203897 ORIGINAI.TO CITY CLERK Copncil Flle No. 203897=By.Frank L. �����`�
. - � CITY OF ST. `r'O5� 7
�tesolved, That upon the appeal of
' OFFICE OF THE C t`h'"� E. Ne�°n therefor, pursuant to NO. _
pertinent provisions of the Zoning
�ode, the provisions of said Zoning
- � - CO�NC RESOLUTION Gpde hereby are varied to the extent
necessary therefor and a permit here-
PRESENTED BY — by is granted to said appellant Eor the
,..�- extension of Commerciai District use
COMMISSIONE , over the entire,�}�h�ect premises for
}�.,.Y.��.��v,ttln-,'13' ��ncin,G.r"t^=j1T.tN P."
RES4LVED, that upon the appeal of .�rthur E. Nelson therefor,
pursuant to the pertinent provisions of the Zoning Code, the provisiona
of said Zoning Code hereby are varied to the extent necessary therefor
�and a permit hereby is granted to saia �.ppella.nt for the e�ctension of
Commerci�l District use over the entire subject premises for the con-
struction� extension, �nd use of a co�pmercial garage thereon, said '
premises being described .as the �Test g0 feet of the east 1$0 feet of
Lot l, Block k, Da1e Strest Gar�.en Lots, loca.ted �at the southwe�t corn�r
� �
of Rose .Avenue and i3ale �treet in�t�he City of Saint P,aul� and being
zoned under sa�.d Zoning Code, partially in an "A" Residence District and ''
parti�Ily in a Commerci�.7. Di.strict.
SEP 14 1961 '
COUNCILMEN � ' Adopted by the Council r 19—
Yeas Nays p � " `- �" �
DeCourcy � . ��P � � j���
Holland ��` j , , �Approved 19—
Loss � � �-
� In Favor '
Mortinson U ,� � ��
�n� ' ' ' , r Mayor
Against , � �, 3, , � ��� /9��
Rosen �
, _ �'� �u�i.is
, �� �
SM u�;i
� . i
� +
, •
BUREAU OF RECORDS � � ��ty ��a�k
386 City Hall and Court House Couneil Recorder
St. Paul 2, Minnesota ���
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" Sept. 7, 1961
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S�P , t961
C��tPdRATlUIY. CO�iSF.�.
Nh�. Robert J. Swords � " .,
Corpora.tion Counsel � .
Dear Sir;
The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the
attached appeal of Arthur E. Nelson for an extension of Ca�mercial use -
on property at the southwest corner of Rose Ave. and Dale St., a�.so ,
described as the west 80 ft. of the east 180 ft. of Lot l, Block �+,
Dale Street Garden Lots.
' • ery truly yo/u.r
, - � � .
ty Clerk
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""' `���?�YI�Y�1�}I.��.b�:F:]31.131-]S� 1�1�CITY HALL AND COURT HOUS� ' SAINT►AUL],MINNIbOTA
� 1
� September 6, 1961�
� Hrs. Agnes H. O'Conneli
, City Clerk • '
Building . .
Dear Madaa�:
This is iu the matter of the appesl of Arthur E. Nelson for an extension of
coma�ercial uae on property located at the southwest corner of Rose AvenUe
and Dale Street. Tbe property ie described� as tbe west 80 feet of t8e east
180 feet of Lot 1, Block 4, Dale Street Gardea Lots. The east 100 Peet of
the lot is zoned co�mercial and the balance "A" residence.
This property is presently developed with a singlb-familq_ residence and a
t�o-car garage. The applicant proposes to construct an additfon_40 x 15
feet to the garage buildini�� The City Architect's of�ice has ruled that be-
cause tbis��erty is used° both as the applicant's resfdence and buainess
address, it will be necessary for hiw to secure an extension afi coamercial
uae to cover the entire propertybefore tbe proposed addition can be made.
Tbis property is �rregular in shape having a frontage on Dale Street of 52 .
feet, 180 feet on Rose Avenue� and� a dimension at the rear of 170 feet� re-
sulting in an area of 19,980 square feet. North aad acroas R;ose Avenue ia
the rear ysrd of a siagle-family residence whicb froats on Dale Street; east
_and across Dale 3treet is a commercial development; south and ad�oiaing is
tbe Northern Pacific Railway right-of-aay; sest and ad�oiaing is the Como
Park Junior High School propertq.
Field investigation diacloses no basic ob�ection to the proposed extension
of commercial uae as it does aot appear tbat the proposed addition and use
of the propertq would--be detriieental to tbe ad�oining and surroqnding area
uses. The proposed Lend Use Plau indicates tbe highest and best use of this
land is conmercial. " � - -- •
In consideratioa of the above factora, the Board of Zoning recoamends the
granting of the appeai to extend the comaercial use permitted on a portion
' of� the afte to extend to the entire site on the above described property.
Sincerely, ' �j
i � ,C , �",�'rE'^.../ � .;
H. C. !►ieland l
, Board of Zoning �`J\
�Cw:FGI � �`
Z. F. 477? �
, �
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� 11?1 No. Dale Street
' St. Paul, 17, Minn.
July 20, 1.961 •
The Honorable Mayor and City Council
' G/o City Clerk Room 386 '
City Hall and Court House
Gentlemen: �
• The undersigned, Arthur E. Nelson,, respectfully
� requeats� commercial zoning �xtension, to include the
West 80 feet of E. 180 ft. of Lot #1, Blk #�--12152
• Dale Street Garden Lots, street addresa, 1171 No.
Dale Street, St. �Paul, 17, Minn.
' ` The present uae of the property in ita entirety,
' ia our reaidence and my businese addresa. My businesa
is specialized contracting; doin� plant lay-out, machinery
installation and repair tYiroughout the city and surround-
ing areas. All this work is done in the various plants
- requesting tY!is type of work.,
' The proposed uae of this property will remain the
- eame with this. addition. �I would like to build an
addition to the present garage building to house my
t�,ro boat, garden tools, and small tools needed in
my business.
This , I have been informed, can be done by ex-
tending. the commercial �uee to cover 180� ft. , �nder
Legislative Code, Chapter 64.03, Para�raph A. ' -
M�y I hear from you favorably on this matter.
• Reapectfully aubmitted,
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AEN:dn Arthur E. Nelson
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