204885 '1� I.�Q4���. '" ' Council �le No.. . li • • • � � 1� �e �f t �� RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING �� -•� TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING �� ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES ggsoLU�ION OF COUNCII.APpROV- ING qSSESSMENT AND FIXING �� TIMB AF HEARIN(}THER.EON AND FIXIN(�y, TIME OF HEAR,iN(} ON � ' TSE A�AR,D OF DAMAGES � � Cou�cil e No. 204885— �� , `� In the matter of condemning and � < talsln easemeat for the purpose . In the matter of---------------•-------•----•---•--------........---._..............---------•_•----•-•-------•--------•-------------or cons eting and maintaining a � '"'� �e er for the„Wheeler-Fair- 1' _ _ ' _�� "' -� �. �; In the ma,tter of conde�.ing an�? taki�g an easement for the purpose o . � , �; constructing and main.taina.r� a pubiic ae�Er for the Wheeler�Fairmoun � � � ': � Relief Sewer System, Contract "A", on, und,er �,r�.d across Government Lo� �: �� 3, Section 5, Township 28, Range 23, on, a strip of land 30.0 ft. in w d.th �: � from a point 5.0 fte north to a point 25.0 fte south of' the'. center� li�ie ;- of Lincoln Ave. produced westerly �.b�ve elevation 1.500 City Datum,:Fth �ai►". ' center line of said easement bein� described as follows: beginning�at a : point 500 ft. n.orth of the center line of Lincoln Avee produced weste ly ? and 15.0 ft. west of the west lin.e of Cretin Ave.; thence southerly t� a � �' point .25.0 ft. south of the center line of I,incoln Ave. produced, west�rly �. ; and 15.0 ft. west ,of the west ljne of Cretin Ave. ' " �, Also a strip of land 20.0 f�to in width from a point 10.0 ft. sou h {' of the cen.ter line of Lincol.r�. Ave e prod.uced westerly and 43 a 5 ft. wes of -------, �i the center line of Cretin Aveo to the east bank of the Mississippi Ri er �' between elevation 28.0 and elevation 45v0 City Da,tum, th.e center line of ---•---� said easement bein� described as fol?ows: beginnin.� at a point 10.0 f o �t south of the center line of Lincoln Avee produced westerl� and 43,5 f , """"""""' west of the cen.ter line of Cretin A•ve., tihen.ce sou�thj•�ester]_y at an an e ; of 78°33' with the center line of Cretin Aveo to the east ba,nk of the nt of �� Mississippi River , ,__J 1Z .�....-.,.—„�o.�.„�,avo-vuc�cua-apy�r,ttocu-ior,;ue tloov m�piovement �; and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making i; of said improvement,•therefore be it i' �, Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. �' �� Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- �s tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said�assessment of �i � benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the___________________th___.___.day ��` of_____________________�cember � 1961....., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissionlr of Finance � be and he is hereby directed to give notice of sa,id hearing as prescribed by the Charter. ' NOV 21 � � �; Adopted by the Council---------------------•-•------------------------------- -•--......_, 19_....__. ]► . � � / - � � _ c.� .. __...._.__�__� ________________________________ ....... ...... ........... � �'���� � � ��,,' ty Clerk. �. APProved------------------------------------#.---------------••----,L�'19-------- < �- , � ----•-•---------•-••-•----- ------•-----------------------------------__!_...--------•-------- ` File 15332 Mayor. '4 Councilma,n DeCourcy . 'S Councilma�,�„U---- ��� � Councilman Loss ����� I�_ ��., ((�(� � �� Councilman MortinsotT � - ---._ �I Councilman Peterscln �- � , � Councilman Roser J� � I �. Mayor ��a ��fis - . , - . ._�. � • �O �: - - -- . , � ;i rl r i �� .