203886 - � -�----,.�.-_, Council File No. 203888— , � , ' In the matter of opening, widening� � •--.. �� and extending an alley 18 ft. in width� across I.ots 5 and 8, Block 3, Cruick-�: shank's Garden Lots, s�id alley to be an extension of existing alley in Beaur- ]ine's 2nd Addition lying between Ross Ave.and Bush Ave, and from the West ^����� �11ne of Beaurllne's 2nd Addition to the •J m East line'of Germain St. by taking � and condemnin�a strip of 1 c�i 16,�* '�aP����=��"`COUN���FII;E NO. � BY � INTERMEDIARY ORDER � . In the Matter of opening, v3.dening snd exteading an alley 16 ft. in Fridth acroas Lots 5 and 6, Bloek 3� Cruickshank's t3arden Lots, said alley to be aa e�teaaion of existing alley in Beaurl3ne's �d Addition lyi�ng 'betiPeen Ra�a Ave. e�nd Bush Ave. aad from the West line of Beaurline's 2nd Addition to the Eaat line of Qermain St. by taking and conde�ing Q strip of ].dad 16 ft. �i.de in Lots 5 ana 6, Block 3, Cruickahank!s t�arden Lc�ts� the Horth line oP said alley to be 127' South of and parallel to the 3outh line of Ross Av�e., measured along the Weat line of Beaurline'e 2ad Addition under Preliminary Order �3333 Approve� August 2, 1961 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance -t upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same ia hereby approved and adopted, and the said}m�ro�ement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is to open� �riden and extend an alley 16 ft. in tirJ.dth acrosa I�ots 5 anct 6, &loak 3� Cruickshank's Ga,rden S,ots� said alley to be an exteneion of exieting slley in Beaurline'� �d Addition lying between Ross Ave. and Bueh Ave. and fr�n the �Test line of Beaurline's 2nd Ack�lition to the East � line of Germain St, by taking and condea�ning a strip of land 16 ft. wide in Lot�a 5 and 6, Block 3, Crnick$hank's (iarden I,ots, the �forth line of said alley tc� 'be 127' South oP and parallel tc� the South line oP Roas Ame..� meseured along the West line of Beaurline's ?�d � � Additioai " . . .. --- .. _ - _ _ . _ -�. ._. � ...... -,..�.� _.� _-u_ - .. _ , - - �, ._ , _--�. =_.�.,_,-z.,. . _ - =�..z..'_",',..�.,.,,. ...:_..-.:� . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $�•� _ , Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the l� - day of Oetober, 1961 , at the hour of 10 dclock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of ,_. said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, atating the time and place of � " hea,ring, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. y File 15422 SEP 13 � COiTNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ` Yeas Nays � • n. ' r , . �l��� t7 � . �� � APPro"ved . ..- � - ' , / t , .,,.;' � Tn Favor ` � • T . � �� Mayor � .. D A gaiIIBt — /(O— /�C�� ����p �