08-274Council File # /�g' �7u
Green 5heet # 3050914
Presented by
I WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that the application for (I.D. #20070004703)
2 Retail Food (C)-Grocery 1001-3000 Squaze Feet, Cigarette/Tobacco, and Malt Off Sale Licenses for
3 AMAN Corporation, doing business as Minni Market, located at 2019 Minnehaha Avenue East, be
4 approved with the following conditions:
5 3.2 Beer and beer products cannot be sold by the individual bottle or can,
6 Sale of 40 ounce bottles of beer is not permitted,
7 The sale of wine and/or strong beer is not permitted with a Malt Off Sale license;
9 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves this license application with the
10 aforementioned conditions.
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Ab_Se�l Requested by Department of:
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
By: q
Approved r: Date J �
Form Approved by Mayar for Submission to Council
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
ConWCt PeSOn & Phone:
Marcia Moertnond
Must Be on Council Aqen
E-Document Required: Y
Document Contact: Racquel Naylor
ConW ct Phone: 266-8573
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Green Sheet NO: 3050914
0 ouncil
1 ound De artment Accountant
2 ' C7erk G� Attome
Approving license application with conditions, per the Legislative Hearing Officer, for Retail Food (C)-Grocery, Cigarette/Tobacco,
and Malt Off Sale Licenses by AMAN Corporation, DBA Minni Mazket, 2019 Minnehaha Avenue East.
tlaGOns: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1, Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrad for ihis department?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separote sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Probiem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
AdvanWges If Approved:
Disadvantages If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Funding Source:
Financial Information:
Activity Number:
CostlRevenue Budgeted:
March 11, 2008 4:08 PM Page 1
MINNI MARKET — 2019 Minnehaha Avenue East
Monday, February i l 2008
Mazcia Moermond, Legisiative Hearing dfficer
The hearing was catled to order 10:05 a.m.
STAFF PRESENT: Reid Soley, Department of Safety and Tnspections-Licensing O�ce
Donna Boyer, manager, appeared and stated that the oumer asked her to come in place of
him. Ha is from India and there is a language banier. They may want to get an
interpreter to Talk with him.
Reid Soley asked can she communicate with the owner in English. Ms. Boyer responded
Ms. Moermond stated that there are three possible outcomes to the hearing today: 1) she
can recommend the City Council issue the license with no conditions, 2} recommend the
Council issue the license with conditions, and at this juncture, she cannot force conditions
on the owner, 3) refer this matter to an Administrative Law Judge for a formal hearing if
there are conditions that will ma1:e this workable that the applicant does not agree to or
Ms. Moermond thought there was no way this would be workable.
Reid Soley, DSI-Licensing Office, appeared and staYed that this concerns the Aman
Corporation, doing business as Minni Market, located at 2019 Minnehaha A��enue East.
The president is Malinderjit Singh. This concerns an application for Retail Food (C)
Grocery 1001-3000 Square Feet; Malt Off Sale allowing the sale of 3.2 beer; Retail
Food-Restricted Food Service, which allows coffee service; and Cigazette/Tobacco
licenses. Three conditions have been placed on this license at this rime:
1. 3.2 Beer and beer products cannot be sold by the individual bottle or can.
2. Sale of 40 ounce bottles of beer is not permitted.
3. The sale of wine and/or strong beer is aot permitted with a Malt Off Sale iicense.
The applicant has signed a conditions affidavit with these conditions applied. Regarding
the neighborhood organization, there is no record of a recommendation in our office.
Concerning the inspections requirements: there are no building code issues,
Environmental Health has approved, Fire has not yet approved this as there is a
reinspection scheduled, there are six deficiencies, none of which are serious and can be
easily remedied by the applicant. Ms. Boyer responded that there is one thing lefr to do;
the cover on the stoop outside needs to be repIaced.
Mr. Soley continued: Fire will reinspect and wili give their approval before issuing the
license. Licensing needs a signed lease. Zoning has approved it. DSPs recommendation
is to approve the license application with the conditions applied.
LEGISLATIVE HEARING-MINNI MARKET-2019 Minnehaha Avenue East Page 2 a�J(.�
Ms. Moermond asked is there a signed lease. Ms. Boyer responded that there should be
somewhere between the previous owner and Mr. Malinderjit. Mr. Soley responded that it
is a contingent situation; they will have it before they issue Che licenses.
