollerts Contract L IJo. 6309 at a cost not to exceed �60.00 based on the unit prices bid for four inch monolithic concrete sidewalk which cost is to be charged against the P. I. R. FI�D � TA� E�T PROP�RTIES. S�utheast corner of Dudley Ave. and Chelmsford St. - Single apron �outhwest corner of Dudley AIIe. and Chelmsford St. - Single apron � 'Council File No. 20394�By Milton r Rosen— � _ { Resolved, Thati the Commissioner of � Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary sidewalk extensions to be constructed at the location listed be- . '� lpw, by the' Northwest Flooring Co. Inc. under their annual sidewalk con- tract known as Comptroller's Contract - -� L No.8309 at a cost not, to exceed • S60.OD based on the unit prices bid for four ixich monolithic concrete side- � gainstthe P.�It R. gU� charTge�d E7�D�T PROPERTIES. � Southeast corner of Dudley Ave. and Chelmsford St.�ingle apron Southwest com�r of Dudley Ave. and Chelmsford St—Single apron Adopted by the Councll September 15, 1961. ' ( Approved 5eptember 15, 1961. � (September 23, 1961) o� �� . SEP 1519� . �In' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— /W►Yeas Nays sEp �. 5 'ao DeCourcy • . Approved 19_ , Loss n Favor — Mortinson ���--�. Mayor Rosen —��----Against Mr�;rtp„�u ,,: ���. s nt G-(i 1 , - DU�LICAT6 TO rRINTlR /;����� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO, 'd a.a ' " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK V -. ,.� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER - DATE - �SOLvED� That the �,eeioner q�' Public Worke be �nd he 3� hereb� authoMsed a�nd d3rAOted. to c�auae the necee�ary �3dexa�k �xten�iona to be conetruCted +�t the 1o�ati.on 1:�ated,balox� by ths Nor�hweat Floor3ng �o. �ric. under �heir �nnu�l �ide�+alk .cor�traat known �e Comptroller�� Gontraot L No. 6309 �t a eost aot to ezcesd $60.00 baQed an �he unit pri�sa� bid ior fonr inch aonolithie aonarete aidei,ra�.k which co� �:a to be charged mgainat the P. T. R. P'i�D s TJ,7C �T �'RQPERT�S. 0 8outheaat �orner pf Dnd�� Av�� and Chelwaford St. • Single apron , . . , , ' Southveat aorne�r ot Dudle� ;i�e. anal Ghelae�tord St. - �ing�,e apron . S EP 15 ���'� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��P � 5 ��s� DeCourcy $�}— Approved 19— �sg Tn Favor Mortinson �Q��_„ Mayor Rosen �gainst M i ent, Vavoulis sM G-01