203942 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK . � /; ����"�! � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� f�� d - - • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � F��E NO - - COUNCIL SOL�JTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �, � / COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVEDa That the Council of the City of Sai�t�Paul herebq approves and concurs in the resolution of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul dated, September 6, 1961, provi,ding therefor and authorizing the axecution of the proposed thi.rd rider or amendmen.t to Professional Service Agr�ement by and b�tweerL said Board and Charles 0. Georgi, coverti ing profeasional engineering services perfo�med an.d to be performed by the latter for the f ormer and fixing the compensati,on payable to the latter by the former therefor; RESOLVID FURTHER.� t$at th� execution and delivery of said proposed third rider or amendment to said Professiottal Service Agreement in behalf of ��aid Baard heraby are authorized, said ins�rument having been approved 'as to form by the Corporation Counsel. t Council File No.20394�By Mrs.Donald M. DeCourcy— ' Resolved, That the Council of.the, City of Saint Paul hereby approves and concurs in the resol'ution of the � Boazd of Water Co**+**+iccioners of the ' City of Saint Paul dated September ' 6, 1961, providing therefor and author- izing the execution of the proposed third rider or amendment to Pro- _ fessional Service Agreement by and � • between said Board and Charles O. Georgi, covering professional engineer- ing services perPormed and to be performed by the latter for the iormer and 9xing the compensation payable to the latter by the tormer therefor; Resolved Further, That the execution and delivery o4 said proposed third rider or�amendment to said Professional . , Service Agreement in behalf of said •.• �� •• �"' _ Board hereby are authorized, said °� ' ' ' � instrument having been approved as to form by-the Corporation Counsel. Adopted by the Council September 15, 1981. `� , Approved September 15, 1981. � (September 23, 1961) � �_ . S�P 15 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy $EP � � '��$� �Holland��"" Approve 19— �gs Favor G���� Mortinson Peter-sex—� �� Mayor Rosen Q gainst . , SM D-80 �Z � DUPLICAT6 TO PRINTER � �����'"� ° " CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. - � • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - -- ° COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF RBSOI,YBD, That �he Counci,l of the City of' Saint Paul hereb� approve� and concur$ in the reaolutiot� of tb.e Board o!' Water Commi�sionera of the Eitq of Sai�nt Paul dated September 6, 1961, psowldit�g therefos and authorizing the execution of the propoaed third rider or amendment to Profeaaional , S�rvice A�reement by and between aaid Board at�d Charles 0. Georgi, cover- ing profeesional engineering aervices performed and to b� performed bq �h� iatter f,or �he fortner and fixing tha conpensation p�yable to the latter by the former therefor; RBSOLVSD EPtJR�R, that the execution end deliverq ot said propo,sed third rider or am�ndment to said Pt�ofeaeioaa� Sdrvi�e Agre�m�nt ig behaif of �;said Board hereby are suthor�zed, eaid instrument having been approvad �s to form. bq the �orporation Cbunael. SEP 15 '�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy S E P 15 `"���R ,��,.$�-- Approved 19— Loss Tn Favor Mortinson �n� � Mayor Rosen A gainst Mr. , sM e-eo �2 CITY OF ST. PAUL No. �,; ,� — OFFIC� OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS ��� � ' RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM COMMI55 ONER fl�118IId DATF sEp�. 6� 1961 � iJ�i�F�it3, � �oaad o� ��Ler �araied�aners cloa9 no� hav� �t�s lorc�e nceo��sry !o� aa�r�rittg an ali t�ol� et�rvey wt3rk re�a'�t.d �a at�d tequtred l�os e� t��aue� o� �ac���$one end main�enan�Q o� the wate�watke symteo� arid� �SA3j Tb.e Boetd hithe��o ha� �t�gag�d the aer�►g,ce�e q� Mr. Cberic�R 0. Geaz�gl.� e prv�e�s�on�� �ngin�er etul �and eurve�ya� regie�ered #.n 4he 8tata ci� Alttu�nsot�w �or For�orc�u� ��id #�e� wo�� ena .rala�ec� �o��ri��� unde� �t�e, dS,x�etion o� � �or the Bas�B t6e ��es atu� tcp�p��aest�.cm tAe�e�o� troit�g set Porth in s CanCroct enter�d �.�te by aa4 befwe�n t�e 8oard aad 2�. Gec�cg�� aaSd Con4��at l�avfng been r.,�ehd�d by R�d�a or �eaar�n�e niade� ae vP 9 Janu�ry 19�9 aad �2 ri�C�mbe� �960� et�d � ` . i�S�REA�,. Said ContraQ� aa an�nded et�d �a �hieh wee e�i� far�Y� pz��zv�a�tor�e atui cotulitione ral�ti�ve t� �ZiP �C'��OL'@t9pCQ d� and Q�enaeti.cn ia e tatal �ount no� to p�c���d�510,�d0.d0 ior sa4,d me�viams �o b� gu�cn�ehed t#ta Boa�B bF i�. G�urgir exp��ee �� ���eob�r 19l�2 aud Lt ie� d�n�tr�d �o t�irth�r .�eud saic� ! eontt��c� eo a� ta providQ fo� e �9�a1 cett�c�C� px��t� n�t �� ��ceed �1��OpD.flO� " I�f7�T, '�f�tfi�S, �I3 I'T ��savvs�; Ttw� t�e �t'oper ol�i���� ot the I3o4rd ha�$bp sxe au�h�'���t� end dir�c�cd to et��ar in�o and e�c�cut� w$th R1r. �har3ee 0. Georg�. g Thisd R�der rsr A�asuiu�nt tb e��.d Ca�►����� �repar�i� �tni epprovctt a� ta £'�o by �he �orpora- . tion Coune�l� �Ra eacso tp b� an emot�dment aL� aaid Con�ract �a�a�e�an� wi�� ��e �t.+�;:�'��.�,� b'7q� ..'u �'4' - �State,..oP Minnesota3,)b�,� �. �,.,�•������ �.��: ��»�;�t�� �� FrL�bli�`oYS�� R� aY:�ik�.�;� ��:�:� �nv 4 County of-Ramsey� )"se. � � "�Yj '��• , .sp&ul�.:' �:i.;.� '�.�k,":,�G`- �'� i�r�,�" �;.:::�::`��,:.;,»�r t"w� ���.�.`. $�'°�::� "s:��s:� w::^ City,,of,'{Saint 7 y, �+ �h►�.��.%,.,... �`eTe �ti �sl��� ;+'v�.la:s:�..�y� �.`i� ����� �«�X�..�S+i.E �r� +P.�^ 3��i�.�t I�, Agnes R. 0'Connell, Secretary -of the Board of Water Commiasioners of the City of Saint Paul, do herebq certi�y that I have compared the above copy � of s resolution of the safd Board as adopted by the Board on September 6, 1961� with the originAl thereof on file it� my offiee and that said copq is a true and correct copy of said or,iginal and the whol� thereo�. Witness the seal of tt� Board of Water Commisaioners oi' the City of . Saint Paul this 14th daq of September, A. D. 1961. � . � � � �� �-��� i,'��ter Ce,mzni�siu�ter;� . • Secretary �� Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays . Hollatnd Sept. 6 1961 Roaen Pree. DeCourcy — :t In favor 3 Opposed � /e/ C.A. �'lack .�Q , ASST. SECY. r lM 4•61 !