08-270Council File # �� - �-?Q
Green Sheet # 3050310
Presented by
WI3EEREAS, Active Living is a way of life that integrates physical activity into daily routines. The goal is to
accurnulate at least 30 minutes of activity each day. Individuals may do this in a variety of ways such as walldng or
bicycling (for transportation, exercise or pleasure), playing in the park, working in the yard, taking the stairs, and
using recrearion faciliries, and
WIIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul affirms acrivity-friendly commihnents such as:
• Support recreation programs that encourage active living.
• Ensure that physical activities and faciliries (parks, recreation centers, trails, etc.) are accessible and
• Introduce healthy living issues and topics into public dialogue.
• Establish processes to assess and improve existing local active living infrastructure (e.g., by using design
• Introduce active living issues, such as walkable communiries, into public dialogue.
• Increase measures for pedestrian and bicyclist safety.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul is committed to providing an activity
friendly community to its residents.
20 BE IT FURTHER itESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul thereby authorizes the applicarion for The Govemor's
21 Fit City Program.
Requested by Depattme t oL _
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Approved by the ffice of Financ;a�
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By: G`cp�L-vu�c�dJ� / �
Adopted 6y Council: Date
Adoption Certified by ouncil Secretary By:
BY� I " 6v!
Approve } or: Date U� p�
foi Submission to
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
PR �� and Recreation
ConWM Person & Phone:
Ruth Schumi
musx �se on
E•DocumentRequired: N
Document Contact: Bev Meissner
Contact Phone: 266-6413
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip AII Locations for Signature)
Green Sheet NO: 3050310
0 arksandRecreation
I arks and Recreafion De arffie¢t D'uector
2 i Attorne
3 a or's Office Ma or/Assistant
a ouncil �
5 i Clerk C5 Cierk
6 arks and Recreation Parks 300 CHA
Approve Govemor's Pit City resolution: In order to apply for this status, the State of Minnesota requires that the City of Saint Paul
adopt a resolution affirming fit-friendly commitments by community leaders and elected officials.
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Civil Service Commission
1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrect for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Saint Paul has the opportuniry to become a Govemor's Fit City. An adopted Council Resolution must be submitted abng with the
application to the State of Minnesota.
Advantages If Approved:
The Ciry of Saint Paul can become a Govemor's Fit City, one of 38 ciries in Minnesota, including Minneapolis, Roseville and Duluth.
Disadvantages If Approved:
There aze no disadvantages, Saint Paul meet all the criteria.
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Saint Paui will NOT receive the Govemor's Fit City designarion.
CosllRevenue Budgeted:
Funding Source:
Fi nancial lnformation:
Activity Number:
February 21, 2008 3:44 PM Page 1
Divzszorr oF rafucs aND t�c�a-riov D$ '�7b
Mayor Chnstopher B. Coleman
March 3, 2008
300 Ciry Hall Annex
25 West Fourth Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Facsimile: 651 d9?-7405
MAR 0 5 2008
To: City Attomey ��� ,��"' �
From: Ruth Schumi ���/
Re: Governor's Fit City Program
. ;:f.
Saint Paul Parks and Recreation is applying for this designation: except for the resolution, we
already meet the criteria. We also wish to use this designation to help promote our active living
There is little cost to the City: staff time used for the application and resolution, and staff to
advertise and display the "Fit Cit�' designation.
Saint Paul more than deserves this award, as the only criteria we do not meet at this time is the
City worksite wellness (active living) Policy for city employees. As this is one of the optional
criteria, we do not have to include this item in our application.
If you have any further questions, contact me at ruth.schumi a(�ci.stpaul.mn.us or by phone, (651
341-7486 or 266-6432.
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Governor's Fit City Program b ��� b
Any Mitmesota city can apply to be designated as a Governor's Fit City. A city in Minnesota that
supports and encourages its residents to be more physically active may be designated as a
Governor's Fit City. Each city that is designated as a Governor's Fit City will receive a
recognition plaque to be displayed within the city. In addition, information on each Govemor's
Fit City will be posted on the Minnesota Department of Health Web site.
The purpose of the Govemor's Fit City Program is to recognize Minnesota cifies that are
committed to creating and maintaining a city environment supportive of active living. A
Minnesota city making this commitment is providing opporiunities for physical activity to people
who live, work and play within the city. These opportunities allow people to make the choice to
be more physically aetive. Physical acrivity improves nearly every aspect of a person's health.
