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- -------------------------------------- ------- Council File No------------------------- By ........................................................ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying A RESOLUTION RA7 ASSESSMEN Council File No. 20489 Rosen— In the matter of the benefits cost and exper structink and, restoring', and work incidental thei 59-M-188, District No. 3, 1 P.O. Assessable: ssessfnoi In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses constructing and restoring of sidewalks and work incidental thereto: District No. 3.0-livy go—, - `M)- VIM A F.O. 151354 )R on St.# 1)oth si4esp frVa Goxw= Ave,, to Livingston P*O. IB076 Jenks Ote, north side-,,_.fr= Bradley St. eastward to ea of Lot 140 Block 10,0 Fairview Addition- P.O. 193163 Sidney, ft*, both 'sides) frdm Brovn Ave. to Andrew Ste' F.O. ljf_66p Sims Ave., both sides] frm Arcade St. to Win4ota Sti sides, from Mendota St. to Forebt -stil P.O. 191357 Greenbrier St., Vest sid0p, fro► Sims Ave. to Case Ave. ANCK486Z6.8A_4LFWng been bad upon the aaiessme.qt for the above improvcmeni nuf I'.0. 3 b �Arirl = �!ph, both 'ides 'fr-= Gorman Ave to -.0st hav In'P �6.'n co Fairview Addition 9 f - *LZ y:6. i�tlo�a =,AVei,, 66aii sidd,,Irbi Wda t. to it is herFkQiPr19l6M Stiff Oq 1Sefqg'1@ frame SIEVE11 to Ca96-A'. Riedel* 'Ve. in ... ............ c;) . . . ....... equal iostallmeDfs. Adopted by the -CounciL ................................. ........................................... 19 ......... wov 2 P Approved...................................................... 19 -------- Form B. B. 18 Milton !;sment, of! for con- sidewalksl Contract! r No. for A 4jr� %77ott tbLerefore 13 ani the z:ime Ilation. d to be payable tt'&y Clerk. ... ..........I Mayor. l' CITY OF ST. PAUL t OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessme :4 � ®�49 3 —aia fw -matt lal Ofe the 4 simsp)ent- Q¢. benof i ts, cost and expenses for c©noti-actin ; sed restores ra° si;UvAl ks and vork incidental thtre;611' dr,n§ ct 59 -Id -188, ZistASSES,SABLE: I � 21Qa , 'r' • : • . F..O., Z9 354 Morton S ., both sides, from Gorman Ave,' to, Livings n St. - - ' . F.O. 189876 Jenks St,,�- :north side, from Bradley St. eastward to east line of � Lot 114, Block ' 10, Fairview Addition.` -� s - F.O. 191163 Sidney St;,.both "sided, -frem Brown Ave,= tb'Andrew S F.O 190105 York Ave.,•bouth aide, -froin Mendota'St, to Forest S _ F.O. 191620 Sims Ave „ both sides,`,from,Arcade. Std to, Mendota S unds �i Q. ;1916 „Mer dota„St „tq,FQ est w--- - -M-- F.O. 191357 Greenbrier ^1qto, west side, from Sims Ave'. to. O7 ' e.. e. - Inte faedis -Order - - ----- - - ---- -- 1—nY I. �� - +�C/i Y��_ —__� . j_� _. I_- l ------------ _ N .-ASSESSABLE i `4 — — Fini,l- @r&, - ?-�?�3.5. _- Morton- Stf,yboth _sides, -fry mYG man�Ayeg to_Li�ings _on Aver--------- 189876— "J"e'riks' Ave., riox�li- s3:cle� 'act j'oiriittg Lot 14� Block'10`, -' To the Cau cil oft n Citg�,e,- udd3tion F.O. 191163 Sidney 5�., both sides, from Brown Ave, to Aid rew s , Thel'(.iOi °,r `9010 r fYo knl�Ye ��esgl�t,h�,�si$e, t xom M�vndota fiSet }• �;Foresta8 tement of thy: ex- F.O. 9J 9s 6 gins Ave. MR sAes' from .l�'rcac�e S�. Mendota S . penditurF�° �ec9�inSumseAvelt ,lnsotithesid����Prom� _ ;�dota St :� #toForeaQ iS °rovement, viz: .0. lgl3'57 Greenbrier Sit., vtes� side, fr Simi Ave. b base A e. Cost of construction ................:.. . .......... . . 0,913 -1. -- Engineering ..... ..T........... �. - - -- . Inspection fees.... . :......... :............ .... •� -+4 67 "I � , Postal cards ........ ............................... Publications ....... ............................... Court costs for confirmation ........................ Total expenditures... .............$9,492.U2 I Charge to Non Assessable, $282.01+, 31 -E -1, $197.57, Net Assessment, $9,012.1+1 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 9x492.02 upon each and every lot, part or pa Icel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of lani in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. 2M 12 -62 8 i Commissioner of Finance.