203731 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK , v �03'731 ti - CITY OF ST. PAUL F OE NCIL NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ;,-- - U i ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMIriISSIONE DATF WI�REAS, The Second United Improvement Program Advisory Committee, after consultation with the City Technic$1 Committee, has made a recommendation to the Citq Council approving allocations from the Unallocated balance in Public Utilities Bond �und 600, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that allocations are hereby authorized for Street Lighting Projects as follows: w 600-U27 Ma.rion Street, from alley No. of Fuller to -University Avenue $ 4,350,G00 600-U28 Snelling Avenue, St. Anthony to Shields 5,000.00 i � Council Flle No.203731—By Mrs.Donald M. DeCourcy— �. � ' aWhereas, The Second United Im- . provement Program Advisory Com- mittee, after consultation with the % City Technical Committee, has made ' , a recommendation to the City Council _ �; ePP��g allocations from the Un- ' allocated balance in Public UUlities ,Y Bond Fund 600, now, therefore, be it ; ; Resoived, That allocations are hereby, authorized for Street Lighting projects as follows: I 600-U27 Marion Street, from � alley No: of Fuller to Univer- + • sity Avenue . $4,350.00 - 600-U28 Snelling Avenue, $t. Anthony to Shields .. .. . 5,000.00 Adopted f�y the Council September 5, 1961. Approved September 5, 1981. � (September 9, 1961) . , �. ��P' 51�1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy $�P 5 '� Holland pproved 19— Loss . � Favor Mortinson � Peterson ' Mayor Rosen ainst Mr. President, Vavoulis SM 5-60 �2 . 2U3'731 � DUPLICATE TO PRINTER . - , _ � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE�CITY CLERK a�= - � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM� PRESENTED BY � � . , COMMISSIONER DATF • � WE�xBAS, The Second IInited Impxt�vea+�nt Progr�a Advisory Coa�3tt�Q, aftt��c coas�+ltstion wi.th thb City T�chnical Caamittee, ha� �de a • recommertda�tlou �o the City Council �►pproving $ilocatiaas �rom the IIa�llocat�t balancs in �ublic Utilities Band iwnd 600, npM, ther�fore, be it RRSOLVED, �tihat` il:locatioaa ar� he�rsby �uthorizsd �ar Str�et L3ghting Projects . a� follo�st � , , . 6Q0-U27 t�Liriaii Street, fro� alxey �Iv. of L�ullar to � University Avenue � 4.350,�00 �. 6Q0-U28 $aelling AvQau¢, St. Anthonq to Shield� 5,000.00 � � . �,�p �J � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy ��� � �� Holland Approved 19— Loss Tn Favor Mortinson � Peterson Mayor A gainst Rosen ' Mr. President, Vavoulis SM D-80 c�2