Ms. Boyer asked asked about Condition 1. They sell 6 and 12 packs. Mr. Soley
responded that is the way they have to sell it. Ms. Moermond added that they cannot
break up a pack.
Ms. Moermond stated she wanted to talk about the letters. Ms. Boyer responded that she
did not get a copy of the letters. (Ms. Boyer was given a copy of the letters.}
Ms. Moermond stated a letter from the Blanks is objecting to the alcohol, but it does not
say why. The other letter (e-mail from Annabella Hollister) implies that there are
neighborhood problems going on here, adding a beer license will make it worse, rowdy
teens with alcohol around, someone may buy some for them. Looking at the police calls,
it appears the store is proactively calling when things come up. Ms. Boyer responded
there is shoplifting. As for the e-mails, she wondered what the teens have to do with the
alcohol because a person has to be 21 years old to purchase it. Ms. Moermond responded
that sometimes teens wiii get adults Yo buy them beer, but she is not reading thaY as a
concern in the letter. They are against the sell of any form of alcohol, and they are
concemed that this will increase unwanted tra�c in the alley.
Mr. Soley stated that he spoke with Ralph Bland. He was concerned about the teen
traffic around that store. He has seen the neighborhood change over the years, and does
not like what is going on around the store. Ms. Boyer responded it is moving from the
west towards the east.
Ms. Moermond asked how they deal with rowdy teens. It looks like onca a month she
calls ihe poJice because of rowdy teens. Ms. Boyer responded the last time she called the
police, there was a robbery in the parking Iot; it had nothing Yo do with the store. A
customer came in and said that he was robbed in the parking lot. With the rowdy teens,
she just kicks them out. She cannot remember the last time she made a call regarding
Ms. Moermond asked for details on the store. Ms. $oyer responded there is no gas. It is
mainly dairy, candy, cigarettes, grocery, lots of pop. They operate 630 a.m. to 10;00
In answer to several questions about staffing, Ms. Boyer responded she is the manager
and is there 45 hours a week; she is usually there in the afternoon until about 5:00 to
6:00. She works 8 to ll hours per day, Monday through Friday. The lastest she works is
9:00 to 6:00. The owner's sons go by nicknames Sonny and Tony. They are 25 and 30
years of age. It is not unusual for the owner to be at the store, but he would not be
working. He wants to make sure everything is running smoothly, although Ms. Boyer
has been there 14 years.
LEGTSLATIVE HEARING-MTNNI MARKET-2019 Minnehaha Avenue East Page 3
Ms. Moermond asked what happens when teens come in causing problems. Ms. Boyer
zesponded that if she caught someone stealing, she likes to embarrass them so they don't
do it again. If it is a surprise, she will ask them why they aze doing this. If it is a first
time, she wilI call the parents. If they give her lip back, she wiIl call the police.
Ms. Moermond stated she kas been there a long time. Ms. Boyer responded that she has
been through a lot of owners.
Ms. Moermond asked is this the first time the store has sought a Malt Off Sale license.
Ms. Boyer responded no. Mr. Soley responded that this is a change in ownership on a 3.2
Ms. Boyer asked the radius of the store to send out the notices. Mr. Soley responded 350
feet. (He showed the numbar of properties that the 350 feet inciudes.} There aze 60
neighbors, the district council is notified, Iiquor ]ist people, etc.
Ms. Moermond stated she does not think there will likely be an increase in problems
relaYed to this license because the license has been existence in this location. To think
things will get worse does not seem to be well founded. The law provides for the sale of
liquor. This is the mildest form of license available. The police ca71s don't say this is a
long term problem property.
In answer to questions about the location, Ms. Boyer responded the business is located on
the corner. They have an exit in the back Everybody uses the back. People can park on
the side or the building or in the back.
Ms. Moermond asked is there is problem with teens bothering people. Ms. Boyer
responded that no one has said anything about that.
Ms. Moermond is recommending approval of the license application with the conditions
recommended by DSI {as ]isfed on Page 1). She is not hearing anything fhat would make
her add anything to the license. The owner signed off on all the usual conditions that aze
in place for off sale malt licenses.
The hearing was adjourned at 10:31 a.m.