Therefore, the Governor's Fit City Program will contribute to improving the health of people in
A city must meet two required criteria (Criteria 1 and 2) and at least five of the eight optional
criteria (Criteria 3-10).
Requit^ed criteria:
1. City must adopt a resolution affirming activity-friendly commihnents by city leaders and
elected officials
2. City agrees to advertise and display "Fit City" designation
Optional criteria – must meet at least f�ve of these eight eriterza:
3. City has a warksite wellness (active living) policy for city employees
4. City demonstrates capacity to measure and report measurable change in physical
activity awareness and activity in order to maintain Fit City designation
5. City maintains and develops walkability capacity and locations that aze easily accessed
by residents, workers, and visitors
6. City commits to maintain and develop recrea6on areas, parks, playgrounds, and
7. City commits to maintain or develop at least one indoor facility—public or private—
available for cold season activity, that is open and accessible to all ages
8. City partners with community-wide arganizations dedicated to specific or general
activities which support physical activity
9. City promotes or sponsors at least one event or activity as part of the city's annual
commitment to fitness
10. City commits to building community awareness about locations, services, and
organizations dedicated to fitness/physicai activity
More informarion on criteria
Application process
For those interested in applying, it is recommended to first print a copy of the applicafion and
review the criteria with appropriate city stakeholders. When it has been determined that the city
would like to apply to the Governor's Fit City Program, a person with an official posi6on far the
city (Mayor, City Manager, City Administrator, City Council Member, City Clerk/City
Treasurer) may complete the application. Completing the applicafion will take about 30 minutes,
provic3ing the following items are in place:
Criteria 1(required criteria) — have an electronic copy of the city resolution or a direct
Web link to the acrixal resolution
Criteria 4(optional criteria) — have an electronic copy of the city annual report or news
release, ar a direct link to the results on the city Web site
Criteria 10 (oprional criteria) — have an electronic copy of the city d'uectory or map, or a
direct littk to the information on the ciry Web site
Fit City Online Aun cahon
If you are unable to complete and submit the online form, contact us at via e-mail at
activelivin�(a�,health.state.mn.us or ca11651-201-5440.
For more information, please send questions via e-mail to activeliving�a,health.state.mn.us and
put "Fit Cit}�' in the subject line, or call 651-201-5440.
City Resolution Affirming Activity-Friendly
For assistance in identifying, draflir.g and adopring a resolution affinning acrivity-fi
commitments for Criteria 1 of the Governor's Fit City Program, see the Sample Resolurion
Note: The Sample Resolution should serve as a guide for developing your city resolurion and
should not be viewed as the model resolution. Develop your resolution based on your city's
unique efforts to promote physical acfivity.
For additional informarion, visit these reference sites:
International City/Coun Mana ement Association (click on the "Active Living" link
found under the Browse by Topic section)
Active Livina Leadership
Active Living Bv Desian
Sample Resolution
WHEREAS, the first criteria listed on the Govemor's Fit City Application is stated as:.
Criteria 1(reqnired). City must adopt a resolufion afSrming fit-friendly commitments by commnnity leaders
and elected officials.
WHEREAS, Active Living is a way of life that integrates physical activity into daily routines. The goal is to
accumalate at least 30 minutes of acrivity each day. Individuals may do tlris in a variety of ways such as walking or
bicycling for fransportation, exercise or pleasure; playing in the park; worldng in the yazd; taking the stairs; and
using recrearion faciliries; ant!
WHEREAS, the Ciry of affirms acrivity-friendly commitments such as:
(Use any or all of the points below or add poinu specific to yow city)
• Develop a cohesive system of parks and trails, incorporating accessible neighborhood parks.
• Establish processes to assess and improve existing local acfive living infrastructure (e.g., by using design
• Require that neighborhood streets be designed with pedestrians and bicyclists in mind (e.g., by using design
• Support recreation programs that encourage active living.
• Ensure that physical activity facilities (youth/senior centers, trails, etc.) are accessible and affordable.
• Locate schools in walkable neighborhoods or create walkable routes to existing schools.
• Introduce active living issues, such as walkab]e communities, into public dialogue.
