203908 ORIGINAI.TO CITY CLERK � ������� • • CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL N� p • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONE � DATF RESOLVED, that upon the �,ppe�l o£ Francis Sommers therefor, pursuant to the pertinent proviaions of the �oning Code, the provisions of said Zoning �ode hereby �are varied to the sxtent necessary therefor .and �. permit is granted hereby to said appellant �or a. relaxation of the mini.mum frontage requirement �or �property loca.-tEd on th� north aide o� Maxyl�nd ,�venue b8twesn Woodbri�ge and Marion �treets, de�cribed �.s Lot 16 egcept th� east 3 ft. and except the westerly l.?6 f�et thersof, Garden Homes, in the City of �a3.nt P�aul, from L,,O feet to 38.7 feet. Councll Flle No. 203908—By Frank L:� L05S— Resolved, That upon the appeal of Francis Sommers therefor, pursuant to; the pertinent provisions of the Zoning Code, the provisions of said Zoning _ �Code hereby are varied to the extent �hecessary therefor and a permit iS p;ranted hereby to said appellant for � �a relaxation of the minimum frontage � quirement ior property located on� ?tYie north side of Maryland Avenue be- tween Woodbridge and Marion Streets,� described as Lot 16 except the east 3� ' ft. and except the westerly 1.26 feet, thereof, Garden Homes, in the City o4' Saint Paul, from 40 feet to 38.7 fee�� Adopted by the Council September 14, 1961. Approved September 14, 1981. ' (September 16, 19H1) ; 3 � � SEP 141961 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy S�P 141961 Holland �-- Approve 19— Loss � �-- �—In Favor Mortinson (v �� Mayor A gainst Rosen �� p � nn Z�apf117�1C 6M (j-(il � OFFICE OF • CITY' CLERK MRS. AGNESH. o'CONNELL " Ci+y Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota �����Q �7 sept. 7� 1961 � �i►� �:���� Mr. Robert J. Swords s�� � 1�6j • Corporation Counsel �� Building . � CnBP�RATION C�UNSE.�,. Dear Sir: The City Council requested the,t you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal of Francis Sommers for permit to relax the minimum frontage requirement for property located on the north side of N�ryland Ave. between Woodbridge and NlQrion Sts., described as Lot 16 except the east 3 ft. and except the westerly 1.26 ft. thereof, Garden Homes. Very truly yours, , , � � , � � � . City Clerk. . � � � 1' r ��`� � f 1111/1/111� � •�• �.��• iii ��• ��►• �� ` •�. I ��� �. � I •�. • � • H ' ����•• �1� •, � 1 �1 �~ �1 .��� ' i � �t� � f, ` � �` �� - ' ' � ' el� �� � � � rC I�T-�Y�-O-F�S_AII�N}T P A U L - M I N N E S O T A g� .`' , :•.x•.: ��'� �'�:;:::;;:::'A�:�:�:��;�;R D O F Z O N I N G, ' C I T Y O F S A I N T PAU L ••• ��•���:�t7ifi�d'Nslo„t sei-sss-au 1013 CITY NALL AND COURT HOUS� SAINT/AUL 9,MIHN�{OTA 8eptenber 6, 1961 Mrs. Agaes H. O'Coanell City Clerk i . Buiiding , , Dear dadaw: ` Tbis is in the matter of tbe appeal of Francia Soemers to relaa the aini�un frontage requireient ior property �ocated on the north side ot ldaryland Avenue between �foodbridge and b�xion Streets. The property is described as Lot 16 except the east 3 feet and escept the �vesterlq 1.26 feet thereof, Qarden Homes. The zoning is "B" residence. The lot to be developed is presentiq vacant and used as yard area ia con3unction with the reaideace ad�oiaing on the west. The applicant proposes to develop the site rvith a aingle-fanily residence. Chapter 60.25 of tbe Legislative Code requfres Council approval to do so as tbe width of this lot is below the miniwum 40 foot requiremeat. This lot bas a trontage of 38.7 feet and a depth of 130 feet, resulting in an area of 5,031 square feet. The ad�oining and