203772 • Z ' Council File No. 20377�By Robert F. �����(�
ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK ' ���,...� Peterson— /
CITY OF ST. PAUL � �ereas, Tfie Board of Education �e�
of the City of �Sgaint Paul requested
� . � -� • OFFICE OF THE CITY C sai�PPa i�'��i fo rbids foreall bor
. C U CIL RESOLUTION—GEN �material and services necessary to
move one portabie school classroom
- � building from one site, Sibley School,
J PRESENTED BY to .�:nther, Marshall Jr. High School;
and •— ,The Purcha^',�a Agent, on
— — --- Whereas.+' occasl�r;;��-_�' for in-f
two separate '.�AtI' ,Jais ca�eu'��,:t for
formal bids r�Lu'�%e to a contrac�y,
�� '�S� the Board of Edu the equtpment anfl servtces as heretn�,
SS'lYlt Paul requested the Purchasin.g a whereascrOn eacli occasion only one
bid was received,�and in each instance'
Saint Paul to cal7. for bids for all �nat bid W� submitted b the x. w.�
� services neeessar t0 IIIOVe OYle �Prodger Company, on ic�entical b�ds�
y portc`of $1,400.00, although on each call for
informal bids a number of companies 11
building from OI1@ Sl�",e� S7.b�.@y SCYlO(otlier than x, w. Proa er company
Jr. Hi h School• 821(�, were askefl to submtt b�as; ana
� f i Whereas,The onset�of the school year -
'has created an emergillency where failure
o�the City �t the Board of Eaua t on
�THEEEAS� the Pnrchas ing A � not permitted to accept the bid of
OCCaS1021S called for informal bids the sole bidder anfl, in conseQuence
thereof, the Boazd at its meeting on
for the equipment S,IZ(�, services a,S' h August 15, 1961, recommended award and,
of the coatract to the sole bidder H.W.
Prodger Company, at its bid price
, of $1,400.00;
�'�w�� 011 each OCCaSSJ.0I1 Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that ,
the Council of the City of Saint Paul, •
ceived, and in each instance t"i�13�"i �J upon the wr�tten consent and recom- @
mendation of the ,Boazd of Education,
H. �. Prodger Company, �IZ identical as set forth in Board of Education Flle 1.—
3558 on August 15, 1981, hereby author-
though 011 each call f or inf ormal bi �es the proPer city ot�lctals to enter �.@,S
into a contract with the Ii.W. Prodger �
other t,�21 �:�:�W,-.`'P�odger Company WG Company for necessary moving of one dS�
� and Portable school classroom building from
_ one site, Sjbley School, to another,
Marshall Jr. High School, ior the sum
of �1,400.00.
, WHEFiEAS� the o.nset Of tYle 19 ldopted by the Council September 8, ted
821 emeror e21C�r where failure ti� 8C�i Approved September 6, 1961.
b J P (september s, issl)
in�ury to the City if the Board of itted
to accept the bid of the sole bidder and, in conse quence
thereof, the Board at its meeting on August 15, 1961, recom-
mended award of the contract to the sole bidc�er H. W. Prodger
Company, at its bid price of �l,�1-00.00;
NOW, THESEFOFiE, BE IT gESOLVED that the Coun.cil of
the City of Saint Paul, upon the written consent and recom-
mendation of the Board _of Education, as set forth in Board
. of Education File 355$ on August 15, 1961, hereby authorizes
the proper City officials to enter into a contract with the
� H. W. Prodger Company for necessary moving of one portable
school classroom building from one site, Sibley School, to
another, Marshall Jr.�'High School, for the sum of �1,�I-00.00.
SEP 61�1
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
DeCourcy . S�� g �
Holland _ Approved 19—
Loss �
n Favor .,
Peterson - ' ' Mayor
R,osen gainst _ � �/
��7�T 7� J
Mr. President, Vavoulis � �
.. �. � . ' � � ��'-0��°�2
� t�r�C I�[' ' 816 CITY HALL •
� ���
.:�G �� �� J.� ?.�� '� August 7, tg61
:�IpNT�i�:;,�;�;�;'�� �
Mr. James A. Weyandt
City Purchasing Agent
Second Floor, City Hall
Re: Tabulation of inf. Bid No. 2912
Moving a Portable From Sibley School'
to Marshall Jr. High School
Dear Mr. Weyandt:
This division requests that the contract be awarded to the
H. W. PRODGER COMPANY on its bid of $1 ,400.00 for furnishing
all labor, materials, etc., to move one portable school class-
room building from one site, Sibley School , to another, Marshall
Jr. High School , that company being the only responsible bidder.
�--�-�-�. -
'ncerely yours,
1 � '��F�t/�L
J n M. Gran
ssistant 5uperintendent
JMG:j p
"_. �
� �
, F. E. G er � Ro ert H. Tuc er �
Superi ` endent of Schools President, Board of Education
�� .
z i i�..{^,1��i' }" • �. �. �
• \..
.. - �.tJG i� f I �-� �„, '�. �
� ' �'�K�n����vu .,:. BOARD OF EDUCATION
�'�'��r ��ti"� ;���� ST; PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS
Board File No.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby recommends �
s •ti
award of tFie contract for furnishing all labor, material and � �
� services necessar for '' � �. "
Y � �� �',����'�'`:�a� �. ,
���, :���_�..�:��`.. �
to �' � ���� �,� �i����� ;�`:���� :��"�
:��������� , i n accordance
with specifications therefor and the�l Bid No. �.�.�� of
sa i d ?���,.r�����'��:: ' ' • , at a tota 1 contract pr i ce
; � � -��; „
of $��;�`;�' , such bi d be i ng the 1 owest and sa i d �
,����y��� �� � being the lowest rel iable and
!•.�_�, � ���,
responsible bidder meeting specifications; and upon such award
� being made by the Contract Committee in accordance with the
reconimendatfon of the Board of Education herein, which award
the Board of Education hereby approves, the Corporation Counsel
be a�d hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract
therefor and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to .
execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul .
Adopted August 15, 196 1
/s/ R. H. Tucker
President, Board-of Education
/s/ F. E. Conner
Superintendent of Schools '