204899. 'o , y to City Clerk ' Council File No. 204899— Ordinance No. 12107 —By Frank L. Loss— An ordinance amending Chapters 1 O R D I N and 20 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Building Construc- tion. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation 0 - of public peace, health and safety. NTED BY FRANK L . LOSS 1 Do he Ordain of the City of Saint Paul a. SECTION 1 •1� -f_�W;aint Paul a nded Fe Wk R, /a Id An ordinance amending Chapters 1 and 20 of ffio— aint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Building Construction. TY�is is ,x an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation i of public peace, health and safety. E THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: i1 SECTION 1. That Section 1.10 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended by deleting items g, h, and i of, sub- ;:; section 1, Certificates of Competency, which reads as follows: "g. Warm Air Heating Work, installing and repair, and General Sheet Metal Work. �j "h. Ventilation Work, installing and repair, and Gener- al Sheet Metal Work. 2. =f "i. Sheet Metal Work involving the fabrication and erection of gutters, downspouts, valleys, metal trim and, flashings." and substitute the following in lieu thereof: "g. Warm Air Heating Work, Masters "h. Ventilation Work, Masters, "i. Warm Air Heating and Ventilation Work, Journe en" SECTION 2. That Section 1.10:of'the Saint Paul Legislative :Ii Code is hereby amended by deleting item (7) of subsectio�'3 , Boards of Examiners -- Administration, a. General, which reads s follows: u° "(7) Board of Examiners for Warm Air Heating, Ventilation 10 Installers and General Sheet Metal Workers "This Board shall be composed of the City Architect has Chairman and four (4) appointive members of whom one (1) s�shall be a Mechanical Engineer, two-(2) shall be engiged in the business as certified licensed Contractors for the installation of warm air heating, ventilation and sheet metal, and one (1) shall be a Journeyman Installer holding a certificate of competency. Said Board shall conduct-examinations for Certificates of Comp- etency requir- ed of the individual tradesmen who desire to engage In the trades of Warm -Air Heating Work, installing and repair, or Ventilation Work, installing and repair or General Sheet Metal Work, installing and repair." I Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss ' Mortinson Peterson ` Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: 1M 6 -60 e �l City Clerk -1- Passed by the Approved: Tn Favor Mayor ; F k t E F i i 1 /a)o7 and substitute the following in lieu thereof: !1(7) Board of Examiners for Warm Air Heating an Ventilation Installers "This Board shall be composed of the City Architdct as Chairman and four (4) appointive members of whom one (1) shall be a Mechanical Engineer, two (2) shall be certified and licensed•Warm Air Heating and Vepti- lation Contractors, and one (1) shall be a certified Journeyman installer holding a Certificate of Compe- tency." SECTION 3. That Section 1.10 of the Saint Paul Legis- lative Code is hereby amended by deleting items g, h and i of subsection 4 Certificates of Competency -- Fees for, which reads as follows: "g. Warm Air Heating Work, Installing and Repair, and General Sheet.Metal Work: Master Installer $5.00 Journeyman Installer #3.00 "h. Ventilation Work, Installing and Repair, and General Sheet Metal Work: Master Installer $5.00 Journeyman'Installer $3.00 ":i. Sheet Metal Work Involving the Fabrication and . Connection of Gutters, Downspouts; -Valleys, Metal Trim and-Flashings: Master Installer $5.00 Journeyman Installer $3.00" and substituting the following in lieu thereof: !'g. Warm Air Heating Work Master Installer $5.00 "h. Ventilation 'Work Master Installer $5.00 "i. Warm Air Heating and Ventilation Work Journeyman Installer $3.00 " SECTION 4. That Section 1.10 of the Saint Paul,Legisla- y� tive Code is hereby amended by deleting item e of subsection 5 Certificates of Competency and rearranging the letter h'ad - ings e through•h in subsection 5. Ei SECTION 5. That Section 1.10 of'the Saint Paul Legisla- tive