D001724CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No.: Do � 7 a� ADMINISTRATIVH - Date: /' O '- - — • ORDEli GS �: 32273 BLTDGET REVISION E�D�1$�TIVE ORDEIZ, Consistent with the authoriry granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Pnh 1; r wnrkG toamendthel9 �cg_budgetoftha Cagi a1 o3ectc fund,theDirectoroftheDepartmerrt of flnance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Curtent &�jei FVNANCIN6 PLAN C97-2T424 CIiYWIDE LTG IMPROVEMENTS CIB 97 • SPENDING PLAN C97-2T424 CITYWIDE LTG IMPROVEMENTS Construction FINANCING PLAN C98-2P005 PINEHURST & HILLCREST LTG 1998 CIB 1997 CIB ._� ,... 121,�.�0 -14,04G,50 1�6,953.50 121,000.00 -14,046.50 106,953.50 121,000.00 -14,046.50 106,953.50 121,000.00 -14,046.50 106,953.50 .: ��� la .' ��� �� � ��. � � ��. � .: ��� �� � �.. � : 1�. � • CITY OF �'JAINT PAi3L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BI3DGEf REVISION No.: �oo ��a� Date: /� (� J / / � #: 32273 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, ConsisteM with the authority graMed to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on ffie request of the Director of tfie Department of Putfic Works toamendthel9 9 8 budgetofthe Capital Projects fund,lheDirecroroftheDepartrnerrt of Finance and ManagemeM Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current �dget SPENDING PLAN C98-2P005 P�NEHURST & HILLCREST LTG Construction . • • - .: ��� �� , ��. � : ��. � .: ��� �� . ��. � ��. � . � � � � � ' " i I . L. f ..�.' _... . . , . . , • ��T.11l/1�►t:� roa er�� �� � /� Y ,���q �u�r�� f 1 � — 7" ' Pubiic Works CONTACT PEflSON & PHONE Ea wazn z6�-6iaz MUST BE ON CAf1NCILAGENDA BY (DA"fE) • TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES DATEINITIATED GREEN SHE ���NO. 32273 6/29/1999 InNaVDate IniliaVDate J DEPAFTMEM DIRECTOfl N� ASSIGN CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK NUMBFA FOR (�� ��/� ROIIi1NG ❑FlNANCIAl.SERVICESDIR ���FlNANCIALSERV/ACCTG ❑ MAYOR(OR ASSISTAiVI) ❑ Ed Wam ❑ ❑ Dick qu 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Approval of attached Administrative Order amending the spending and financing plans for the Pinehurst & Hillcrest Lighting project by transfemng 1997 CIB from the 1997 Citywide Ltg Improvement project. RECOMMENDATIONS'Approve (A) o� Re�ecl (R) _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIBCOMMITTEE qViL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this persorJfrtm ever worked untler a coMrad for this department? VES NO 2 Has ihis persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee'+ YES NO 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not nofmally possessetl by any currerrt aTy employee? YES NO 4. Is this oersonffirm a taraetetl VendoR IP�RTICTING PFOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY): � ca rvv Additional monies ue needed to awazd wntracts for the work on the Pinehuist & Hillcrest lighting wiring update project. There aze funds in the 1997 CiTywide Ltg project to fund the additions needed. 1DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Contracts will be awazded and work completed in 1999. ��CEiVE� . .. _ o DISADVAMAGES IF APPROVED: None. �i j� �,�.�� DISADVMIiAGESIF NOT APPpOVED Only a portion of the work will be funded and work crews will have to go back in the azea to update the wiring at a future date. fOTAL AMOUM OF TRANSACTION S Net 0 � NG SOURCE 1997 CIB IAL INFORMATION (EXPI.HIN) COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONE) yES No AcilVm NUMBEA C97-2T424 & C98-2P005