204855 i � .� ` ri� �' i i, 0 1 - ' , - , ' �� 3 :� � �-� = � ---�����5 ' ` COUNCIL FILE N0.___� t - , - � BY---------------------------------------------------------------- : � � ° FIl�AL ORDER � � r � In the Matter of reconstruct" the sidewalk on the sonth side of 8th St. from � E Sibley St. east to the east line of Lot 10, Blk 2, Whitney & Smiths Addition. � . s Councll FIIe No. 20485� � in the mat er of reconstructing the sidewalk on fhe south side oP Sth St. � � • from Sibley St. east to the east line i ) of Lot 10, Bllt, 2, Whitney & Smi�ths Addition, under Preliminary Order � 202488 approved Tune B, a9B1. � A publlc hearing having been had upon the atiove improvement upon due notice, and the �ouncil having i heard all persons, objections and 3 recommendations relative thereto, and � �-�*0r�.,�,�1,..{.ron3idere�l_,thg' saztte� ' under Preliminary Order___________����86_____________________approved _______J!u?e__6,�__1961________I___^^�__ � - --------------- g iIntermediary Order----------------------------------------------------aPProved ---------------------•---------------------------------------------- � A public hearing having �een had upon the above improvement upon due notice�� and the Council { having heard all persons, obje tions and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered ? the same; therefore, be it � RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and lflnd of im- i � provement to be made by the said City ia reconstruct�he sidewalk on the s luth side of 8th St. f r o m S i b l e y S t. e a s t t o t h e e a s t l i n e o f L o t l p, B l k 2, 1 fl hi tney & Sm i t� A d d i t ion, t except where good and sufficient side�alks now exist. f � i � _ _, -. ----- - - -. . - i - I _ � 1 c t ' and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. � RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and � directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- � ceed with the making of'said improvement in accordance therewith. � N OV 21 �96� � Adopted by the Council-----------------------------•---------------- ---- , � ` ���v 2 �.. ���J� �--- -------- ----- - ------ --- ---�-• -- ---- - -- ------- -------- � City lerk. i „ iAPProved------------------------------------------------ : s � ; �------------------ - - ------------------------ -------- � 56582 Mayor. �` Councilman Councilman beCourcy, - ` Councilman Holland --._ ; Loss - t Councilman Mortinson 4 Councilman peterson ��' ������� Councilman �o��� gUBL1gH�� --�-==-- ) Mayor ����� . i � 1 � F 2-55 2M 2� ! ' e � ,. ._ s—�... �. . - ° � ' � - -- � ^ .. . -., L1Stw 1Y0� �.�.' t 8th. St. - Sibley east - south s3de � � ^ .�. � � � � ������ � E l OFFICE OF TI� COMMISSICR�IER OF PUBLIC WORKS � t , O � ` �B I, REPORT TO CONIMISSIQNER OF FINANCE . ��U� � � ' � � � t f i }! 1 � June 9th. 19 61 � � To the Coimnissioner of �inance of the• City of Saint Paul: I � ` The Coiraai.ssioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre- ` liminary order of the Council� lmown as Council File No. 202486 I iapproved_ June 6th. 19 61 relative to reconstruct the lidewalk on I i the south side of 8th. �St. from Sible,y �'t. east to the east li.ne of Lot 10� Blk 2� � TiJhitne & Smiths gddition. I , I r � 4 � , I � I . � and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein� herlby reports: i i l. The estimated cost thereof is $0.65 per sq. ft. for mono. concl walk 5" thick. I j �ctra work(excav.. fill. conc. rem�d. root cuttin�, drive crossines.etcl)at e-�tra cost. i � � 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attacheld and made � a part hereof. I 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works g ! 1�. Improvement is asked for u etition I � � � � � E ����,� � I � JU� 20 �� � I �.� 19 � � ��'`�-d� �� � Commissioner of Pu'blic 'Works � ���`��''P c�, � 9 � � 5 � I ' i ; � , .