• Increase measures for pedestrian and bicyclist safety.
providing an activity friendly community to its residents.
is committed to
BE IT FTTR'1'HER RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby authorizes the applicarion for The Governor's Fit
City Program.
Adopted by the Ciry Council of the City of
Minnesota tlus ` day of
City Clerk
For more information, please send quesrions via e-mail to activelivina(c�healthstate.mn.us and put "Fit Cit}�' in the
subject line, or ca11 65 1-201-5440.
This page lists cities designated as a Governor's Fit City. A city that supports and encourages its
residents to be moze physically active may be designated as a Fit City.
City � � � Approval date �"
City of Wabasha October 26, 2005
Lanesboro October 27, 2005
Stdlwater October 28, 2005
Rochester December 7, 2005
- - --- _.. - -
Houston December 16, 2005
City of Spiingfield December 28, 2�05
,..._�,_ . _ _ ,
City of Woodbury December 28, 2005
Chaska January 12, 2006
_ _ _ ... __.
Faribault Fabmary 15, 2006
Austin Rebruary 16, 2006
Eden Prairie Mazch 9, 2006
_ . . _ . .
City of Isanti March 21, 2006
New Ulra March 23, 2006
_ --
� Hibbing _ . _ March 24, 2006
,- - -.......
Roseville March 27, 2006
City of Golden Valley March 31, 2006
� ,_. �,. -
; City of Cambndge _ April 12, 2006
__ . _ -_ , - � Perham May 24, 2006
_.. � � ._, �_,. , ._, _
Kenyon May 30, 2006
,,_. _. - _,
C�ry of Winona � hme 20, 2006
_ `` Red Wing � , _ June21,2006
_. , , ; _ _ _,. :. .-,. . . . . , _
Fdina July 11, 2006
Savage � August31,2006 �
a.. , . . ..: . _ __ = _ �_ Y.
City of Pnor I ake Septembex 14 2006 �
� � � � ' � � Wanamingo � � � � � � , � �� October 18 � 2006 � �
�. „ _ ._F.. _. � __,. �..._ _ .,.
___ ._ _ _. _ �
City of SaintPeter November 6, 2006
_. , . _ � . � , , _ , _ , __.,_
City of Oakdale December 14, 2006 �
City of Lakeville � 7anuary 2, 2007
;. ,. _. . _ _ ;..,�-.--_ ,.. _ _ . , __ �:., _ >r,.-..; ..., . _.
_ City of Eagan February 28, 2007
_ -_-._ , < --,;. °
Duluth March 6, 2QQ7
__ . _r, _., . ,, __ �_: -: .: _,. ,
City of Minnetonka Apnl 10, 2007
--° - -,-_ ..
PELICAN RAPIDS� April 11, 2007� �
�� � ' � Maple Grove �� � �� � � � � �
- � _�: � --.:.
-> -.._-
� -.. - - , �. � • Y. �
� �m�_
_ , _
Fosston Ma 30, 2007
, _ e . _ _.,._
_ -- ..,
Mumeapolis June 18, 2007
_ - � � Plymouth _- - � ' - � 7u1y�5, 2007 S -_ . ., .-
�::�,._....; , . .. ,._.., _. . . .�.�_.� , �_,,._ . .
New Hope September 25 2007
_. _.. � . . -_ v . . _ _�._-... ,
� ' - - � --
�._... _
Ciry of Burnsville October 16 2007
For more information, please send questions via e-mail to activeliving(a�health.state.mn.us and
put "Fit City" in the subject line, or ca11 65 1-20 1-5440.
l�� �O 7U
Governor's Fit City
• Home
• Pu ose
• Criteria
• �p�1C3t7Qri
rp ocess
. Samnle resolution
• Apnroved cities
Physical Activity
• Home
Governor's Fit City Program
Application Form
Clty ri3tT10: � Saint Paul � � � �
Your name:
Your 6tle �
(select one):
t °
City Council Member
City Manager
City Clerk/City Treasurer
Ciry Administrator
Street address
for city office:
City: p Saint Paul
.S't31C: M�
Zip code: ssioz
Your e-mail
Your daytime �
phone number:
Mayor's name: cnrts coieman
�*above fields are all required*x
Please respond to the following questions:
Criteria 1(required). City must adopt a resolution
affirming fit-friendly commitments by community leads
and elected officials.