surrounding land uses are entirely single-family ia character. Fieid investigation discloses ao ob�ection to tbe granting of this appeal as tbe proposed development �aould provide adequate set backs for the side and rear yard and the relaaation pould be for oniy 1.3 feet. The granting of this appeal Nould not bave a detri�ental e�fect oa tbe ad�oiri- ing uses, nor wrould it deqiate fron the purpose and intent of the Ordiaance. In consideration o! the above tactors, tbe Board of Zoning recommends the ' granting of the appeal to relax the miaimum frontage requirements on the above deacribed property. ' 8incerely, � _ �,( •�' • y�/�..c.�,,,,.� H. C. Wieland Secretary Board of Zoning �CW:FQrI BACZ• Z. F. 4771 v � 1 � � , . � � �� �� . ��� . . � . � . �. ;,__�� ,� o �+ ����`� � rq �l . �, _ � �r� '��l �. � GI _ I.L1J �- -cJ.t . �' THOMAS;FCING,�DAU�BNEY,;SVNENSON & COLLATZ / !u �,-� �.,'� f _, . ,�: ATTORNEYS AT�:LAW � �:t� ''„�. IIOO�ONEER:BQfL'DING �y� 2� i�� � u� '�"7 CAPITAL 4-7461 PAULC.THOMAS - SAINT PAUL I,MINNESOTA GEORGE C.KING JOHN E.DAUBNEY CARL A.SWENSON FREDERICKA.COLLAT2 �,J�]�,y �� �96Y FREDERICK P.BRADFORD . OFCOUN3EL The Honorable Mayor ,& �ity �Council City of St. Pau1 ' c��o �City Clerk ' 386 C3.ty Ha]1 8o C�"ourt Hoiz�e St: Pau1-2, Minnesota Gentlemen and Mad:amY P7.ea�e� be� advised that Mr. Franci� �o�ers has purchased the premise� l�own as Lot 16, except the ea�t 3 �eet thereof� and except the westerly 1.26 feet thereofy Garden Homes�' St. Pau1; Minn.; and wishe�s to. erect a single family regi- dence thereon. Q, �S - This�ot �s' located on Maryland Avenue bet�eeb. the inter�gections of Marion and� Woo. idge-S,treets on the: north side o� Mary].anc7. Avenue. The property is present].y vttcant anci unimproved and Mr. �ommers wishea to e�ect a s3.ngl� �ami�.y residence thereon; th� lot is dedicated at a width of�+3 feet, but pre�ently has .a frontage of 38.7�+ feet and � depth. of 130 feet. ZTnle�s thig appea]: i� granted', thia lot cannot�be deyeloped. �or any purpQse� by re�son of the fact that the 8t. Papl Legi�latiye �ode 60.03 (b� reqixires s lot ti*i.d-th at the front bu�lding line o�' �0 feet. • This appeal is purauant to the �St.• Pau1 Legi'slative- ¢ode � Sec. 6�+.03, pas�a�,raph i, a.tid it. is requested tb:at- a Variauce be permitted. I am enclosing,herein our check iii the. �� of �2Q.00 as ancT for a filing fee herein, together yrith two site plans�. '�,e . t �,,y � ,hy �U�'� [�iJl. /`�"L (N`'� I�/L' .. ._-�CJ �� ?/ JO T. DAUHNEY 5' b ' � JF�zpr Enc. -�� -, .._..,,__ j °°• �.. --�_.. __��� � ,,� � � q "'�-��n'".�' ~����' ������ �u�'�� * �� �� : ��. � _ �� �� -�.,.�.. . + ` e 6_�9� � 567 Brqinerd Ave. �PRospect � WARRE�T I. FOR��ERG 5�:�, 6�: Registere€� Land Surveyor � PLAT OF St�R1/Elr � OF PROPERTY OF �'nold Fieher, 22'7 W. PRaryland �1ve. S'ti. P&Ul� 1�S1riT1. described as follows : Lot lE excep� the East three feet thereaf, Garden Homea, St. Pau1, Minn. ." • . � 1�,o n • �'�ron � 3�°, , � _�. .. .�_.._ ,_ �o o ----- I - __ ._. .. .. , '. I ' � � . � - , ., . ,��t /� --- i � � � � N ; ��� � �- � y a , ' ° + �� o �o I �' ' �?d.a� � � , . , i � c' .'��^ : ,+frTr � . � ' ���r , 8�; ' ~fi SrY �� � � / � . `�-,�'-�'`�"° � ° ' �'° �ST y f'�`� f�v• '). � � , - � � � � ��.f ,� � • , . '�j �-. , I � � ` 2. �F �S� o� Q, I I , 30�, , !•8 � 2�.� . � � � ! 'o fl I . _._��__., f � . -� . S��ke �� 1 � � 38.71 t 3,0 1-' . '�,..�r�F�1 i G / � . �ar��ah� �j'Ve . ` � CERTIFICATE Ol� SURVEY T r I hereby certify that on �Une 1 , lq"3- 1 surveyed rhe property described Scale: 1 tnC}1 �� feet. above and that the above plat is a correct representation of said survey-. ' O—Indicates Iron nlonument. ,., ,�' � � . , , � � :,�'" � _��J .