203793 � r �1 ORIGINAL TO CITY CIERK + ' • /, t ���� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '�' � •-�- ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . F��E �;NO. _ ' " • OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' � � , " � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF SEPTERRBER 7� 19�1. Wf�REA.S, in the matter of the constructing of a Sidewalk and necessary Storm Draina$e in PRTOR �VENTTE from Return Court to Worcester ,Avenue, be it RESOLVED, that �he Plans and Spe cifi cations as submitted for the . above n.amed Improvement be and the same are hereby approved and ti�e Commiss3oner of Public VPorks be and he is hereby direct- ed to do the work at an estimated cost of � 1,136.00 by City Forces, and that the City Purchasing ggent� proceed to secure the necessary materials, and be it FIIRTHER RESOLVED, that ths cost of the above Improvement including Engineering and Inspection e$penses a.mountin� to � 11�.00, making a total cost of � 1,250.00 be charged to the Permanent Improve- ment Revolving Fund, Code 3001, which Fund is .to be reimbursed from t�a.e City�s Share of Local Tmprovement Fund, CODE 31E1. � Council FIIe No. 203793 — By Milton • Rosen— � Whereas, In the matter o! the con- structing of a Sidewalk and necessary Storm Drainage in PRIOR AVENUE from Return Court .to Worcester Ave- nue, be it - � _. .., , ' Resolved, That the Plans and Spec- iflcations as submitted for the above named Improvement be and the same are hereby approved and the Commis- sioner of Publlc Works be and he is � ' hereby directed to do the work at an esrimated cost oP $1,138.00 by City Forces, and that the City Purchasing Agent proceed to secure the necessary materials, and be it Further Resolved, That the cost of the above Improvement including En- gineering and Inspection expenses amountin to g114.00, making a total ' � cost of �1,250.60 be charged to the � P e r m a n e n t Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 3001, which Fund i5 to be � reimbursed from the City's Shaze of � I.ocal Improvement k�nd, CODE 31E1. Adopted by the Councii September 7, � 1961. • • ! App�oved September 7, 1961. � (September 9, 1981) � SEP 7 a9�t � � COUNCILMEN + , Adopted by the Councii 19� Yeas Nays S�p � ���1 DeCourcy Holland Approve 1g— _ � � `� � ,_ Tn Favor Mortinson> V Peterson � Mayor A gainst Rosen ,_: � Mr. President, V�ve�is� sM G-G1 GUrLICATE TO PRINTER �`�-- 203'�93 y;� i, CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ^ J COMM SS�IONER ' pATE SEPTEMBER 7: �.96�. VPHEREAS, in the matter of the construating of a Sidex�lk and neaeseery 3torm Drainege in PRIOR AVPNUE from Return Court to Woraester Av�nue, be it , RESOLVED, that the P�,ans and Specificatioae a� subm9.tted for �he sbove named Improvement 'be an8 the same are hereby approved and the Commisaioner of Pub11c �Porka be and he ia hereby direct- ed to do the work at an e�timated cost of � �,136.00 by Cit� Foraea� and that the City Purchasing Agent proceed to aeaure the neQe�t�ary materiale, ar� be it , FURTHER R�;30LVEDy �hat tha cost of th�e above Improvement including Engineering and Tn�pection eapenses amounting to � 114.00, makin� a total coet of � 1,250.00 be char�ed to, the Permanent Improve- ment Revolving Fund, Code 3001, which Fund is to be reimbursed from t,he City�a Shar� of Local Improvement Fund, C011E 3Z£l. �E� 71S6i COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays s�{� 7 ��� DeCourcy Holland Approved 19— _I'°,� � Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor � A gainst R,osen Mr.._Pres�d�it, avou is sM G-Gl