203849 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK • '���A� "` " ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �� 's: �-' � FICE OF THE CITY CLERK � F"E �v COU L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � � PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONER ,. DATF�e��AIf1UBI' 12. 1�_ . , � f WI�REI�S, it is ne ce ssar� to replace the CROSSWALg on � � � t}� south side of FRONT STREET between Woodbridge � and Marion Streets, be it • RESOLVED, that tha Commissioner of Public Works be and he is h�eby authc�r ized and di rected to do this work at an. estimated cost of � 75.00, by City Forces, said cost to �,. . be ch�.rged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fun.d, code 3001, which Fund is to be reimbursed from the � City� s Share of Local I�nprovement Fund, Code 31E-1. � Council File" ,No. 203849—By Milton _ . Rosen— Whereas, It is necessary to replace the CROSSWAIS{ on the south side of FRONT STREET betaveen Wood- . bridge and Marion Streets, be it Resolved, That the Commissioner of � Public Works be and he is hereby . -� , `" authorized and directed to do this work at an estimated cosY<.of $75.00, . by City Forces, said cost to be charged �to the Permanent Improvement Re- volving'Fund, code 3001, which Fund is to be reimbursed from the City's. 'Share of Local 'Improvement Fund; Code 31E-1. . ' • � Adopted by the Council�September � 1�12, 1961. ,- Approved September 12, 1961. (September 18, 1981) i: � , ' R f . !" . / ;', � SEP. 121961 l � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays S E P 1 21� � DeCourcy � Holland Approved 19— � Loss - Tn Favor •� . Mortinson � Peterson . �� ; Mayor Rosen gainst , , Mr. President, Vavoulis "` SM u-ai s DUrLICATE TO rRINTlR ������ �' " CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �- '° OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E N �F�� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY September ZL�� 19�1. COMMISSIONER„ DATF WHERr:A3, it ie neQeasary to replace tha CROSSWAI,g on the south aide of FRONT STR�ET betReen Woodbr3dge end �a.ri0n Street�, be it RESOLVID, that the Commiasioner of Publia Worka 'be and he is h�eby autharised and directed to do thia work at an �stimated co�t of � '�'j.00, by City Foreea, sQid eost to be 'char�ed to the Perraanent Tm�rovement Revolving Fund� Qode 3001, �uhioh Fund is to bo reimbnrs�d �rom the City� s Share of Local Tmprovemen� Fund, Gode 31E-1. �EP 1 � �g61 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays veCourcy SEP 12 1961 Holland Approved 19— Loss n Favor Mortinson Peterson v Mayor Rosen A gainat Mr. President, Vavoulis eM G-G1