205328ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK _ 205328 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF TIDE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COU CIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONS DATE WHEREAS, Richard J. Zaccardi, 179 Granite Street, has made application for license as House Sewer Contractor, and WHEREAS, Richard J. Zaccardi, in accordance with Ordinance No. 7661 has been examined by the Board of Examiners and approved by said Board for license as a House Sewer Contractor, and WHEREAS, Richard J. Zaccardi has filed a bond in accordance with Ordinance No. 7661; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a license as House Sewer Contractor be hereby granted to said Richard J. Zaccardi subject to the provisions of said ordinance, and the Commissioner of Public Works is instructed to issue said license upon payment into the City Treasury of the required fee. EAV COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Loss lYlrItiff°"v __. Peterson Rosen 5M 6dii 1 Council File No. 205328 — By Milton Rosen — Whereas, Richard d. Zaccardi, 179 Granite Street, has made application for license as House Sewer Contractor, and Whereas Richard J. Zaccardi in accordance with Ordinance No. 7661 has been examined' by the Board of Examiners and approved by said Board for license as a House 'Sewer Contrac- tor, and Whereas, Richard J. Zaccardi has filed a bond in accordance with Ordi- nance No. 7661; therefore, be it Resolved, That a license as House Sewer Contractor be hereby granted to said Richard J. Zaccardi subject to the provisions Of said ordinance, and the Commissioner of Public Works is Instructed to issue said license upon payment into the City Treasury of the required fee. Adopted by the Council December 28, 1961. Approved December 28, 1961. (December 30, 1961) Ir DEC 2 8 1981 Adopted by the Council 19— DEC 2 8 `1061 Approved19— Ming Mayor DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM , PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE WHEREAS, Richard 4. Zaccardi, 179 Granite Street, has made application for license as House ,Sewer Contractor, and WH.9RFA$, Richard .i. Zaccardi, In accordance with, Qrdi.,nance No.. 7661 has been examined by the Board of Examiners and approved by said Board for license as a House Sewer Contractor, and WHi REAS+ Richard J.. , Zaecardi has , f i lied a bond t' n iecordanea with . Ordinance No. ,7f 61 y therefore, be It RES 4VED,. That a, license as Houso lewsr Contractor be hereby granted to said Richard i. Zaccardj,subject to the provisions of said ordinance,; and the Commissioner og,Publlc Works is i nstructe.d ;to i ss,ue ,,said license upon payment into the. C 1 ty Treasury of the required fee., COUNCILMEN ,Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DzGeurer— DEC V, 8 Rolland Approved 19— Loss �x�ins n Favor , en Peterson Mayor Rosen Against SM 6-61