203823 "` Council Flle No. 203823—By �Milton ���n('��
- ' Rosen— p�,-/
ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK " � ' Whereas, By authority of the Laws l.J�•d
•� -�� ��' of Minnesota£or the year 1959, Chapter COUNCIL
330, H. F. No. 217 and ratiHed by C. F. FILE N�•
OF 192216, approved May 7,�1959, the City
of St. Paui may pay a portion o! the
UNCIL cost of Sidewalk Construction, when RM
� such costs exceed the beneflts to the
property owner, and
PRESENTED BY- � � Whereas, It has been determined
COMMISSIONE that the Parcels of Property herein- S'}.,+'P�T�',i ER 8 1 �1
after outlined be relieved of the follow-
ing amounts of assessable costs. for
sidewalk construction:
. North 50 feet of Lots 14 & 15,
Block 5, Wann's Addition . j 121.48
7 r•µa_&:=•4e-�e•�`l-%��an„�eet_,,��� _
VPH.�REAS, by authori ty of tl� I,aws of i�qinne sota f c� t he year 1959�
Chapter 330, H. F. No. 217 and ratified by C.F. 192216, approved
May 7, 1�59, the City of St. Paul may pay a portion of the cost
of Sidewalk Construction, z��hen such costs exceed tl� benefits to
th� property owner, and
�REAS, it has been determined that the Parcel� of Property here-
inafter outlined be relieved of the following amoun.ts of assessable
- costs for sidewalk construction:
North 50 feet of Lots 11�. & 15, Block 5,
VPann� s Addition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �121.�8
Lot 11� & the southwes t �0 fee t of Lot 15,
Block 9, Birminghamts Addition . . . . . . . . 271,52
Southwe�t �0 feet of Lot 16 & (Fxc. the West
7th. St. abutting) Lot 17, Block 9, Birmingham� s . �
�.th. Addition . . . . . . � . , . . , . . , 257•61
Lo t 2, Bl o ck 10, Bi rmingham� s 1�th. Addi ti on . . 218.8L{_
r.-�--.-- -
Lot 9, Block 1, Davern� s Rear: of Block��.,5, &6
of Legington Park Plat 10 . . . . . . . . . . 1 .1
TOTAL � 1,013.60, and
WF�REAS, tY�a total costs for which relief is asked is � 1,013.60, now
RESOLVED, that the `Comiiiissioner -o�f Public Works be and he is hereby
authorized artl directed to pay from the Permanent Improvement
Revolving Fund Code 3001, tha non-assessable portion of the co sts of
Sidewalk Construction in the amount of � 1,013.60, done under the
1959 Sidewalk Contract L-6087, District No. 2, Levy No. 7, said
Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund to be reimbur9ed from the
Local Improvement Fund CODE 3�-1, (1961) .
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council SEP 8 196is—
Yeas , Nays �
DeCourcy • S E R $ 1��
Holland � Approved 1g—
�In Favor
Peterson Mayor
Rosen �--Against ��/
Mr. President, Vavoulis ��(,JBLISI3�D �
SM (1-(il
OUrUCATC TO rRINTHR � ` ���g23
� � ` CITY OF ST. PAUL , FoENCi� NO.
@PHEREAS, by author3ty of �i� Lawa of Minne�o�a fa� the ye�.r 1959s
Chapter 330, Ht Ft Not 217 and ratified by C�.F. 192216f approved
May 7, 19�9, tl� City of St. Paul may pay a portion of the aoet
of Sidewalk Con$truation� �hen euah coeta eaaeed t}� benefi�� to
t 1� pro pe r ty owner, a nd
VVHEF��B, it hae been de�er�nined that the Parcel� of Proparty here-
inafter outlined be relieved of the folloxing amount� of �seesaabZe
costs for $ider�slk aon�truation:
North 50 feet of Lote 11.}. & 1 , Bloak ,
5 5 ��2i.48
W�nn�e Addition . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lot 1�. & tbe southAeet �.0 feet of Lot 15,
Block 9, Birmingham� s Addition . . . . . . . . 2?1,52
South�►e�t 1�0 Feet of Lot 16 & (�xo. the west
7th. 3t. abutting) Lot 17, Block 9, Birm3nghamt�
�.th. Addition . . , . . . . � � , . , . � 25�.61
Lot 2, Block 10, Birmingham�� I�th. gddition . . 218.8�.
Lot 9, B1ock 1, Davernis Rear; o� Bloak �,5, dc6
of Leaington Park P1at 10 . . . � . . . . . . 1 .l
" TOTAL � 1,013.60, ancl
WHBREAS, t}a� total coat� far whieh rel3ef ia a$ked is � 1,013.60, no�r
RES OLVBD, that the C ommi s si oner o f Pub1i Q Work�s be en d he i a her e by
suthorized ard direated to pay from �Ghe Permar�ent Tmprovement
Revolving Fund Code 3001, tha non-asaesa�ble portion of the coata of
Sidewa7.k Construc ti on in the amount of � 1�013,60, done under the
1959 Sidewulk Contract L-6087, Di�triat Ao� 2, Levy No. 7, said
P�rmanent Improvement Rsvolv3ng Fund to be reimbur�ed from the
Loaa1 Improvement Fund CODE 3�.E-1, (Z961) .
SEP 8 1961
. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
DeCourcy �EP 8 ����
Iiolland � '• Approved 19—
n Favor
Mortinson �
Peterson Mayor
�tosen �gainst
Mr. President, Vavoulis
6M (j�j]