- - ;�,._ .. . `_ .11' � +� V� ' ���� •' 6-Og85 • ` � ;�' ' So7 Bra�.nerd Ave. ' PRospect 4-4492 WARREN ��I. FOI�SBERG S�. Pau 6,5�'Ii�sn: Registered Land Surve��or � � � � � � PLAT OF SURV�Y � OF PROPERTY OF �'nold b'isher, 227 'rl. Ma.ryland �ve. 5to Paul, l��inn. described as follows : I'Of, 1'T, Garden Harnes, �'�. P8.U1.� ?•Zinn. , � - ' . � � ' I���n,��� GG � �� { — .��p � ! , y-3,io �__� , � ', . , , . � , ;: �t, I �l ` - � � � a � . ' . � �; - �,� \ t r� . ..y � ;( ; f �' _ . ' .� Q I�y � � 1 ' Q �1 �p . c ,Z,'� - r� a^r\ �1 r � 'x � �sY� , � ��-�cca �,. 1 �; N �. �- "' -2�� � : g`' �b r f , J �' � " a! xy , �o� _ � ! i " iI ; �.�1 ' ' ��'c-.. � . ----- - ___..._. ,;�...:_._._� � �;k� /'1CIY(.d�.1/�f`�f f,�tlf C..� f �� ,�� • CERTI I�ICt1TI: 01� SURV�1' I hereby certify that on �unA �- , 19��' 1 surveyed rhe property dcscribecl Scale: 1 inC11 � Q feet. ' above and that the above plat is a correct representaiion of said sun•ey. �—Indicates Iron �Ionument. i `���^ , r j : (�`/���Q' e � " - � � `1 . J �' • � � �- ' 567 Brqinerd Ave. 6-0985 �� ' �.,�a�� PRospecl � WARRE�T I. FOI�S�ERG s�t. Pau� h, �s�nn. Registered Lan�l Sttrveyor PL/�T OF �tJRVE� OF PROPERTY OF �rno3d Fisher, 227 W. �qaryland �lve. St. Paul, riinri. describeci as follows : LOt 1C� except the East thre� feQt thereof, Garden Homea, S�. Paul, r�Iinn. �(a►1 �ron 3,o� _._-__ - _ _ �o.o ---- 1 I I i I I , <— Lvt /� '-- N . I , I I � J a� � ; ti,�� fl o� � � � "�a i - � ` � �' i � , , .. .� . — . , , ��r y ,,g�r �-t,�c.�� j /�{r tr, �v. N�� , a .- �( i � L, •� �� �, -��-- � � ' I o � . ��oc, 1•8 � � 2,�,1� ' _.__. `� ,_ - - � uo.o • , ; ! � � i $��Ke � �,0 ��(�K �i E�'f�lQ,�I�F' �"�'!/L' • .. CF.RT[I�ICATI? Ol' SURVGY I hereb cercify chac on � u�ie 1 +� Scale: 1 inch �0 feet. Y , 19''- 1 surveyed the propercy dcscribed above and that the above plat is a correct representatiou of said survey. O—Indicates Iron l�loiiuinent. '-> ,` / • . t.., I f ��'nn.��� , `.,___.___.. � �• i_ ��� �r��`y-�� L ..(.:I) i�. �.•.;it �It. � � ,���^ �C-�.-.��.1T� `� v� � ��� a� `x�^S�• _ p�C,�1CC� �irl`�1� �a:r�F�� •' ' � y . i Re�istered Land Surve}'or � . �_ . ------ . ���-�`� ��' .-���- ��3���� i QF �Pl�l��`EtZTY 0��� ��`w�.�„_�a�vldl F��lie�'* �Gi �• L.,.'tY`�1.� ,�40• S�`ia ��.+�.y •:�'."ir'1s _�....____--- ___.______.__.__�_ ----�_ _..r.Y. - .�- ..,.-s�-%-=�--�-,.,�---';'�",�-"3 s�-""`s'� ..�i�i .� ._ 9 de-,:r.ocd as follows ._, ---- -- --- — ---- _ __ �__._____.� --. - ---._..�... ._. ._._ � L�t �.�r,z�i ��1 of Lot_16 ex��t�].�_r��3�. _3 �ec�t _t�cr:��_ �.�.? {i�,_f�"rr,1�3. ",�^� � . - - . i � S�._��;�ls. �:�tin. . ..-- -----_---_---�._. --- - - - -- � -- - ---- .�_ ._. ._ _ _-- ______ ____.. �J i , � , � � . � : � � ;,r,J - ; � , (Y''� � � � , �' a � r^` �r✓ u � ' � ' ��.tP �� . ut� i � I � 1 � _ ` I j /"1 f(o - , � ..� . � ` � � _ •.� � � � � � � , � � � � a � . � � � �� � I� , , . � � � '°y '�� � � '1 ,, i. ' r ti ` � �._.._1�. ` --r `-� �' � ty .,} 1� �� I� �t�$ ; � , ,� � : _ ;�;...-,:,. __ I � /.STY. � ' �r� ,. ,q I-m ����,. �tocco y� Q ^ ;y� j . ;-�a• � � 4 � • � �.-� r� � � � �;.�a . #�, � ' S�' �'��..r ,�` �_ � ����� �� � �� _._:.� � � r �r—+_ _ :' r i.�..� . _ � ,� �r� /.�,� � l �L t [ I� � T� .;•o � - ` ,�...�.`�'�'�'a...a._�_��.,: �!� (� � i , ,...�-.,...., �....�.� f . �_ . �.. , � . t ` � . � ��rC?!`�����t �: i l, E . � � C'r,f:',S! :G,i c, '*' _ ��..`j. . - - - _ 'i �~ '_ . , '.� ;' j - - ` .,:��. c' c•�.t3 ����' _ ` '� _ '�� - _=: - ' - __ - . �_-- .. -. , ' �f �c'- -- Z• - ' �•.. -.- � • ', _ . .