203851 Originnl to City Clerk �j���S1'�1 ,, .. . - • CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. OFFI OF THE CITY CLERK FILE R COUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY , � COMMISSIONE DATF WI�REAS, Registered Bill No. 1-8851, in tY�e amount of $5.65, was issued covering damage done to a stop sign at the southwest corner of Frankson Street and Ha.mline Avenue by a vehicle driven by Edmund Carlson on May 3, 1961; and WHEREAS, paymen� of �5.65 has been submitted by Edmund Carlson and by his insurer, Farmers Mutuals; and WHEREAS, Edmund Carlson and Farmers Mutua.ls have been �advised � � of this duplicate payment and have agreed that Nlr. Carlson should be reimbursed for the amount of such duplicate payment; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Co�unissioner� of Finance of the City of Saint Paul is hereby authorized and directed to issue a check , to Edmund Carlson, in �he amount of $5.65, on ac�ount of the duplicate payment of Registered Bill No. 1-8851. Council File No. 203851—By Milton � ' Rosen— • ' ' Whereas, Registered Bill No. 1-8851 , in the amount of $5.65, was issue _ covering damage done to a stop sf ;;i� at the southwest corner of F7anksox�•, � Street and E3amline Avenue by Sehicle driven by Edmund Car]son o� � 1VLay 3, 1961; and 1 , _ �Whereas, Payment of $5.85 has be bmitted by Edmund Carlsoa and b�yt his insurer, Farmers Mutuals; and Whereas,Edmund Cazlson and Farm=' ers Mutuals have been advised di this! dupllcate payment and have agreed� that Mr, Carlson should be reimbursed� \ for the amount of such duplicate pay-�, ment; now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Commissioner of j � Finance of the City of Saint Paul is ' hereby authorized and directed to issue' Ia check to Edmund Carlson, in the' , amount of $5.85, on account of the duplicate payment of Registered Bill • No. 1-8851. Adopted bq the Council September ' 12, i981. � Approved September 12, 1961. (September 16, 1981) SEP 12 1961 - ' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy � SEP 12 �g� Holland �/' ,�, � Approved 195— � . '� Mar�tt�i— ' . , Tn Favor 7 Mortinson �' . , ' ' „�.� Mayor . Peterson ' . , � Rosen gainst ^ _ �� • ;-�"� � ;,�i Mr. President, $�e� ��,�-�� , , � � .� � �-, 5M 2•57 ,�..2 M' ' , "�� r , �_ . . .,�, � _ � Dnpllcate to Printer ��38�1 �, ��.: - • - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WH�R��, Rc�gis�er�d 8�.13 No. 3�8851, ir� �h� ar�oun� oP �5•�5;� �rae i��u�d cov�ring da,�a,g� don� to �. �top �ign at the �ou�hx��t csq�ner o�' �'�a,nkaon 3tre�t �nd t�a�1�.n� l4v�nue by a veh�al� dri��n by �unci C�:rlson on l�y 3, 2961; anc� W��„ pay�en� a�' �5.65 ha� b��n �ubmi�ted by �c�m,un� �arl�on and by hia. �.n�urer, Fa,rm�rs l�utua7.�; anc� � WI�R�3, l�dntund Carl�or� and �'�,x�aae�s Ku�u�1� have been adv�.��d o�' tlai� clupl�.c�.t� pay��nt and Ma.ve agre�cl �k��t M�+. �arleon �h�uld , ri� x�imbur��c� f'or tl�e amount of �u�l� dup�.i�at� p�,ym�nt; now, ther�l'ore, b� �t A�34LVI�,p, �h�.t the Comm3s�ioner oP F�.nan�� of th� �it�r of �a,int Pau3 i� hereb�r autho�ized an�t �ir��ted to i��ue a �heck �o F�n�und �arl�on, �.n �he amo�nt o�' �5.65, nn �ceount of �h� c1up11aate �.yman� oa� �t�g�.�tered Bil�, �to. 1=�8��,. S EP 12196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays DeCourcy S E P 12 ��'� Holland��� Approved 195— �� �Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Q Mayor Rosen , A gainst Mr. President, D�x� v SM 2-57 .�,.2