203909 Council Flle No. 203909—By Frank L.; ��^�(1(1 ORIGINA4 TO CITY CLERK - • LOSS-- -{ q Yl.a '�. ^ . CITY OF Resolved, Upon the appeal therefor�UNCIL NO F�' ��'�• t�`�_ by Spiegler Construction, Company E ` thereunder, that the provisions of the � OFFICE OF T Zoning Code hereby are varied as and i � COUNCIL RESOLUTI �Permit herebne�essary therefor, ana y granted to said ap- pellant for the installation, .mainten- PRESEN7ED BY , ance, and opera�tion of a 39-car o�- COMMISSIONE street parking facllity on the premises described as Lots 4 and 5, Block 3, --_----___ Elmer,&,Morrison Rearrangement oE� ..nr'�.."�'T.—.w+��+.-'-�ae.,}t,�urad !:� � :aLi�' R�SOLVED, upon the �.ppe�1. herefor by �piegler Conatruction Compar�y thereunder, that the provisio o� the Zoning Code hereby are varied as and to the extent necessary therefor, �.nd a permit hereby is granted to said appellant �or the,inst ation, m�ainteri�.nce, �nnd operation of a 39-car off-street parking facili on the pr�mises described as Lo�s 1,. and 5, Block 3, Elmer & Morrison Reaxrangement of part of NlacalESter - P.ark, zoned in a Commercial District under said Zoning Code, �itua.te on �he north side of �r,and gvenue b�twe�n Wheeler Street .and F�a,3.rview .Ave�e, � �r.nd that in such connection the g-foot side y,a.r�3 parking lot setback require- �ent of the gener�.l provisions of said Zoning Code hereby .are rela�ed so as -�o �ermit said oper.ations on said premi.ses with merely a 2-foot side yard paxking �.ot setbaclt,. provi3ed that said permitted off-atreet parking lot facility ,�hall conform to the .approved pl�ns therefor filed herewith, :and subject u-cherwi�e to compliance wi.th the provisions o� all ordinences governing che maintenance and operation of similar parking lots .and further sub�ect i,o the condition that the siiiewalk a�ng said premi.ses shall be kept clean �and free of ice �.nd snoW �.t aIl times by and �.t the expense of said permi.ttee. SEP 141981 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy SEP 14196� Holland � Approved 19— Loss , Tn Favor "— Mortinson u G�^�,�� Mayor Rosen � A gainst Mr. P ' I � �(D� �UBLIS_�iED ' e M G-(f 1 � , • �._ ... � O F F I C E O F. .0 1 T Y C L E R K MRS AGNES H. O'CONNELL BUREAU OF RECORDS City Clerk� � •- ' HAROLD J. RIORDAN � Couneil Reeorder 38b City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota , „ . , , • • . � I / l�, .i� f � ; �•,e • v _`; Sept. 8� 1961 , ��,��� , ,� .... .-- . � � • , . . .,� '`.,' ' ' •r ` �� . � „ , , " : ' � ' , ' ' - � .,�- , .� . . ` ' . . �.• ' • � • ' � ~ ' .r - 1' ..+ �� ��� r , ` ���: a.�+. . , : J- ,, �� � Mr. Robert J. Swords� S�'P c� Corporation Counsel �' r�j Building � , �� f' - '���d�l"�(�hi �QV�$E� Dear Sir: , �e City Council requested that you psepare a resolution or resolutions � granting the attached appeal of Spiegler Construction Co. for permit to re]ra.x the 8 Pt. side yard parking lot set back requirement on Lots �+ and 5, Block 3, Elmer & Morrison Rearrangement af part •of Macalester Park, on the north side of Grand Ave. between Wheeler St. and Fairview Ave., AND granting the attached application of the same for permit for 39-car of street parking lot in con�unetion with proposed medical building to be�ected on that property, in accordance with plans dated August 28, � 1961. . Very truly y�urs, � � . . `.3 City Clerk � � , � 1 ' , - _� i ,,,,.,N�" .•• r•�• iii •�• ���• �• ` •�• ��„ I I i�: 1: . u Illt� ��I �'� 1•� .��� �, 1 •�• : �� � _ � , . „ ? � t � ' � �� 1� l - m. �'1 . „ � � = - C I=T-�Y�O-F-�S_A�I�N�T � U L - M I N N E S O T A P� .......................... ........................ :;, ��:��:�::::::�:<�'�:;�:R D O F Z O N I N G, ' C I T Y O F S A-�N T PA U�L • ""' '�'��•:�k,t��N.6I.QI:F:9S1-]SR-]S9 1�I3 CIT7 HALL AND COURT HOUS� SAINT�AUL 4,MINN�60TA � September 6, 1961 Mrs. Agnes 8. O'Connell City Clerk . Buf ldin� Dear 1[adam: � This is in the natter bf the Spiegler Coastructioa Co 'R t1 9TCAA� +., ,.etiaY _ tly�8 foot side yard uarkin���t �a* ba k re�uirement and 2) application for�re�it �or a 39 car off-street parkfng lot ia con�unctian�rith a pro- posed•medical buildiag to be erected on prouert� located on the north side o# �r°-�vA *�° �q -°°� °L�eeler Street and Fairview Avenue. Tbe •property is described as Lots 4 and S, Block 3, 81mer end Norrison rearr.. of part of Hacalester Park. The zoaing is com�erciel and has beea since the adoption of the Ordiaance in 1922. The propertq is present,ly developed with two single-fanily residence� and tpo garages which the applicant will remove to� the proposed development. Tlie site has a frontage of 105.56 feet on Grand Avenue and a deptb of 200 , feet resulting in aa area of 21,112 square feet. The propoaed parkittg lot for patieats and visitors pill be directly off Qrand Avenue providing space for approximately 29 cara. Ten off-street parking