Code is hereby amended by deleting the following: farm Air Heating, Ventilation and Sheet Metal, "installing or repair" F in the first and second lines of subsection 7 RegistratioI of Card of Competency and substituting the following in lieu thereof: "Warm Air Heating and Ventilations installing or repair" ! � k f -2- � F ' c . Nap i i 1 .F + t r 4 d� Ii r E k r i 1� E E r r 1 k k s 1i } t t i� t � k k 204899 SECTION 6. That Section 1.11 *of the Saint Paul Legis- lative Code is hereby amended by deleting items k, 1, and m . of subsection 1. Licenses -- Required For, which read i as fol- lows: "k. Warm Air Heating Work, installing and repair, and General Sheet Metal Work I 111. Ventilation Work, installing and repair, and Gen- eral Sheet Metal Work "m. Sheet Metal Work, involving the fabrication I and erection of gutters, downspouts, valleys, metal trim and flashings" 4 1 and substituting the following in lieu thereof: "k. Warm Air Heating Work, installing and repair 111. Ventilation Work, installing and repair" and change the letters for the last two items to "m" and "n ". SECTION 7. That Section 1.11 of the Saint Paul Legis- lative Code is hereby amended by deleting item d of subsec- tion 2. Regulations for Licensing Persons, Partnerships, Firms or Corporations, and change the letter "e" to "d "+in the last paragraph of Subsection 2. I SECTION 8. That Section 1.11 of the Saint aul Legis --- lative Code is hereby amended by deleting item, of subsec- tion 5 Licenses - -Fees For, which reads as follows: Warm Air Heating,,.,Ventilation and General Sheet Metal Contractor and substitute the following in lieu thereof: " e e Warm Air Heating and Ventilation Contrac- tors $25.00" SECTION 9. That Section 1.11 of the Saint Paul Legis- lative Code is hereby amended by deleting the first paragraph lof subsection 8. Reciprocal License Permit, which reads as follows: "Wherever a master`Eertificate of c6mpete'ncy or license ` for Warm Air Hea -ting, Ventilation;, or General Sheet�Met- al, installing or repair, is required by the terms of•this code, any applicant for such-master license who has and presents a valid and subsisting license and card of competency from any other municipality in the State of Minnesota, which.has requirements for a license and I card of competency equal to those of the City of Saint Paul, as shall be determined by the City Architect,.may receive a permit to carry on his trade or occupation' Ias a Warm Air Heating, Ventilation, or Sheet Metal Contrac- tor by registering his license and card of competency,in the office of the City Architect and paying therefo� a -3- 1� 204899 r ��io7 E fee of $5.00. Such permit may be issued for s ch period 6 of time not to exceed the life of the license eld by the applicant." A and substitute the following in lieu thereof: �€ "Wherever a master certificate of competency or license j for Warm Air Heating and Ventilation, installing or repair, is required by the terms of this code any appli- cant for such master license who has and presents a J; valid and subsisting-license and card of competency from any municipality in the State of Minnesota, which has requirements for a license and card of competency u _equal to those of the City of Saint Paul, as shall be determined by the City Architect, may receive a �ermit to carry on his trade or occupation as a Warm Air Heat - +'4 ing and Ventilation Contractor by registering his license and card of competency in the office of the City lArchi- tect and paying therefor a fee of $5.00. Such permit k may be issued for a specific period of time not to exceed the-life bf the license of the applicant." I E SECTION 10. That Section 20.01 of the Saint Paul Legis- lative Code is hereby amended by deleting the titleto the section which reads'as follows: 1120.01 -- Certificates of Competency for Master and Jour- neyman Warm Air Heating, Ventilation and Sheet Metal J Installers" and add in lieu thereof the following: "20.01 -- Certificates of Competency for Master and Jour - - neyman Warm Air Heating and Ventilation Installers." SECTION 11. That,Section 20.01' of the Saint Paul Legis- lative Code is hereby amended by deleting items a, b, a,d c of subsection 1. Master and Journeyman Installer's Certifi- cates, which reads as follows:- "a. `F'or the purpose of controlling the quality of work- ' manship in the installation and repair of all warm air. heating, ventilation.and sheet metal work within tY�e limits of the City of Saint Paul, and by so doing to safeguard life, limb and property, there are hereb Irt created the Certificates of Competency for Master ,nd � p Y h Journeyman Warm Air Heating,. Ventilation and SheetTetal it Installers. . 