Has your city adopted a resolution that states its commitment
to creating and maintaining a city environment supportive of
active living?
fi No (If no, please consider applying in the fizture when a
resolution has been adopted.)
If yes, include an electronic copy (MS Word, RTF, or PDF
only; file name cannot include spaces or special chazacters) of
the resolurion or a direct Web link to the actual resolution.
Select your document:
Web link (no http:/�:
Criteria 2(required). City agrees to advertise and display
"FYt City" designaf�on.
Will your cityadvertise the Fit City designation and display the
Fit City recognition plaque?
� Yes
� No (If no, please consider applying in the future when this
criteria can be met.)
If yes, desctibe how your city will advertise the Governor's Fit
City designation and where the Fit City plaque will be
Limited to 500 characters 50o remainin2.
„ �ag"h# c>n£er3� fax�n ap,plicaiaonto`kiereviswed
Criteria 3. City has a worksite wellness (active living)
policy for city employees.
Does your city have a worksite wellness policy for city
employees that promotes acrive living, such as allowing
empioyees to have flexible scheduling to accommodate �
physical acrivity breaks, promoring acrive commuring such as `�
wallcing or biking, supporting walking or e ercise facilities� ��T ,,��
the worksite, etc.? � � ���
� �.
Yes � � ��� ��
� No
Criteria 4. City demonstrate capacity to measure and
report measurable change in physical activity awareness
and activity in order to maintain F�t City designation.
Does your city measure and report changes in physical activity
awareness and activity, such as conducting a survey of
residents', employees' and/or visitors' physical activity
awareness and physical activity levels and publishing results
in city annual report, on city Web site, and/or to local media?
� No
If yes, include an electronic copy (MS Ward, RTF, or PDF
only; file name cannot include spaces or special characters) of
the resolution or a direct Web link to the actual resolution.
Select your document:
Web link (no http.•/�:
Criteria 5. City maintains present and develops
walkability capacity and locations that are easily accessed
by residents, workers and visitors.
Does your city maintain an infrastructure of safe and
accessible sidewaiks and irails that allow residents,
employees, and visitors the option of walking to and from
residential areas, workplaces, retail/business districts, and
open space/green space orrecrearion areas?
� No
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Criteria 6. City commits to maintain and develop
recreation areas, parks, playgrounds, and piay£elds.
Does your city maintain an infrastructure of safe and
accessible recreafion areas, parks, playgrounds and playfields
that a12ow residents, employees, and visitors options for
recreation and sports?
� � � � Yes
� No
Criteria 7. City commits to maintain or develop at least
one indoor facility public or private—available for cold
season activity, that is open and accessible to all ages.
Is at least one indoor facility available in your city that is open
to residents, employees, and visitors of all ages for cold season
physical acfivity, such as a shopping mall, school, recreafion
center, ruller skating rink, swimming pool, etc.?
� Yes
�" �.
Criteria 8. City partners with community-wide
organizations dedicated to specific or general activities
that support physical activity.
Does your city partner with community organizations
dedicated to specific or general activities which support
physical activiry, such as local public health agency, local
businesses, voluntary organizations, bicycle clubs, eYc.?
� No
Criteria 9. City promotes or sponsors at least one event or
activity as part of the city's annual commitment to fitness.
Does your city promote or sponsor at least one event or
activity as part of the city's annual coznmitment to fitness,
such as a community wa1k, bildng events, business/corporate
fitness challenges, etc.?
� No
Criteria 10. City commits to building community
awareness about available locations, services, and
arganizations dedicated to fitness/physical activity.
Does your city publish or promote an inventory of physical
activity opporiunities and/or facilities such as a city d'uectory
or city map featuring the opporiunities and/or facilifies?
� No
If yes, include an electronic copy (MS Word, RTF, or PDF
only; file name cannot include spaces or special chazacters) of
the resolufion or a d'uect Web link to the actual resolution.
Select your document:
Web link (no http:/�:
subrrit Reset �en you press "Submit," an email will be
sent to a MDH progrann staff to review your
application. In addition, a confirmation e-
mail will be sent to your e-mail address.
For more information, please send questions via e-mail to
activelivinena,health.state.mn.us and put "Fit Cit�' in the subject
line, or ca11 65 1-201-5440.
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