203925 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' . '�'•i������ CITY OF ST. PAUL fIOENCIL NO. ��� LI�NSE (ANfl�iITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUt�IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY . Se�em�'1• lf�,� 1C�61 COMMISSIONE DATF _ RFSOLVID: That App1iQati.on G-4fl10 for On Sale L�quor License, applied for by Ernest A. and Stella B. Kencl�.g, and Bernard B. and Geraldine Smi�th at 859 Thomas Aveziue� be and the same i.s hereby granted, that the bond filed by the l�censees i.s h,ereby approved, that the City �erk fs d�.rected to �ssue sai.d 13�censQ. � Council Flle No.2U3925--By Mrs.Donald; M. DeCourcy—Milton Rosen— Resolved, That Application G-4010� for On Sale Liquor License, applied� for by Ernest A, and Stella B. Kendig, and Bernard B. and Geraldine Smith, at 859 Thomas Avenue, be and the same is hereby granted, that the bond . flled by the licensees is hereby ap- proved, that the City Clerk is directed� to issue said license. � Adopted bq the Council September 14, 1981. Approved September 14, 1961. �,w (September 16, 1981) (From "Unassi.gned") - Informally appx�ved by �ounc�.l �,�. September 7, 1961 . ,,.� � Old I,ocation - __ . ,.. .. _ _ _ . . . � � SEP 14 1961 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays 4 �g61 DeCourcy S�•P �- Holland . pproved 19.— Loss � n Favor Mortinson Mayor Rosen —�Against Mr. President, Vavoulis SM o-c�i �