203801 , ORIGI(11y�L TO CITY CLERK '� • " . o ��!� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ����� ; ..,_ O F F I CE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONER DATE__ � 2 � damages and other compensation to which it may be � entitled under applicable law, federal or state, by reason of legal in�uries received i.a the course of acquiring said bleacheB; and be it FUgTHE13 �ESOLVID, That this resol.ution, in respect of the authorization thereby conferred upon said Attorney General constitutes a co.ncurrence with a similar resolution on the same subject adopted September 5, 1961, by said Board of Education and the req�.est therefor by the Corpora- tion Counsel of said City is endoreed thereon. The undersigned, as Corporation Counsel of said City of Saint Paul, hereby requests the adoption of the foregoing - resolution and assents to the gran.t of authority thereby conferred upon the Attorney General of the State of M e ta _��--��—��1 - , COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci���i�19— Yeas Nays ��p, � �� DeCourcy � Holland Approved 19— Loss V Tn Favor . ��n . Peterson � Mayor Rosen ' Against / / ,(/l// ���� /7(D Mr. President, Vavoulis � sM (i�i] /(f� DUPLICATE TO PRINTER : /��l�V��1 `,� .�,; � ,' � , , . CITY OF ST. PAUL FIO,EUNCIL NO. '� _ • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR�M�/ ,� PRESENTED BY �`�4 COMMISSIONER - - " DATF _ tiiHEABA�3, the City o#' Saint Pau1, a muniaipa� aorporation of the Co�nty oP Ra.ua�ey� State of i�.nne�o�a, aonstitutes a 3peaial 3ahool Distriet arid the Boarcl o� EduQation of the Cli�y of St, Pa�l, �rhiah, exeept as therein modified or other�ise prov�ded, by the Home �ule �harter of �aid City, since Januar� l, 1951; hag aonatitut�d a depart- ment oF said �ity empowered and authorized �o Bue and b� �ued� �nd progeQUte aet3ona to fina,l �udgmen� �.n; an�y aourt �.n it� name; par�ieuls,rly #'or breaQh of eontx�.cst, for moneys duey or fbr in�ury or �respaes, Qoncerning the publia $ahool� � of �aid Gity and all progerty �$ed there�'or and �heretinder hasy �ince 1955s aaq,uired aerta3n fo�ding gymna�ium bleacth;ers, �.neluding grandstands and rollora� �ymnasium �eats, for use in ita sahools; ar�d W�REA3; it appea.�s tha.t in the aaquiaition of $aid bleachers the Speaial Sahool Diatrict may ha.ve aaquired them, direQtly or i�direat3.y, from manufacturers aet�ng pureuarit to and �.n furtheranoe o� a aombina.tion and aon�piracy in restraint of interBtate aommeree or otherpriae in viQlation of the anti-• trus� lawe of the United Stateg �ith re�sul�ing Pinanaial ' in�ury and los� to the Speeial Sahool Distriat; and WH8REA3, the Attos�ne� (ieneral of Minneeota, aeting in his offia�.al QapaQity to proteQt and �ur�her the legal intere$ts oF the State and it� politiaal �ubdivi�iona, has offered to aat as the leg,al repreaentative 4f this 3peaial 3chool Distriat in aonneation xith theee matteres at no expense to the 3pecf,al Sahool Dimtriat� now� theret`ore, be it � RBSOLVED, Tha� WALTER F. MONDALE, Attorney t�eneral of the State of Mtnnesota,, is hereby at�tho�rized by agid 8peai8.1 -` Sa�ool D3strict, aating i��t�.and.tY�rvugh �his eounail aa �he governing bo�y of eaid Ci�y of Saint Paul, to take a,ny and _ all legal aQtion and proaeedings that h� may deem appropriate to reaover for eai� $pegial �ahool Distriat suah mon�tary ' „ ,r � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 19— �sg In Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 6M (j-(jl )I UPLICATE TO PRINTHR �J �a��a1 �;�� .' _ . . . CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. � �� = OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE 'T 2 '- damages and dther compensetf.an to whia�i S� may be er�titled under epplicable lax �ederal or state! b� ' ressox� of lega1 �n,�uries rece�.ved �n �he opur�e of aaqu�.ring said bl�aahen; an.d be it , . . FO�THE� EE3pL�ED, Ths� th�a resc�lution, in respeat � of the authori�e�io.n thereby aonf�rred upon sa3d A�torney aeneral aonstitute8 a conaurrence xitYt a simi�.ar resolution on the same sub�eet adopted September 5: 1961, by ffia�d � Board Q� Eduaat�on and the reque$t �herefor by th� Cprpora.:. ' tion Cq�ns�el o� $aid Ci�yr i� �ndoreed thereon. . The undersigned, a� .Corporatidn Cow�.�ael of sai,d �ity of Saint Fau1� hereby request$ the adoptS.on b#' the foxegoing resolution arld aesents �o the gran� of au�hority thereby aonferred �tpon t�e Attorne� �eneral of the Sta�e of � Minneevta � s�P 7 ag� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy �E� 7 �JJ� Holland � Approved 1g_ �ss Tn Favor �e�tinsoxi—. Peteraon � Mayor A gainst R,osen Mr. President, Vavoulis 8 M (i-(t I f ? . • _ - ` t ORIGINsI.TO CITY CLERK � �!-� Council Flle No. 203801—By George J. �0���� ���.• Vavoulis, mayor— �" , - , �. . CITY OF ST. whereas, The c�ty of s�t pa,�, � " a municipal corporation of the County N�• OFFICE OF THE �f Ramsey, State of Minnesota, con- �. „_,_ �stitutes a Special Schoo�,District and, . � OUNCIL RESOLUTION �1e B°era of Educatioa of u�e c�Ty of St. Paul, which, except as therein � �Eiome Rule Chart rsofPsaid Cityb since PRESENTED BY Janua COMMISSIONE partmentlof said City empowered and — — ---- = authorized to sue and be,,.s�ae:�r �d prosecute actiop� h .4+t�' t i_ •� �.1 any,ro�,r,c•�r-,;.- �a�,'d ar�, �" - o� •t,T WI�REAS, the City of Saint Pata1, a municipal corporation of the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, constitutes a Special School District and the Board of Education of the City of St. Paul, which, except as therein modified or otherrnrise provided, by the Home Rule Charter of said City, since January 1, 1951, has` constituted a depart- ment of said City empowered and authorize�drto sue and be � sued, and prosecute actions to final �udgment in any court � in ita name,. particularly for breach of contract, for moneys ; due, or for in�ury or trespass, concerning the public schools , of said City and all property used therefor and thereunder 'I has, since 1955, acquired certain folding g,ymnasium bleachers, i including grandstands and rollout g,ymnasium seats, for use � in itsschools; and WHEREAS, it appears that in the aequisition of said bleachers the Special School District may have acquired them, directly or indirectly, from manufacturers acting pursuant to � and in �urtherance of a combination and conspiracy in restraint I of interstate commeree or otherwise in violation of the anti- trust laws of the ITnited States with resulting financial in�ury and loss to the ,Special �Sahool District; and WHEREAS, the Attorney General of Minnesota, acting in his offieial capacity to protect and further the legal � interests of the State and its political subdivisions, has