205293ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK C r� File No. 205293 —By Frank L. 205293
CITY OF ST. PA� Resolved, Upon and pursuant to the ��dd
OFFICE OF THE CITYAppeal of Sherman Investment Com-
pany under Chapters BO to 64. inclusive
' _ a i of the Zoning Code Provisions of the
C NCIL RESOLUTION—GE Saint Paul Legislative Code therefor,
that the provisions of said Zoning Code
hereby are determined and varied so,
PRESENTED BY that the eight foot parking buffer re-
COMMISSIONS quirement for the subject 121 car,,
parking. lot on the land desgqrihe!6�•
• �8I '
RESOLVED, upon and pursuant to the Appeal of Sherman
Investment Company_ under Chapters 60 to 64 inclusive of the Zon-
ing Code Provisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code therefor,
that the provisions•of said Zoning Code hereby are determined
and varied so that the eight foot parking buffer requirement
for the subject 121 car parking lot on the land described as
Lot 5, Block 4, Western Area Addition, be dispensed and waived
and that there be and hereby is granted such dispensation and
waiver and a permit for the installation, maintenance, and
operation of a 121 car motor vehicle parking lot or facility
on said land unto said Sherman Investment Company subject to
the following conditions;
(1) That said permittee shall install and maintain
a five foot basket-weave type fence on and along the
east line of said land;
(2) That the proposed building thereon be set back
a distance of 22 feet from the north line of said
land to accommodate the installation and maintenance
thereon of.;,the entire proposed loading and unloading
facility; 1
. F -� 1
(3) That said • permittee shall install and-maintain-
two 25 foot driveways in' connection with said pro -
posed loading and unloading facility area extended
therefrom to the public alley upon which said land
abuts; and
(4) Said.permittee shall, at its own cost and expense,
install and maintain and operate said motor vehicle
parking lot facility in accordance with the plans
and specifications therefor approved by the City
Architect on the date November 2, 1961.
- COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouncilpE 2 1961 19—
Yeas Nays {
®_ f�C 2 7 V1
Holland ! proved 19—
Loss In Favor
Peterson 1 May /or
Rosen S
Mr. President, Vavoulis
5M 6_61
386 City Hall and Court House
St. Paul 2, Minnesota
Mr. Robert J. Swords,
Corporation Counsel.
Dear Sir:
Nov. 24, 1961.
City Clerk
Council Recorder
The City Council requested that you draw a resolution, or
resolutions, granting the attached zoning appeal and application for
parking lot of Sherman Investment Company, subject to compliance with
the terms and conditions set out in the last paragraph of the attached
letter of H. C. Wieland.
Very truly yours,
City Clerk
NOV 21. 1961
:igft'i Bi.64.251- 252.253 1315 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA /
November 24, 1961
Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell
City Clerk
Dear Madam:
This is in the matter of the Sherman Investment Company for 1) an appeal to waive
the 8 foot parking buffer requirement of Chapter 60.23, Sec. 5, Par. "d" of the
Legislative Zoning Code, and 2)' an application for a permit to install and operate
a 121 car parking lot on property located in tbe.'vicinity of Central and Western
Avenues. The property is described as Lot 5.Alock 4, Western Area Addition, also
all of vacated Central Avenue immediately adjoining Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 12, Elfelt
Bernheimer & Arnold's Addition, and all of Lot 3 and the E. 5 feet of Lot 2, Block 12,
Elfelt, Bernbeimer & Arnold's Addition. The zoning is commercial.
The site is presently vacant having been cleared by the Housing and Redevelopment
Authority a few years ago. The applicant proposes to develop this property with
a food market and off- street parking lot for 121 cars in accordance with the re-
quirements of the Housing & Redevelopment Authority. This is an "12 shaped tract
of-land having a frontage-on Western Avenue of 167.9 feet and extending to a depth
of 302 feet from Western Avenue resulting in a total area of approximately 79,782
square feet. South and adjoining is a filling station and the Ober Boy's Club
both fronting on Western Avenue; east °and adjoining is vacant land which is pro-
posed to be developed in accordance with the Housing & Redevelopment Authority's
requirements for multi - residential purposes; north and across a public alley are
various type residential uses fronting on Fuller Avenue; west and across Western
-Avenue are various type residences and scattered commercial developments. Because
of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority's requirements of a thirty -foot set back
of the store building from Western Avenue, the required eight -foot set back would
result in a loss of approximately 20 parking spaces., The Planning Board staff and
the Traffic Engineer have reviewed the plans and recommend approval subject to the
entire off - street loading and unloading facility being located within the applicant's
property, and that two 25 -foot driveways be provided to said area from the public alley.
The Board of Zoning considered this matter at their regular meeting on November 2,
1961, and recommend 1) the waiving of the 8 foot set back requirement from the east
property line, and 2)-the granting of the application for a 121 car parking lot on
the above described property. These recommendations are made subject to the appli-
cant meeting the following conditions: 1) that a five -foot basket -weave type
fence be constructed along the east property line, 2) that the building be set
back a distance of 22 feet from the north property line to permit the entire load-
ing and unloading facility to be located within the applicant's property and 3)
that two 25 -foot driveways be provided to said loading and unloading area from the
public alley. All of the above to be in accordance with the plans approved
November 2, 1961.
Z. F. 4834-
in erel Y'
3 c y,
H. C. Wieland, Secretary
Board of Zoning
October 31, 1961
The Honorable Mayor and City Council
c/o The City Clerk
Room 386, City Hall and Court House
Saint Paul, Minnesota
. �3cf,3� io/31I6�
3 D(L
The undersigned, Sherman Investment Corporation, does hereby
file a notice of appeal, which appeal is made pursuant to the
Legislative Code, Section 64.03.
The legal description of the whole of the property involved is as
foll ows:
Lot five (%, Block four (4), Western Area
Addition, according to the plat thereof
filed of record in the office of the Re-
gisterar of Titles within and for said
The property is in the Western Redevelopment Area, was formerly
known as Parcel 11, and is located generally at the intersection of
Western Avenue and Central Avenue (now vacated).
The property is presently vacant, but is to be used for a commercial
development with adjacent parking.
The purpose of this appeal is to obtain a waiver of the eight (8) foot
The Honorable Mayor and City Council '
Page Two
October 31, 1961
buffer strip. requirement in connection with the establishment of
off - street parking facilitios.
The need for this appeal is because of the loss of necessary parking
spaces for the commercial development. The buffer zone is not
required by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Applicant
proposes to erect an attractive fence of red -wood or some similar
material. s ,
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
(Please print or type)
% the City Clerk
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Application is hereby ade to remodel or reconstruct an existing
y install and operate a new (cross one out)
No. of islands and pumps :
No. of tanks and capacity:
j PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other)
X � - — (indicate type)
Capacity of parking lot % 2
To be used in connection with: C &NTE2,
(indicate type such as Drive -in Refreshment Stand, Used Car
Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick -up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.)
Capacity of parking area:
*Location : gtt�J �� gjeE 4
Legal Description Lot S Block 4- 'WES COAddition
Applicant's Name : Gh&g IAN / NvEsrlgFNT
Home or Office Address: —ZS"/ E , F/F ;r S
Phone Number ; �!9 `1� 4771
Signature (date
,e-pr, �-
Phone No.:
Cox P.
S"MAOL � /V!/,c vE So Ti4
When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of
the preliminary lay -out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk,
Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota
Z -3 6/11/56
*EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St.
2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St.