11 "b. Master Installer's Certificate: Any person d A iringl to obtain a license to engage in or carry on the business of constructing, installing, repairing, servicing or al- tering of warm air heating, ventilation and sheet metal work within the limits of the City of Saint Paul shall first obtain a Master Installer's Certificate of Colpe- tency from the Bureau as herein provided. NL' r..1 • "c. Journeyman Installerrs Certificate: Any p desiring to,engage in or perform the work invol constructing, installing, repairing, servicing ing of warm air heating, ventilation and sheet work shall first obtain a Journeyman Installer' cate of Competency from the Bureau as herein pr and he shall be required to work under the dire and supervision of a duly licensed Master Instal and substituting the following in lieu thereof: 1, erson fed in the o�F alter - m'etal s ction ler." "a, For the purpose of controlling the quality df work- manship in the installation and repair of warm ailr heat- ing and ventilation work within the limits of the City of Saint Paul, and by so doing to safeguard life, limb and property, it is required that all persons performing such warm air heating and ventilation work shall Obtain a Certificate of Competency for a Master.or Journeyman Warm Air Heating and Ventilation Installer. I "b. Master Installerrs Certificate: Any person desir- ing to obtain a license to engage in or carry on the:bus- iness of constructing, installing, repairing, servicing, or altering of warm air heating and ventilation work within the limits of the City of Saint Paul shall first obtain .a Master Installer's Certificate of Competency from' the Bureau as herein provided. I " T "c. Journeyman Installerrs Certificate: Any person de- siring to engage in or perform the work involved in the t constructing, installing, repairing, servicing or Alter- ing of warm air heating and ventilation work shalllfirst obtain a Journeyman Installer's Certificate of Competency from the Bureau as herein provided and he shall be equir- ed to work under the direction and supervision of a duly licensed Master Installer." t� SECTION 12. That Section 20.02 of the Saint Paul Legis- j latiwe Code is hereby amended by deleting the title to the section, which reads as follows: 1120.02 License Requirements for Master Warm Air Heating, Ventilation and Sheet Metal Installers" •. acid - add the following in lieu thereof: i� ' 1120.02 License Requirements for Md.ster Warm -Air Hea ing And Ventilation." SECTION 13. That Section 20.02 of the Saint Paul } lative Code is hereby amended by deleting subsection 1. Requirements, which reads as follows: n, Leqis- "Any person, firm or corporation desiring to engage in the business of installing, repairing, servicing or al- tering of warm air heating, ventilation and sheet medal work shall first obtain from the Bureau a license aut�or- izing him or them to engage in such business.." I 5- Original to City Clerk, PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE I 204899 COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. ' and add the following in lieu thereof: "Any person, firm or corporation desiring to engage in the business of installing, repairing, servicing or altering of warm air heating and ventilation work shall first obtain a.license from the Bureau ofIPublic Buildings authorizing him or them to engage in uch business." SECTION 14. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. P ! j 1 4 • � 1 } Yeas E Councilmen Nays DeCourcy I Holland ! Loss 6 4 Mortinson 4 Peterson Rosen jMr. President (Vavoulis) Attest-. j !I !f i City Clerk iM 6 -60 ` 8 �t t i a i r P ! j 1 4 • � 1 } Yeas E Councilmen Nays DeCourcy I Holland ! Loss 6 4 Mortinson 4 Peterson Rosen jMr. President (Vavoulis) Attest-. j !I !f i City Clerk iM 6 -60 ` 8 �t -6- DEC 19�� Passed by the Council 7 In Favor Against DEC 7 1 w Mayor ' ZUBLISHED t i -6- DEC 19�� Passed by the Council 7 In Favor Against DEC 7 1 w Mayor ' ZUBLISHED t pnDllAta to Printer �I ORDINANCE 204899 COUNCIL FILE NO.-' PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 02 D a An ordinance amending Chapters 1 and 20 of the Saint Pawl Legislative Code pertaining to Building Construction. 'This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of public peace, health and safety. ' 1 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAINs'i . 4 SECTION 1. That Section 1.10 of the Saint.Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended by deleting Items g, h, and i of'sub- section 1, Certificates of Competency, which reads as follows: "g. Warm Air Heating Work, installing and repair, ;and General Sheet Metal Work. I "h. Ventilation Work, installing and repair, and Gener al Sheet Metal Work. "I. Sheet Metal Work involving the fabrication and erection.of gutters, downspouts, valleys, metal tri and flashings." 1 and substitute the following in lieu thereof: "g. Warm Air Heating Work, Masters 1 "h. Ventilation Work, Fasters I "I. Warm Air Heating and Ventilation Mork, Journeyman" SECTION 2. That Section 1.10 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended by deleting item (7) of subsection.3 Boards of Examiners -- Administration, a. General, which reads as follows s "(7) Board of Examiners for Warm Air Heaiting, Ventilation Installers and General Sheet Metal Workers "This Board shall be composed of the City Architect a' Chairman and four (4) appointive members of whom one ?1) shall be a Mechanical Engineer two (2) shall be engaged in the business as certified licensed Contractors for the installation of warm air heating, ventilation and l ' sheet metal, and one (1) shall be a Journeyman Installer holding a certificate of competency. Said Board shall, conduct examinations for Certificates of Competency requir- ed of the individual tradesmen who desire to engage in'the trades of Warm Aix Heating Work, installing and repair; or Ventilation Work, installing and repair, or General Sh et Metal Work, installing and repair." MlM i Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest I City Clerk 1M 6 -60 u0§0,8 t i Passed by the Approved:. Mayor Against And substitute, the f olloWing in liou thereof 4. 204899 '(7) Bootd of Examiners for Warta Air 140ating an Ventilation Installers /,;z / 6 "This Board' shali be composo4 of.the City Archit6ct as Chairman -and four (4) appointive, morabler's of , woom onsAI) ,shall be -a Mechanical Enginoert two (2) shall be cer-tified, and' licensed- W6rm Air Hdatiog 4id- Wnti- latton' Contractors q. and one, (1)* shall be' a Oert-Ified Journeyman installer holding"a CeVttficate of Po e. temyo ION 3f. , 'That Section !,.,10 of the Saint Paul L� g1s" lativo, coao, fs. ereby amended 'by deleting Items go, h. Ad i 4f zubtodtion 4 Certificates, of Com Otenby Fees for Which 'Air Heating Nbrk,j Instaftin and. -9. barn' xr m, -9 and Bepa Gen-excil SF eet Met63 , Wotk; Nwoter. installer $5.00 Zdurneymoo Installer $3.1100' VOUU,Ation Wpvk�-, Tostaiiing and .Ro'airi, and Gqn6ral Sh 'Met, pot al Work_t, Master lnstall-s; T $5, ,,. o. J pvneyman 16stal let $P, , 0 sheet Meta , I WOrk, Inv;iWing the Fabrication- On ConAoction Oi Gutters,, DownspoUt6s ValloysiMetal: T�rlm,and Plashings; Master Installer' $5* 0 Journeyman x6staIler $3.4 0". and subs,0tuting the folloio :ng. in bleu, thereof Z, 119* Aarm Air Heatittg Woik, 14aster Installer !'hl., Wntiiationfttk 'Master, Inf7t, 111,: Warm'�Air Heatt'09 sod Vewitilation Wo:01C Journeyman iftsuiler .T,XQN 4. 'That sectloo 1.10-of tho Saint Paul 0 g L s 1, Uvt, Code Is hereby amended by deleting Item e of subsec-lon Certihekos..'pf Competency and rearranging the letter sad* iogs e through 'h in subsection 5* st ION 5,. That $eotion 1.10 Of the $a_jAt PaUl ]Legisla* tive Code is hereby amended by deleting the followIngi IWarm Atr Heat ng:* Ventilation and Sliest Me�tdlt installing or repair " in tie first And secqiid, Ane-s,',,qf • svbtOction 7' ]Registration of Cod of Competency . aijo substi tuting.ths: foII_oWiAq in lie- Warm A and Ventilation, t;r 'fioating t a113.fio Or vep 204899 1� /0 7 OR ON 61 - That $60U00 1#1;', *f the Wnt Paul Legibio IOU"VO COO: i's hoteby 4me-aded by -dalatin1g. itoma k� 10, and *,uj;ced for' Aith toads 66 Of to q Iowa t '"ko 170% Air He4ting- WoVk-s A40-011inq. and' t0p4t 1:, AAd 0060tol $hoot Moot world OIL& vantiatition. wdtk,� inote'lling End 'vepair-O an eon* oral sfiqo-t MOW WOR Metal. Wotk# involving tho fabritation nil droct or, f quttora* dovmspoutat Volloyst motal im and flashlr,96 and substituting tho follow wln 11(m there -off Ok4, V4tm A r hosting Opkk#, lastallIng od rd p air Ventilatton WOrk g tASUX io And V Opito - 004 ghb,"04 the lettert for the lasit two itoms to Om" A d 0404 St-OTION 1A That Soiction 1*11 of the gai-At Poul L g1s* 1-stIV6 ode to hereby Omenided: by de'letioO item, d of Sun aee�*, t won P tners'" Regul-st-ions for. ar hi so lfe*j, �O it Vi =o or Corporationa,# a0d ohamp the, lottor 0 in the lost paragraph of SUbseation 2* S L Oo That $eation 1,11 of thd Saint Pad 1ptive Codo is bOdby gimend'ad by, deletlr* item 90, au sac* on gde 46 follOW61 For* WhIth t t W -Air Hootih'q# venUlotioq and Gonozal Contractor and moubettitu•o the f 01116wing to 11.04 thoreofi Watm Ar HoOlng a0d Vontilation Coottac- -That sottton 1,41 Of tho saint Paul U i 'b , MON 91f X410VO Code, U, hoVeby smended by deleting tiho- fAz%t, p6pi, taph df bubsddtton 8,4' He'iproadl Uxetlso Verm1t, toads os- which 101 lows 1, Whe;4vet a ma'tt#t eartifioate of 06thpotoody or, Ite nso, for. Waim Air Hoatinq# Vontila.tUm, -Or"Oonoval. Shoot Meta al, instO11109- Or, itopett'O is ,r,#�i.julrid �V. tho teems this 100000 any, appadal)t for Such "'star, 1,106hso Who has 44d, 114onse. aril �atd p:md-senta A* valid ind 6­ubsia'i.Ift�y Compatencot ftom 8 other '"ility in tho. State of ev. tolcip" - A Mmosotej Wh1r;h hA$ "quU.4ments f-Or a liedn$ol and 0 J Card of competency equo"l to ,those of 'tho City. sunt Paul '40 shall b#� do Ctiy- Ar-6- -toot* gay toMined -b 06 h olvo- a p'Ormit to! OS: ",I on Us 't;oado r 104c.1spla U0, 'o 6hpot'MoU . . . . . ant . M. O.C4, ,-m HOOtinot Vent latlofV4 or 1 - t for by toOstoring his 4nd­oard, of' otent, 40ne mg tho offi #, f the City ArqhitoOt and paying t #r 0 .00 11 nn fqs� of $5400* Such pe. =.. t` t may bei. Issued, for sw.Lpoviod of UMO riot to exceed tho life of the lltooftse he, by tuna, and sUU6+AtUt* the folloWing to liev thozooft "Whie-rovO 4a, maotOr- Oettif idats of Oorops ton oy "i 4i�oqso for Worm At Hooting and Ventllattvnf: -in' ."P_ airs U roquirod b, the to "-- s O-f" tblo t000 Ah appli* '04nt fov. tuob Masto loonso i ho: bays and prea6nti, a 'va.lid ;Md -SUbsitilng f compete I; �oeoao end catd o C from Sn)( Municiptlity in. the Stote oaf MinnesQUt Uh hiO voqoivdmonts� fot 4 lie-ones and Card of dom-Pe'. envy equal t6 those of tho .Piety` of Saint P040 as shia, I dente rmtilod by tho M.ty-.Av;hitO.dt 'Irloy vscoivo� a pelt to tarry on his Uado or occup-stioti 09 a Wwzm 'At 1464to. in Oodr,veattle!tton Coattootor by roglototing hisjUpe"SO '04 �04,vd,,_p,f, 4Qrqp*teooy- -in, tho office of the City. 4 ' i tact And, pa it thor -0, .efov a fo of Sb:--00, Sud wit may be itisu'd fora SPOOM'O period of tin excioed .0 not t SaCrIOU 10,., That Uotiqn 219,01 bf the Oaint Paul figiso lativ6 Coda is, boveby amended by de ti o , 9 tho title's section whiob reads at follows #20!P-'01*-Cevt1,ftOO_tOs_ of ` Oompetonc'y for Master end JOUVO nO Ti 0 MO .L .yMan Worm. Air Jisatings V4011ation a 4, Oe t and sd4 inliou- thersof tho followioso 41!0,*0jL--(;OrUf i4o dmpet'n i toz ftatdr -and o UV� to$ 6f 0 e CY �'. X. I - noyman wotm.Aiv Roatiog And Ventilation Toattill, �ECTION: 11ib That 0 t 'ho sgijit P taois* 14tive cod#, to hud"by smondod, by, dexoting Items' a b and C 6 F Ovbsopt4 Install lit, 1 on 1# MOr-tor -and .by Tos, all P4 60 Cates'.# WhUh teado as folXows Pot PUTPOO. . Of CoAtrolling tho qu6lity *f work.* Olanabip 01'"t 11 'Wom air ho 104tallatiolft, 4rtd, vvpsiv of -,P beatloq.# ventilation Ond, thost- maul work. within - 0- t 0, Un4ts, of the ClAy, of $ain't PO And 1>y 109 t 1 4 ul L so doing oaf e+ Ord Ufts, Uroo OM Pz'Oper-tyj them ate hetob cres.-tod th-o-, 00' tif lostes NM 0 or r �f , Q- pets'-. Y Madt t d Jouvneymn i1form Alz VO4tilatxon, and, ShOot to.l. Ustallovs* Wbl� M�$ter Aty person do tring to' obtain ',a Uoe6so to eapqo 10 ar o4my .60 the bra ideas of donstvuOtibo. jn:otollt �vloq 0 ed n E. n9# ropol vvidi­q 0 U1 i6f . W# vantllati6n and shoo+wj way. I . no -, wowk within tho X.I�Ats' of - th4 OUY of Saint pains U. PO4 tonqy from OA Buteou -0% h1wr4o, P"ijidedi, *44o ., Cektifi,00.* Any des tring to ongago, U or P-6 rform the I Wotk, in Vol totistxUdUngo inor of'WOM air h4AUn9j'VOntilati, on and sho�f. ,iqprk- shall first obtAin z lour4symo, X-notallor's 'M e s�pin pia 0$to be COMP -at - ZY ftom the. aur,ou, a's ho and h6 that�. be re'.quited to work under the jo and 00PIVVI-404 of 4 d01)t Udensed Matter instal and sobqtItutinq tho fo"U0.4-liq In I '0010. For tho p,urposa of conuolling the q0*11ty manship -In 'tho ia$tallauon and rapsix, of warm 0 thi irqtnd ventilati*0 'work ;wi 1 6 the Umits of th of S-�int P-4uls and, by so doing to safoguar'd' life and property, it to �requirod that 041 poisons such. uch W shall tilation work, wrm air h0ating and VOn a cortiflcota of compotency for a mastead .0t ''ow. Warm Ar Keating and Veatllgtion Instal! Ob,o, t0stdt Installev's Ceitificatot Ah-V person inq to 06tdin, a licen'so to engage in Or carry on Inots Qf coost ructing tastaIII49t vopatpin%j� set of oltering of 'Warm -air beating, and ventilation W wlthin'iha. Umito Of the City of Wet Pa4i shall obtain ,o Maoter. 1 0 0 qstoljovt�s� 0-'qVtjf t, ato, omgot from the turoav" so heroin ptovidod'o -#,C,o Sourneymso lostollorls, Cdr-tifleatos Any pots siting to engage, to Or perform the work IAvdlved 1 141Structing, Installing, vepoirinq- servicIngor .3 of Warm, air beating and. vontilat-160 work shall obtain -a jo urneyman Tnstall4r'ls C r-tificato of Com from 00 oureou as hotain. ptovided and 'he shall bo ,dd to work under. the ditaetio4 0r�d rauporvxaton of PtOTION 124 Th6t Uctiofi W;p,02 6f tho Saint Paul. lauvo,Codo is hereISV aMended by d#lOttnq tha titIo to 00,00ylo "'obtch roads, as follow4i 11 Aix ,20,402 14con-se ROquirpmonts for Master Warm, Axx VICAt"Atillon and shoot Metal 11.100110rao - and add tho following In lieu thorooft PA In tho led Worko, heat* UY stain I a oslx* ho bus,;- i44rkq* 0'2a. #0 144006 ReqUiremoAts for VlastotWavm Air 1104 t then ow 02 of the Saint Piaui 'to t�* 1hat $Ottloo 20 lative Code I hero sting aobsotipn Jo, a Oro Y amended by del Ftoqoiremontsj, Whjph p#ads as fol haves # 4A"Y pevt.bao fl=., or cororattoil do#j.rjng to engage p the bijstnoso tot ins tori.fig of warns alp: _,heattaoq, ventilatuh I and ahoet ma Work SWA first Obtain itom tho 'Sumu a licenso -so I m zIng h� or them to engage in G'Udh- boitioossq,# .1P0. Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE ! �04�9 tl � COUNCIL FILE NO. ! Flo PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. ' { and add the following in lieu thereof: "Any person, firm or corporation desiring to engage in the business of installing, repairing servicing-`br altering of warm ,air heating and vent�.lation worm shall fir$t obtain a license from the Bureau of Public Buildings, authorizing him or them to engage in such business." StCTION 14, This ordinance shall take effect andjbe in force upon its passageo approval and publication, i t. l t 74 t I •. i k 1 t 7� 7 jj{{ i• -6- Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy j Holland i Loss " Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk IM a -so 8 Passed by the Approved: nEC 7 7 In Favor d A gainst •vl `'J 7 Yom. Mayor is 1 2n Laid over to 10 3rd and app d Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays DeCourcy DeCourcy Holland ' Holland `Lees -- Loss - Mortinson Mortinson Peterson Peterson Rosen Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis Mr. President Vavoulis s 204899 10