203818 -• - � BE30LIITIONS
� _• �ORIGINAL TO CITY_�'LS�RK � ��^
� ' CITY OF ST. co��� Fne No. zo�sls—s9 s��a NO 0
� , OFFICE OF THE Resoovea�nat, � proposed, �a 8g
COUNCIL OLUTION recommended by the Valuation En�-
� � neer, all controversies represented y
the pending Appeal by Donald M.'Grllz
PRESENTED BY to the Ramsey County, Minnesota,
COMMISSIONE oi Damage�as ra�at�ia onAawrniea
— --------- !i�this Co cll's P,;1oS_.Eesnli�ti�p,.��.
. , �ti.- -.. ,.
_ � .
RE�OLVED, tha.t, as proposed, and �.s recorrmended by the �ialization
Ehginesr, �11 controversies represented by the pending Appeal by �onald M.
Grilz to the Ramsey County, Nlinnesota, i}fstrict Court, �rom that certain
�ward o� Damages, �s ratified :and confirmed by this Council�s prior
Resolution, C. F. No. 2017I1,., approved �pri.l 2Z, 1961, for the condemnat�on
,and taking by the City of S�,i,nt P;a.ul, for Flood Contro]. ;and rel�.tled purposea,
of �. portion of the following described land:
"Lots one (1), two (2) anrl three (3)� Block one (1),
M�.rshall's Ad.dition to West Saint P,a.uZ, together with
the parcel of land ad.�oining said Iots on the North
lying �rlthin the extended �Tester].y line of said Lot
three (3)� and th�e exten�ded �a.,sterly Zine of said Lot
� . one (1) �nd between said line� eartended to the Mississippi
River, �ccora�ing to the plat thereof on file and of record
in the office o£ the Register of Deeds in ,and for Ramsey �
County,' Minnesota.,n
particularly de�cribed in said prior Resolution �.nd cert�,i.n permanent and '
temporazy easements affecting the same :and particularly described in said
prior Resolution, be and the same hereby shall be ftiilly and forever settled
�.nd compromised by the increase of said �ward of Dam�.ges from �15,Q00 to
�27,500 .and the �.pplication of the same as so increased to the hereinaboee '
described lands eacept the following portion of the ssame owned �nd held, in
fee simple by said City of Saint Paul presently �.nd �.t the time of said
condemnation and taking, to-sai.t: .
' "�il.l. land, �.ccretions .and increments accruing tl�ereto,
3�#r��:b�tii�er��the wester�,y line of State Street produced
and the we�ter3,y line of Lot 2, Block I, M�r�hall's
�ddition to West �t. P.�n1 pro�tzced and north�resterly of
� the fo7lowing described land: '
. "Co�nencing,for the purpose of describing the point of .
beginning, at �. monument located in the northea.st corner
' of Block 6, Ma,rshall's �dc�.tion to West St.� P:a.u7.� thence
on a line which beara N. 82°35' �•, a dist�nce of 516.3 `
feet, thence N. 30°56t W., a distance of 100 feet,
COUNCILMEN " Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays � �
DeCourcy �
Holland ��� ' � -Approved 19_
Tn Favor
Mortinson �
, A gainst
Rosen -
Mr. President, Vavoulis `-
SM (j�jj
" �� �" ; CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO.������
:�. .
thence N. b3°4o� E., a di.�tance of T75 feet, thence N.
66�33' E. on a str.aj.ght line to its intersection with
the wE�tsrly line of Lot 2, Block 1� Marshal7.'s .�ddition •
to West St. P�.u�. pro�luced� being the point of beginning,
` thence N. 66°33T E. to the westerly line of State Street
produced, being part o� the a.ccretions and increments
accruing to Lots I ,and 2� Block 1, Marshallts �ddition
to West St. P�ul� �.ccor�di.ng to the plat thereof on file
and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in
�nd for Ramsey Golznty, Minnesota,"
on �ccount o� said condemnation �.nd taking of such porti.on of said herein�above
described l�nd and such permanent .and temporaxy easements affecting °sa�d�.3'ai��,
by sai�. Cit�r; and
R�OLV� FIJRTAER� that such increase in said ,��rd o� Damages from
�15,000 to �27,500 �.ccox�r7ingly is made .�.nd �11 pertinent �ssessment Ro71s
,and public records reflective of the same axe accordingly $mended , provided
and sub3ect to the conditions, that the written :�ccept�a.nce of this Resolution
by sa.id �ppellant sha11 be filed wi-th th� City Clerk not later than five (5)
days next :after the ad.option of thi� Resolution, s,nd tha.t s�.id pending �ppeal
from said �ward of Da,mages as heretofore ratifi.ed and cctif�rmed �as afore�aid,
sha11 be dismissed with pre�udice within aaitl five a�a,y pariod.
. SEP 81961
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19�
Yeas Nays �
DeCourcy 8 ��S'�
Holland pproved ��� 19—
n Favor
- Mortinson
� Peterson Mayor
R,osen Against
Mr. President, Vavoulis ����D J � � ��/
a�+ G-(i 1
' ""�����fvl�� � � CApital 4-4612
kuistarsk Valuation Engineer gUREAU OF VALUATIONS �
Valuation Technieian 286 Cify Hall
Saint Paul 2, Minnesota
' September 5, 1961
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
City of Saint Paul
Gentlemen and Mrs. DeCourcy:
In the matter of the appeal from the amount of damages awarded
to Donald M. Grillz, owne'r of Pier Foundry Company by the City
of Saint Paul for the acquisition of lands and easements required
for the flood control project in Lots l, 2, and 3, Block l,
Marshall's Addition to West Saint Pau1, please be advised that '
the writer has negotiated with the representative of said appel].�nt
and has reached an agreement with same to settle the appeal for the
sum of $27,500, which, in the opinion of the writer, is a fair
settlement for the City as well as for the appellant and the writer
recommends that the settlement be effective for the amount stated.
Very truly yours,
11�.J�.Cf l � �
Eltor A. Dehn
. Valuation Engineer
� �,