205275—� COUNCIL FILE N0__ __ ___ __ __________ � 5 By ---------- council File No._ 205275— . In the matter of constructing a publjc FINAL ORDER sewer for storm water purposes #` the teiminus of the Riverviewasx Sewer at the Intersection of t s t �= line of Water Street ands'• - r 630 feet east o4 and �° I under Preliminary Order________ 679------------------ - -- - -- approved .... --------November 7, 1961 - - - -- - -------------------------- IntermediaryOrder ---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- approved -------------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the _said City is to construct i t _ d r URTHER; `I'H—af-the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. C Adopted by the Council -------- ].EC- 2.6.9 %--------------------- City Clerk. DEC 2 6 Approved---------------- - - - - -- File15506 ---- - - - - -, - - ----- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- ------------------_----------- Councilman Mayor. Councilman Holland Councilman Loss ku- BLISIiED1,�• Councilman Mortinson Councilman Peterson Councilman Rosen Mayor Vavoulis 2.55 2M 2 u • • 1 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: f G�g00 I November 15th 19 ! The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre- liminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 204679 approved November 7th 19 61 relative to construction of the Riverview Storm Water Relief Sewer, Contract I, Phase I and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $ 1,731,400.00 (See Letter Attached) 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made 1 a part hereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works U� 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition � �f co NOV j (i 1961 N Commissioner of Public Works 1)2pT-• 0� C- RNA Nr; r ­7 GEORGE M. $HEPARD C ITY O F1 (' STREET AND HIGHWAY �J ,fir• ENGINEERING COORDINATOR­ '-°�n -�- DEPARTM NT OP O jy�.� 6 Hon. Bernard T. Holland Commissioner of Finance City of Saint Paul Dear Sir: - { + C AEU ENE V. AVrsRY `�_I N T 'P w U L_ M a» g � 'iFF ENGINEER Ainnesota "�� - ° • - � TTERN i ? ^ -SUPERINTENDENT O F � SANITATC , PUBLIC—WORKS ROS_.E -m L l� 41 ion. _..�:' 1. .4 2 Y. BEHRENS-- *- rt- cnrci�sa.� „�'�� -� -1 • 1 _Commissioner November 15, 1961 transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of the Riverview Storm Water Relief Sewer, Contract I, Phase I, under Preliminary Order C. F. 204679, approved November 7, 1961. Estimated Total Cost $1,731,400.00 Engineering & Inspection $ 157,400.00 Assessments - Drainage District Maps previously submitted to Finance Department $ 50,000.00 City Share 31 E -1 1962 City Share 31 E -I 1963 West St. Paul Share as per Agreement Bond Fund Frontage AP OVED: Eugene V. Avery C i of Eng i n r Milton Rosen Commissioner of Public Works Ir $ 199-500,00 $ 89,400.61 $ 554,202.00' $ 838,297.39 None q Avery truly, . DesLauriers Sewer Engineer Il - f2 �. RECEI VL NOV i” 1g 6 1 IMT r, flt F7JV'skNCi it ,