203856 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �y �- • 'y p���� % � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N��� � �--�' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONE DATF 8ep���r H� 195�. RSSOLVED� That the Cotmail hereby approves tY�e award of the Purchasing Committee therefor, and hereby awards contraat �or furaishing and delivering to the Departffient of Publi.c SaPety, Repair 8hop� 1441 Rice Street� 3t. Paul, �inneaota - Five 1962 Dodge P�lice Pursuit 8tatian Wagons, 8-cyl� 4-door� 6-passenger for police e�ner�encq service to �FISLD-QUBEN�,N� INC. in accordanae vvith City specifications theretor hereto attaahed and the Formal Bid A�'8512 of said IIatfield-QiLeenan, Inc. at a total cost of 512,875.75 less allowance for Three 1939 Ford and tw� 1959 Chevrolet Station �Wagons �3250.00� asalcing net amount ot contract $9,425.75, snch bid being the la�oest and said bidder being a reasonable and reliable one snd the Corporation Counsel be and herebp is directed to draw up the proper Porm of contract therefor� and the proper City ofticisls hereby are authorized to e�aecute said contract on behalf oP the Citq of Saint Paul. Formal Bid #8S12. Council Flle No. 203856—By Robert F.1 Peterson— � Resolved, That the Council hereby � approves the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor,and hereby awards contract for furciishing and delivering � to the Department of Public Safety, Repair Shop,1441 Rice Street, St. Paul, Minnesota — Five 1962 Dodge Police Pursuit Station Wagons, 8-cyl, 4-door, 6-passenger for police emergency serv- ice to NF'�'F*FLD-QUEENAN, INC. in accordance with City specificaUons therefor hereto attached and the For- mal Sld No. 8512 of said Hetfleld- Queenan,Inc. at a total cost of$12,675.75 - ��_,e-#c�T��a-�o_�p59_Ford and� �� � SEP 1 2 19t� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy �� Holland pprove� SEP � 21961 19_ Loss � Tn Favor ` Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen C gainst , Mr. President, Vavoulis YUliL1Slri.N:lu � � �I SM 8•80 �2 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER � �� •- ���- CITY OF ST. PAUL F OE NCIL NO. �����` � �� ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DA'� �����]y�='� �.$,�, �.�3� T�t �t 4�ouaoil. �br•�pro�ns '�b� a�x'd �3 �th� Purc�i� (��ns�i�tert tLtr�fbt, �d 1s�s�by �rds �'�rA�t tor turrile�ti� #�d "��v+��isQ t.o "t� p�pt�r�s�m� �f Pablio �t�rty►. DlP�r .��P, i�'�. �k1.� i�'tr�k; �t. �a►4t�., a[in�ueso�� - �'i�r1i! �62 DO�� Poila� Pai's�it ��a►tioa l�o�a, 8�-c�3. 4-cl�ors �-Pass�r�or tar galia� s�►�g�r�ay ��rice to �T�'IS`LD�-q��, ��IC. �e acoqo�d� �I►�� C��y �ai�icg�iana ��ere�or arer�ta s��tre�ch�8 �d t� �or�a]. 8id .#�852,� ot s�1d �#ti��.d-qq�r�pn, Ina„ �� a tp'xal ao�iG ot' ��,��675.'75 l�rsp allo�r�t� tc�r �`4� 19lfD �ord a�d � 1�� CtMi��cvltL �'��i� �s #3�.00, �atsi.ng r�t �,�. vt can�r�at �9�425.75, suah bid b�it�g ��i �,�st sr�d said biddrr b�i� a rirss�ab� �ud i�li$bl� �r e�id $i� ���►rpar�ti4n Coum«� b� aud #�er�by �� dir�tr�d to d�raw ap �hr prapsr tor� o! c�traat t��or� �d twl� �rr•�psx� �City bit3c�.s �r�by � a�tit�or�d !o �rot� said aorit�sec� � b�a3� at #.� �it� ot aaint $a�,. lrb�i Bid .lK8i512. �EP 121961 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy SEp � 2 9�� Holland Approved 19— Loss Favor Mortinson Peterson v , Mayor Rosen A gainst - Mr. President, Vavoulis 5M 8-80 �2