spacea xill be provided directly off the alley ad�oiaing this property for staff persoanel. $as� and ad3oir�iag is a filling atation loc�ted at the aorthwest corner of Wheeler Street and Grand Avenue, also a two-atory apart�aent buildiag which fronts on Wheeler 3treet; eonth and across (irand Aveaue are single-fao�ilq resideaces and an apartment building; west and ad�oining is a siagie-familq� residence; north �and across a public alley are siagie-fanily residences pbicb front on 3uanit Aveaue. , Section 60.23, paragrapb (S), sub-paragraph (d) provides that parkiag lots having a capacity of ten or c�ore i�ehicles shall not be located bloser than eight teet to`any ad�acent property developed reside�itiallq. The applicant is requesting a relexation of this provision so that he may provide a more Norkable parking lot arraageaient. The Traific Bngiueer h�s approved tbe plan Nhich meets the standards for this tqpe of facilitq. Field iavestigation dis- � closes tbat the proposed develop�eat Nill be conpatible �vith the existing area uses. The request to relax the 8 foot side yard parking lot buffer for tbe parking lot directly off Grand Avenue appears reasonable, hovrever, it is recoqmended that the relaaation be granted to two feet, aad that this tpo feet be planted r►ith Alpine current, or equivaleat plant naterial. The 8 toot bufPer should be provided for the parking lot at the rear pith similar screen plaatiag. The' Board of Zoning coasidered these matters at their regular �eetiag on August 17, 1961, and recoa�eads 1) the relaxation of the required 8 foot side qard parkiag lot aet back requirenent to tNO (2) feet, and 2) the graating of the permit for a 39 car parking lot in con�unction witb a proposed redical building on tha above deacribed property in accordaace with plans dated August 28, 1961. _ � Siacerely, ' , IICNtF'GI �� . C - "vV�ta_'""`^''l H. C. 11�eland, Secretarq � $ncl, ` Board of Zoning ���� 2 �� � � � �� �/ FREDERICK C. KLAWITER ROBERT W.JOHN50 REGISTERED ARCHITECT • � PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER � A S S 0 C I A T E D A R C H I T E C T S & E N G I N E E R S 743 SELBY AVENUE SAINT PAUL 4, MINNESOTA CAPITAL 4-4834 • August �+, 1g61 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City Ha,ll and Court House St. Paul, Minnesota � RE: Proposed Medical Building �or Spiegler Construction Co. Dear Sirs: � This letter is an appeal for relaxation of the 8 ft. side yard buf'�er strip between off-street parking axea and adjacent resi- dence at West side of' our property. The property an which the proposed medical building is to be built is located on the North side o� Grand Avenue between Wheeler and Fairview. There axe two homes on the property now � and they w3.11 be removed. The addresses o� these homes ase ,/' \ 1757 and 1761 Grand Avenue. � ��We are providing o��-street parktng which consists o� a total ' o� 39 cars and we need the full width of the lot to accommodate the ingress and egress of cars. We will install and maintain a bumper height fence along the West property line,which is ad,jacent to an existing residence, to prevent any automobiles fram encroach- ing on the ad�acent property. Thank you for your considerat3on 3n this matter. Yours truly, � Ro ert W. John n RWJ:lc cc Spiegler Const. Co. ,� � _ LJII (� � � � � r� I AUG 4 1961 CITY 1'1,l��y1r�l�i� ,��� S�int Paul, AJIi '�1� nnesota �� City of Saint Paul, Minnesota �' ,. 7� . APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT • (Please print or type) `��sv TO TAE �ONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY OOUNCIL `'"�' � the City Clerk � Citq of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing y install and operate a new (cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks aad capacity: • g� PARKING LOT �or (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) Capacity of parking lot 39 CgRS �indicate type) To be used in connection with: MEDICy4L CI�INIC BUl'I�ING o M�S��o�: � (indicate type sucb as Drive-in Re�reshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parkiag ares: *Location : North side of Grand Aven.ue between Wheeler & Fairview Legal Description : Lot �+ and 5 Block 3 Addition Elmer & Morr3son Appiicant's Name : SPIEGLEft COI�TRT�TION COND.'ANY rearrangement of part o� Ma,calester Home or Office Address: 1710 Satmders Aven.ue� St. Paul� Mi.nn. Paxk. . Phone Number : �[;= $..'j�.]Q � � �� � FOR/BY TI� AP ICANT �-2�..�i �ol Ju� �� �r� I I �s Sign tur (date Address : 71+ Selby Avenue - St. Paul �+� Minn. Phone No.: CA: �F.�F�3�+ u E'(Y ^. . . � . ' � ' ! , ' ` .. "!: :� S • r- When completed: file three copies of this application form and tbree prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed �acility with tbe City Clerk, Roow 386� City Hall and Court Aouse, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St.