203810 Council Flle No. 203810t By Milton ('�o���o ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK Rosen— / S •�• .,; f. �a C� of�theeeGENER.LpSPEG�IFICATIONS COUNCIL ~� _ •• - OFFICE O applicable to all local �mprovements FILE N�• — awarded by this Counci� unless ex- �pressly waived, provides;rfor the pur- NCIL RESO�Pose of enforcing the pioyisions of all � ,..� guarantees incumbent,upon the Con- tractor, the retention�of' a RESERVE PRESENTED BY AMOUNT, tor the period of one cl>>TEMBER 1961 COMMISSIONE yeaz from the date oP,the Final Es-` 7� timate, and i- } � Whereas, The ent�re.�physical work� on the Yollowing contiacts was com- pleted well over one (1) year ago, al-' though the one year period Yrom the.` ' dates of the,final �stimates-1»:cP�--� � yo.r�K.�f..`.+r��.� .�f ---7rsi- -F�.� WHERE AS, Paragraph �1.63 of Se c ti ori 1 of the GENERAL SPEC IFICATIONS applicable to all local improvements awarded by this Council, unless expressly waived, providea, fcm the purpose of enforcing the pro- visions of all guarantees imaumbent upon the Contractor, the reten- tion of a RESERVE AMOUNT, for the period of one (1) year fro�. the date of t}a9 Final Estimate, and �VFIEREAS, the entire physical cvork on the following contracts was , completed well over one (1) year ago, although the one year period from the dates of the final e stimate s have, as yet, not expired, and no amounts� have been expended by the City for any ma.intenance , or repairs the reto, novu there fore, be it RESOLVED, that the RESERVE gBllOIINTS wit}aheld on the hereinaftar listed Projects, be released a.t triis time, to-wit: � Improvem�t No. Description Amount Completed L-6125-A Pave Jackson St, from N:aryland � Ave. to Arlington Ave. � 1,000.00 June 27, 1960 L-613o-A Pave Territorial Road from Ha.mpden to Raymond Avesue s � 5 00 .00 June 2, 1960 , � � � � _ L-6�66-A Pave Highland Parkway from . � , ' _ � Hamline Ave. to Edgcumbe ,Road � 500.00 July 11�., 1960 ' _ • L-�16�-A Pave. Fairview Ave. from Summ.it _.` � t - �.venue t o''Selby Avenue �� ?50:00 July 6, 1960 �t' � - r. ' _ . ' . - -_ __ . _ - ' _� � ar3.d; be ' it �, , , , _ -. ` _ -- ' , � _ - j' - _ ._; �• • ' . � • ' - Y � : , � � '—�` -�"�� `"F�7R'i'HIl�'-R�SQT;VE�D;'t}�.at' tYie�-Ashbach'�C�ori�truc ti�on`C ompany, contrac tor � . � for the foregoing Pro�ects, be and it is finallg released from these Contrac ts. � .. � � 7 a98� � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19� Yeas Nays 7 i��� DeCourcy ��� Holland Approved 1g_ Loss n Favor . � i1nvZ-Li!lAVaa�. Peteraon � Mayor Rosen A gainst _ / `nj_ � � � !`Z(O Mr. President, Vavoulis �U���" SM �_�1 '_ GU�LICATC TO rRINTlR „ 2o3v�o Y _,,. . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. . .•� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK : COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED EY � SEPTEMBER 7 �.96i COMMISSIONER DATE � WSERE;.�3,• Psra.gr�ph l..,b3 of Seation 1 of the aENER�,L SPECIFIGATZOI�S � applicable to sIl loQal improvementa awarded by thi� Gouncil, unlea$ eaprea�ly xaived; provicie�„ fo� the purpose of enforeing the pro- vi�3oas of al� guarantee+� i�sumbent upon the Gontraator, the reten� tion of Q RESFRVE A�SO'�7T, for the per3od of one (1) year from the � date of ths Final �stimate, and �FA3, tha ontire physiaal work on the following contraata ��,� completed well over ona (1) year ago, although the one �ear period from th�e dates of the final eatizlates b.ave, a,a yet, not eapired� and no ammunta have �been eapended by the Qity for any maintenence , or repaira �Yysreto, now �herefore� be it RESOLVED! that the RFSERSIE A�d0UVT3 withheld on the hereinafte� 13ated Pro�eate, be reZeased at thfa t2me, to-w3tt Improvemen� No. Description A.mount Completed .., __.__— L-612�-A Pave Jack�on 3�: from Maryland � �'ve. to Arlingtan A.ve. $ i,000.00 June 27y �960 L-6�3o-9 Pave Tarritorial Road from . Eampden to Raymond Avesue a � 5 00 .00 Jurie 2, 1960 L-6166-A Pave Highland Parkway from Hasline Ave. to Edgav.mbe Road � 50d.00 Ju1y 1L�., 1960 L-61(l�.*�A Paec� Fairvsew Ave. f�om Szu�mit gvenu� t o Se].by Avenue �► ?50.00 July b, 1960 and, be it FURTSFR R�SOLVED, that �,he Aehbaah Construction Oompang, contraator for the foregoir�g Pro�eote, be and it i� f3na11� releaaed from theae Contre,�t�. 71Q'�r1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council SEP 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy � 7 ���'� Holland Approved 19— Loss . . Tn Favor �,�,..�:.....,.°� • Mayor Peterson �Q Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis , � SM c-ci t