203743 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �03�43 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. LI�NSE ODNIl�lITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � (r J�^ d— ALl�1LS'I�i �� 1961 COMMISSIONER ��i�� /��x � � L4�� DATF RFSOLQIDs+� That Restaurant, on and Off Sale Malt Beverage, ar�d C1�garette Licenses No• 5176 all expiring October 23� 1961, issued to Conrad C. Pena at 238 �est Kellogg Boulevard be arid the sanie are hereby revoked upon the recoimnendatfon of the Bvreau of Police because of the arrest of Conrad C. Pena, licensee and his enterin� a plea of guilty on tha federal eharge to one count of an �.nformation, charging him �r3.th recei.v�.ng and hav3.ng in possession w2�skey stolen from an i.n�erstate shipment i.n vi.olation of T�tle 18� II. S. Code, Seat�on 659• Councll File No.203743—By Mrs.Donald� . - M. DeCourcy—Robert F. Peterson—! MIIton Rosen— Resolved, That Restaurant, On and� Off Sale Malt Beverage, and Cigarette Licenses No. 5176 all eicpiring October 23, 1961, issued to Conrad C. Pena at 238 West Kellogg Boulevard be and the same aze hereby revoked upon the recoaunendatioa of the Bureau of Police because of the arrest of Conrad C. Pena, licensee and his entering a plea of guilty�on the federal charge to one count of an information, charg ing him with receiving and having in possession whiskey stolen from an REPO CATION Titles lste us Sp Code,se tion t859 of Adopted by the Councii September 5, 1961. Approved September 5, 1961. (September 9, 1961) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc��EF 5 � 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcp $�P 5 � a Holland proved 19— Loss ' n Favor Mortinson Peteraon Mayor Rosen gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis SM a-si