203717 " .�_ t
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. . o COUNCIL FILE N0_________________________
� BY----------------------------------------------------------------
� In the Matter of reconstructing the side�talk on t he east side of Anita Street from �
East Robie St. to Ea.st Win�n,fifred St. a.butting the property lmown as 2l�5 East Robie Street. f�
CouncII FYle No. 203717— ' �
� In the matter of reconstructing the
sidewalk on the east side oE Anita
Street from East Robie St. to East
'�i7lnifred St. abutting the property
Vknown as 245 East Robie Street, under
� �reliminary Order 201863, approved
a°,prll 18, 1981.
' A public hearing having been had
upon the above improvement upon
due notid'e, and the Council having
heard 'all persons, objections and
recommendations relative thereto, and
I having fully conFiderFr'�f?-� --,�^^-
under Preliminary Order----�47,��Z3----------------------------aPProved ---------�pril--18-�--19_�'1------------------------------
IntermediaryOrder----------------------------------------------------aPProved --------------------------------------------------------------------
A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council
having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered
the same; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St: Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im-
provement to be made by the said City is to reconstruct the sidewalk on the east side of
Anita Street from East Robie St. to East Wir�fifred St. abutting the property lrnown as
2l�5 East Robie Street, except where good and sufficient sidewalks no� exist.
..�..�..�- - - -� - _ _ . _ . _ _ . -. r___...-- - - ----
• and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made.
r - -RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commiasioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and
; Q directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for
. 4 approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials axe hereby authorized and directed to pro-
, + ceed with the making of said improvement �n accordance therewith.
• + Adopted by the Council____.____$�P_____5_��___________________ '
. ����- -- - - --,1�'` ' 1y C�-�������/ ----
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, City Clerk.
. � _ t �
Fi1e56523 .------------ ------- - -- ----- ----------- ---------------------------------
' � � Mayor.
t. Councilman DeCourcy
. Councilman Holland .
" Councilman L'oss ^ � J /
Councilman Mortinson �'% � (O
; Councilman Peterson P���D
Councilman Rosen "�
Mayor Vavoulis �._ ,
�' i - • - .. •
-- � . � ,
2•55 2M 2�
r� ' ���`�"'��
. �J�' -J Dist. No. 3
��/' k � .. .
_ -• - r � r Anita S,t. - east side,abutting 21�5 E. Robie St. �o3�,Z �
� � � �
. �
' April 25th. 19 61
To the Cormni.ssioner of F`i.nance of the �City of Saint Pau1:
The Co�nissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre-
liminary order of the Council� known as Council F`ile No. 201663
approved April 12th. 19 61 relative to reconstr�?cting the sideWa]k on
m E ie o E Win fr d u he �� rty
lasown as 2liK F. Robie :Street.
and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports:
l. The estimated cost thereof is $0�52 �er sq. ft. for mono_ enn�_ y�l �n
thick. Extra work(excav., fil1� cone. rem'd, root cuttiag, drive crossings,etc.) '
at e�tra cost.
2. !� plan� profile or sketch of said i.mprovement is•hereto attached and made
a part hereof.
3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works
�.. Improvement is asked for upon petition g
� O f ' � _
� REcE►v� N
ApR 2� 1961 Commissioner of Public 'Works
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