203846 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ������ _ _ �,� CITY OF ST. PAUL F OE NCIL NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COMMISS�IONE , DATF $A�1't@ffit1A! $� 1983. �� } y, 1 � � , • . �� RSSOLVSD� That the Conncil hereby approvee tha award of the Purcbasin� Co�aaittee therefor and hereby awards contract for turnishin� and deliverin��f.o,b. Citq of SaintPaul, Department of Public 'i�lorks, Bureau ot Sanitation, 3t. Paul, ldinnesota�, 5000 tons� more or leas, Crushed Rock Salt in bulk for period of one yesr fram • 3eptember ].5,. 1961 thru 3eptember 14, 1962, to INTERNATION2IL S1�LT COIQ�ANY in accordance with City specificatiotts icherefor hereto attached and the Forsal Bid A�8508 ot asid International Salt Companq !or tl�e contract price o! approximatelq $61�?00.00� euch bid bei.n� the lowest and said International 8alt Company bein� a ressonable snd reliable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is ' directed to draw ap the proper forer of contract theretor and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to e�aecute said contract on behalf o! the City ot ' Council Flle No. 203866—By Miltoa Ba�IIt F"dlll� Rosen—• Resolved, That the Councll hereby : appYoves the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor and hereby awards I'bI'n1Al B1C1 �FSSOS� ' contract for furnlshing and delivering f.o.b. Cfty of Saint Paul, Department of Public Works, Bureau of Sanitation, St. Paul, Minnesota 5000 tons, more or less, Crushed Rock Salt in bulk� � -r -�"— . � for period of one year from September 15, 1981 thru September 14, 1962, toj INTERNATIONAL SALT COMPANY in accordance with City specifications' there�or�fie�eto .attached and the Fo;-, � , s�r ~-B,,.__-�-.,�,�,.,.._. � g , ��P 121961 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � 2 �96� DeCourcy ��P Holland A proved 19— Loss n Favor Mortinson � Peterson • Mayor Rosen gainst �� / Mr. President, Vavoulis �LT�I.ISI�D �� �`"" / 8M 8-80 �2 µ;,�•�.�,. .. P .� DUPLICATE TO PRINTER ������ .,,_ _ .,.� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE ��l��111�='_� 1,�I ��}� T�1�t f:h� �C�a., �1'!�y �pQ�'O�l� �'.� �RAx'd �� '�21! PtZI�C2lia� CO��.'t.�! ti�rrs�or �rtri hexeby a�rds can�ra�t tor �'c:r�ala�is� asrid d�].i�lri�rix� �.o.b. Citq a! �aia'��t�., L�ep�t�t�t o! P�tblitt Ibr9sst �a�a dt 8a�it,�tion* �t. �sal. K3ims�t�, �000 �one, �� ar �.��s, C9casl�d �oc�C �aa.� im bal)s #ar p�riod ot oat� �rear �r�a B�tpLi�b�r 15� �.961 ��t 6�5'�bl� ].4, 19$g, tt� I�'!l�3�TfiTItHtAi, �ALT �'01lJU�I' !.n aaaords�as with City spfeitiaatioemi �trr�faar l�rstt� �ttaee�d. aad t�M !'a�l �id A��08 0� said Int1�z��io�. �alt 4`o�pa�ay tor #.1re aoatract pr�.oi ot approad.�aat�11 �61,7�.�0, a�ah bfd bei� tl�r lot�at �d said ��t�r�tio�ai 8a�lt �aag�► b�i� a r�sso�abl� �rd raxiabl� bidd�r snd #�►s Cbt�po�tat3�e Ee�uas�l b�1 �d 7�r�by is diarsat�d � dra�r up #lu px�og�r tor� of oo�trscrt ��ter �d t�s prc�p�r Gitq otticia� �ex�rb� er� a�#�tOri�d to �ent� s�id ao�tract � b�eha�.t of t.�r Cit�► o! �tr�iat Fa�u],. �c►raill Sid i1�8�08. S E P � 2 »�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays S E P � 2 i�6� DeCourcy Holland Approved 19— Loss Favor Mortinson " Peterson Mayor Rosen �gainst • Mr. President, Vavoulis aM a•co �2