203824 -an C. n a �d�lnnl to� Council Flle No. 203824—By Severin A. ������ �Ckrk Tv Mortinson— 1�r•� ' C�1 1 �F ST. Resolved, By the Council of the : �- ,City oE Saint Paul, .that upon the Q, � , •C� I t OFFICE OF THE CI recommendation of the Commissioner ��' oE Librarles, Auditorium, Museums and � COUNCIL RESOLUTION— ofaOrd�aance Noan11022 pe�'r�g to � charges,for rental for the Municipal PRESENTED BY �Stadium, that the concourse of the COMMISSIONE Municipal Stadium is hereby rented to John W. Mitchell, Jr. ior the sale oE Christmas trees Yor the period November 22, 1981, through December 29, 1961, subject to the following terms, provisions and conditions: ' i S.T�-'1 ;'�Q�FEP..JO]�—�-'r�.l�4^i?ra-� J?'-� �4� . a•' tc RESOLVED, by the Counc3l of the Gity of Saint 'Pa`�.1, � that upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium, Museums and' Stadia and pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 11022 pertaining to charges for ren�al for the Munic3:pal Stadivm, that the aoncourse of the Muriicipal Stadium is hereby rented to John W. Mitchell, Jr. for the sale of Christmas �rees for the period November 22, 1961, thro�gh December 29, 1961, sub�ect to the following terms, provisions and conditions: • 1. �he lessee, John W. Mitchell, Jr., shall pay to the Commissioner of L3.braries, 9udi�o�ium, Museums and 5tadia, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, the sum of �1,000.00 as rent for the use of the concourse at the Municipal Stadium for the aforesaid sale of Ghristma.s trees for the period November 22, 1961, through December 29, 1961, the aforesaid payment • of �1,000.00 to be made on or before December 29, 1961; 2. �he lessee shall pay the City for the cost of all utilities used for the period of his� occupancy at the Municipal Stadium; 3. ?n addition to �the rental of the concourse, ' and as a part of this rental arrangement, the lessee shall be entitled to store Christma.s trees in the bleaaher section and on the gravel traak at the Stadium beginning as of the 6th day of November, 1g61; �+. 2'he lessee shall clean up all of the areas uaed by h3.m in connection with the aforementioned Christma.s tree operation by December 29, 1961; 5. The lessee �shall furnish to the City of Saint Pai.il a copy o� a policy of insurance issued to said lessee and the City of Saint Paul as �oint-insureds, which poliey shall provide for public liabil3.ty insurance COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— �� Yeas Nays DeCourcy ' Holland Approver� 195— Marzitelli Tn Favor . Mortinson Peterson � • Mayor A gainst Rosen _.. - -- Mr. President,Dillon 5M 2-57 �,.2 .~�,\`�_ ������ o=i�ai�cir�ci��� • - _�'r;�•, ,��; ' CITY OF ST. PAUL F OE NCIL NO. r ':� '' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE� DATF 2 coverage for a11 da.mages arising out of bodily in�uries to or death of one �person, anci sub�ect to the sa.me limit for each person in a total a.mount of not less than �300,000.00 on account of any one accident, and proper�y da.mage inauranae in an amount of not less than �25,000.00 for damages to or destruction of property in any one aceident� and sub�ect to that total limit per accident, and ' further sub�ect to a total in said amoun'� for all � damages to or destruction of property durin� the � policy period. The poliay of insurance provided for hereby shall be sub�eet to the approval of the Corporation Counsel, and upon approval by him shall be filed with the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul; 6. The lessee sha11 furn3.sh to the City of Sa.int Pau1 a surety bond in the a.mount of $2,500.00, guaranteeir�g complianee w3th all of the terms, provisions and con- ditions contained in this resolution; which bond shall .b e , sub�ect to the approval of the Corporation Counsel, and upon approval by_-him,shall be filed w3.th the Comp�oller - of the City of Saint Paul; � 7. The agreement contemplated by this resolution shall be effeetive upon the filing by John W. Mitchell, Jr. of a letter directed to the Ci�y Clerk, agreeing to be bound by the terms, provisions and conditions -of this resolution, together witY� the filing of the poliey of insurance arad bond here3nbefore provided for with the � Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paul. and be it FIIRTI�ER RESOLVED, That John W. Mitehell, Jr. shall have until the 25th day of September, 1961, in which to file with the City the - aforesaid letter, insurance and bond. SEP 81969 . � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Y s Nays � DeCourcy ��P � �'�61 Holland Approved 195— Marzitelli ' ''� n Favor . � Mortinson : Peterson � , Mayor . Rosen gainst Mr. President, Dillon PU��.vs� � — /�— I� �/ " 5M 2-57 �.,2 �� � << . .� � � � OHN W. MITCHELL Firet Federal Bldg., 2nd Floor 6th and Cedar �T. PAIIL 1, NIINNESOTA September 11, 19b1 Agnes H. Gl t Connell City Clerk City of S.t. .Paul Court House S�. Paul 2, Minnesota Fidelity , Dear Madams and S u r e t I have read the Council �esolution G� 20382l� y reguarding my rental of Midway Stadium. Said B 0[Ids conditiona o� resolution are understood and I'll endeavor to see to it a11 said desires are met hoping a renewal of same in coming years. Wi kindest reguarda, . , JC�Hnf W. NlITCHELL� J#t. � JWl�ism�h - 1 0 N E O F A M E R I C A'S O L D E S T 5 U R E T Y C 0 M P A N I E S . , o . - ` � John W. Mitchell Agency 212 First Federal Bldg. ST. PAU'L, MII�TNE80TA � ������ . / f�, f � � C��2� '� �'�-�-� � � �.: � .f � ��� . Fidelity 4 � _ �. a n d �,����,�,� � �"/ G.."" � Surety ' / Bonds , � , . � , � . / . . . C�c,,.•. "4 ` G� /��./ . � � . . /�""`'� �'�`� � � 3 �" � A ` , �� ����`�����/ -� `� /�w �C;2`.��G , . (/� � 1 �2�� ) . , � ���C.+� y�,�-! / , .i��y'�� � � 0 N E O F A M E R i C A'S O L D E S U R E 0 M N I E S � �� � , , . , ' ' ' . � . � , . � . - -7 � 3 � � r . �._._. � � Saint Paul� Minnesota. sept. 11, 1961. To the Honorable, the City Council Saint Pau1, Minnesota. Gentlemen and Madam: We, the undersigned petitioners, hereby accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of C nc 1 File No. 203824, adopted by the Council on September 8, 961 . � , '< � ORIGINAL CITY OF° 3AINT PAUL To PAYOR . � OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER � r RECEIPT N° 1236 . _ �-� `� ,�� . - RECEIVED OF $ tao FOR c��V�/��-�.',�,-cA_ . ' �"""� � ��fi�/�.. �" � t � ��.�_�-��-o . ��--�� � � �� ,���3 �v � CITY COMPTROLLER e� F� �� BY ORIl31NAL - CITY OR �AINT PAUL TO PAYOFt , ' , OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER � ' - - - — r RECEIPT N° 1237 . t . . ����' � 1g/ RECEIVED OF � too � j � ` FOR �%� - �../ --�� 1,�0 .��� �/ CITY COMPTROL ER � � soa Fs� a�Q BY