offered to act as the legal representative of this Special Sehool District in connection with these matters, at no � expense to the Special School District; now, therefore, be it i � RESOLVED, That WALTER F. MONDALE, Attorney General of i the State of Minnesota, is hereb�r authorized by said Special School District, acting �,�;�ancl:�hrough this Council as the govern3ng body of said City of Saint Paul, to take any and iall legal action and proceedings that he may deem appropriate ,� to recover for said Special School District sucY� monetary i COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � DeCourcy � Holland Approved 1g.— I i Loss � Tn Favor I Mortinson 1 Peterson Mayor ! A gainst Rosen �i _ Mr.' President, Vavoulis gM c-��i I � � I i � BSzt�Copy to Corporation Coanael . '` - • ' BOARD OF EDUCATION FO ERD No. �� J � ST. PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2 O �j' �p / � � ��-w- RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1 3 a �� DATE , � � ��.�� � ���� � ����� �� � ���� ����� ��`' ��� ��� � � ���:�. .�� � �����. ����� � ���� ��� ������� �� � � �� . ����� �" �� ���` �' ��� �� ��i�� � �#�+1� ���`���: �° ����� �,���-+r� - �° � �� ���r �'' ��� �;���, ��� ����� � ����. � ������ � �� �� �� � ��.� ���� ��� ��� ��t�� � � �� � � � ��� ��� � r�.� �.�;.� � �� ��► �, �:�� �_,� ������ �`� ��s� �° ���� �'r� m�n.e�� �� � �'� ��� � ���� ���� � ���� ��� � �� ��.� �� �� ��� � �� �� ���.� ��. �� ���� ��� � ���� ��� � ��� ����� ����' ����� � ���� ��� ���. �� �� � ��� ���� �� �i��� �� � � ���� � � ������ �� �s�.� ����� �� ����� ���� ��.���.�� �� ��� ��� ���� ��s�� � �������� � �.x�`��� ���� �� '� � 3� ��� ��" � ������ �� ���� �i �t��� � ������ �� � ������ �� ������ �' ��� ����� �� ��� � �� �.� ��� ����, ������ ����� �� iQ � � �� � � ��� ���� ������� � , ����.�. �'� ����� �y�y �� �����y ����� � ��� .�"���4��'� �d1E�7dt�'Er;� '�fM`_��-X?Yt�.K� �.r� ��' ��lis �y�r�. � i �',�#� �` � ���� � ��"c.�`r �=�'�i'��� ���'�'�`��.�� �a .�� �`'�'��� � ��� �� ��� ����., ���?�1��3�� �`' ����:������ ���. ���� �� ���� ���� �� ����� �� � . , ��� � �� ����� ��. �����.� , �''�� ���i.�`+�� ;`� � ����� �.� ���"s �"�► �i���� ���'��� �cs�� � � ��'�:� ��` �������� �� �� ��'���� � � ��� ���� ����� ��_����� ����� ���� �� ��� �� ������ �ar�► �` ���� �r �� ` �� � �� ���� � � � � � � �:�� � � �� ���r��. :. � ��� ��" �,� ��� . - ���� �� � ��� �� ��' ��!�'�� '� �� �� �� '� ���� �� +������ �x�� �`�� � ���� � �'+�� �' �� ���� ���� � , � �+�y�. � ��� . rr��� ��( a �' ��r��� � �� ���Y���, ���� �:IR � �af �l�' ��Af/ �R�+ � �� � 1��� ��M ��� a�� ��"'�''�`� � � '� '�����.4�`P��.�� 195— � `y . � , President,Board of Education 04�►� � " � Superintendent of Schools isso e-s6 �� . � . . � .. , . � `� ' ~ THE SAiNT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS 61D CITY HALL 3AINT PAUL 2, MINNE90TA August 22, 1961 OFFICE OF • ASSI9TANTSUPERINTENDENT BUSINESS AFFAIRS � Mr, Robert J. Swords � City Attorney ' 316 City Hall .St. Paul 2, Minn. Dear Mr. Swords: ` Attached is a letter from Attorney General , Walter F. Mondale which is self explanatory. If we do enter into this action, it would have to be approved at the next board meeting September 5. May I have your assistance in determining our role in this matter. � Sincerely yours, - �'h�'�� . o M. Gran Assistant Superintendent Business Affairs JMG:rt att: , ��