203819 ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK ' .,_ ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �� �� 9 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO.—.� �� . ��N� ��� COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENER�4L FORM PRESENTED BY � f) � �� ��� L COMMISSIONER� L�� , ���.��"`�"�- .�.� DATE September 8, �.9C71 W�REAS: Anthony J. Crea, Domini.ck Cotroneo, and Dean C. I,arsen desire to � withdraw Applicat�on G-►�012 for �n Sa1e L3.quor L�cense at 615 IIniversity Avenue and request the return of the license fee deposi.ted thereon, therefore, be �t RF,SOLVID: That the proper c�ty officers be and they are hereby author�zed to , ref�tnd to Arrthony J.� Crea, Dominick Cotroneo, and Dean �. La.rsen the pro-rated fee of $ 750.Q0 posted by them and to cancel said application for license. - . � �--,:- Councll Flle 1�Io.203819—By Mrs.Donald� M. DeCourcy—Robert F. Peterson— ' - Milton Rosen— ' Whereas, Anthony J. Crea, Dominick �� . � Cotroneo, and Dean C. Larsen desire - to withdraw Application G4012 for On Sale Liquor License at 615 University Avenue and request the return, of ' the license fee deposited thereon, , therefore, be it - � Resolved, That the proper city offi- �cers•be_and_they aze hereby authorized to refund to Anthony J.Crea,Dominick , _�.�-.- Cotroneo, and Dean C. Larsen the, " " pro-rated fee of$750.00 posted by khem ' and to -cancel said application for� license.. �T��w� Adopted by the Council September 8,' c���> -� --: �98�. j t,,, '� ��Apyroved September 8, 1961. .t, (September 16, 1961) A.J.�670 E. Nbaztana. Ave. DC-Z1g0 E. 6th St. D.C.I,...1614 Du].uth St: , . , SEP 81961 COUNCI�.,MEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays , DeCourcy SEP $ �9�� Holland , App oved 19— Loas ' n Favor ` Mortinson Peterson Mayor R,osen , gainst , Mr. President, Vavoulis ' aM G-01 -