204814 i p ,q � ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK � y !� ~ �Co�ssil File No. 204S14—By Frank L. ������ � � CI Resolved, That the Council hereby COUNCIL { � •� approves the award of the Contract FILE N0• — OFFICE Committee the�efor and hereby awazds , � contract for furnishing all labor, ma- � UNCIL RE:terials and services necessary 4or and � reasonably incidental to the wrecking r oP divelling and removal of walls,steps � PRESENTED BY � and iniscellaneous concrete and debris November 13 1961 COMMIS�ONE an�th.e erection of a fence at the side- cxJ�---]?. e_J.gcate�l at 362-364 Ramsey � y 9,as�t�-V��,c=.J?—�'eet i t-.,.. . t i � t RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contrac � Committee � `�herefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing all labor, mater'-als and � k i. � services necessary for and reasonably incidental to the wrecking of dcaelling and f removal of walls, steps and miscellaneous concrete and debris and tie erection of S , - j a fence at the sidewalk line located at 362-364 Ramsey Street described as the West : � 8.50 feet of Lot 20 and all of Lot 21, Whitacre, Brisbine and Mu11eI's subdivision �€ of Lots 1 and 2, of Leech's Addition of �outlots to town of Saint Paul, Minnesota f . � to PATSY WRECKING COMPANY in accordance with City specifications thlrefor hereto 1 . . i attached and the Informal Bid ��3259 of said Patsy Wrecking Company, City to pay � � Contractor $1,078.00, such bid being the lower and said Patsy Wrecking Company being a reliable and reasonable bidder and the Corporation Counsel lie and hereby is : r directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the p�oper City � officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of � � � Saint Paul. Informal Bid ��3259. t - - � ► - � , � �ov s ��s� � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— ► �� Yeas Nays � � DeCourcy ���u � s `���1 Holland Approved 19— Loss Tn Favor 1 � ��4i�svr� � � Peterson ,, , Mayor � Rosen gainst ' 1- $'- 1 �6.3 YUBLISH� � Mr. President, Vavoulis 5M`c-ci r � �' i iy ' � ?a UUPLIGATE TO PRINTER � .�, I ���-��� �. .�, CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i �� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1 � � �� j'• PRESENTED BY I�'ovember �3� 1961 �5 COMMISS!(3'NER DATF �- 1 �� � o , ' , z �SOLVBD, That the Council hereby approve� the award of the Contra�t �ommittes �� �h�reEoac �nd hera�by a�rard� ccnrxact for furnieh�ng all labor, matQriala �d �� I 3� �rarvices neteseary for and rea8on�bly incidenCal to th� wrecking of dv�lling and i� �: reawvsX o� Wa11s, atep� and miaaellaneou4 cbncrete and debria and ths erection of �; . � j� a fence at the �f.dew�lk line iaceted �t 362-364 �ey Street descri�ed ag ChQ We�t �� � i� 8.50 Ee�t of A.ot 20 and �11 of �,o� 21, �}hitacre, $�istbin� a�ad I�iu2lQn�a �ubdivis�on , ` oF I,otB }. �nd 2, of Iaeec�.'s �,ddition o�E putlots to ,tot�m of Saimt �au , Minneaota ; , : . . ,� � ° to PATBSt WBECRING CO�fPANY in �ccordauce with Cfty apeci.fications Che�afor h�r�to �� . . . �� attached and �he �nforaRal 8id #3259 of ,aa3d Patsy {�recking Goa�gny, �ity to pay �t , I ' ConCrgCtor $Y,07$.QO, such bid b��,ng the loW�r and sa�a �gtay wxec�ci� Co+��y , a� being a reliable snd reasonabl� bidder and the CorpoxaC3on �ounsQl b' a�nd hereby i� a; � • i'- dir�cted �v draw up the prap�r fo�m of conCxact therefor, and the pxbper City �'- official� hereby aze authorized to esecu�e said contract on behalf oF the City of �r t �: Saint Paul. i aE � � Inform�tl Bid �3259. � �� � � } • 5 1F �; NO� �.6196'1 �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council � 19— �` Yeas Nays � �' veco�cy � �l�V 6 ��?�� . 3: Holland Approved ' 19— JS 7 T^ � + 11Vgg Tn Favor ,; �Mvrt,irrsuir--� � 4 ' Mayor Peterson ° ��Against �� Rosen , � �. . , 5 Mr. President, Vavoulis j �� 1 6M (j::sl . �k �� �c