204750 r _ � / { 5���� + � Councll Flle No. 20475�By Miltott ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �I� ROSEII— NO. �� _ S Whereas; Additions and Deductions� COUNCIL 4 which might prove .to be necessary FILE in the.Imuzovement described_as,.tl�e I „ qFFICE Remodeling and Redecking o� {�e.] x ' � " BURR,STREET ggIDGE, Comptroller's I � UNCIL RES Contract L-6343, Kraus-Anderson Com-' � Pany. Contractor, have been PR�3ENTED BY � fOr � �e Specifldations, �dprOVided / COMMISSIONE s��keItheefallowi���d neces-���R �-� 1901 _ 1: — -------------- —r,:� ro�nrtlori: � Addit10II3� � i `o Y '�A� N Y1� • � C � WHEREAS, Additions and Deductions which might prove to ,be neces- r sary in the Impr_ovement described as the Remodeling and Redecking . ; of the BURR STREET BRIDGE, Comptroller' s Contract L-6343, Kraus- � �nderson Company, Contractor, have been provided for in the � � Specifications, and 4 / � WHEREAS, it has been found necessary to make the following Additions �ar�d Deduction: � ADDITIONS: ; - . . �� 61�.0 tons of Class �'B" Concrete . . . .� � 12.20 � 780.80 � - 4.0 tons of. Class t!C�' Concrete . . : '.�_ � 11.� - .80 � - ' � Total � � 825.60 , # DEDUCTION: • � 36.0 tons of Class "Et� Concrete . . . .� � 11.20 0 .20 ; - - TOTAL NET ADDITION 22. 0, and _ ,� � WF�REAS, the total Addition is � 1�22.�0, now therefore, be it x � RESOLVED, that the City of St. raul througYi it��`s City Council �� -� approved the foregoing �ddition made in accordance with the ° ' Specifi cations in the s�um of � �}22.4.0, said sum to be added to � the lump sum consideration nam.ed in the contract known as t Comptroller' s Contract L-63�.3 for the m�king of ths above Improve- � ment, and which amount is to be financed as follows : . F � Financing - 31E-1 . . . . . . 253,68 � T � Chicago & Northwestern Railway� � 168.72 � � � i The Commi.ssioner of iublic Works has agreed with the � t above named Contractor that the amount of � 1+22.1�.0 is the correct � sum to be added to the above contract. � - � � � . � NOV 14 �°r �' ► . ' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_— �� Yeas �� Nays , veCourcy ' ' I�1pV 14196� y Holland Approved 19— �� , Loss . . _ �� � �n Favor " Mortinson �' � - Mayor �Peterson gainst ����� ` � � - ���( �Rosen `� �4 � _ t ; Mr. President, Vavoulis �i' ' sM G-G1 � F" . � r � S . . i � i ������ DUrLICATE TO rRINTER �; CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. i _ �, ,�FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � NO`TEMBBR �3� ���1 COMMISSI'ONER DATE l- � -- -- —-----—---- �: a� 1{ i �; WHFREAS, Addl.tiona and Deductions v�hich might prove to be nece$- �= eary in tho Tmprovement de�aribed ae the Remode].ing and Redeal�ing �� oP the BIIRR 3TREET BRSDa�, �Comptroller�8 Qontreat L-63l�3, Rrau�- ` Andernon Com an Contractor have besn P y, , prov3ded for in the �' SpecSfic�t3one, and ,� �� �` WHEREAS, it hag bebn fo�nd neaes�ary to mal� the following Additiona �� affi Deduations �, AD�ITIONSs � . ' 6�.0 tone or eia�s "B" Conaret� . . . .� � 12..�0 ,� 780.80 i= 1�.0 tona of C3.as� "C" Concrete . . . .� 11.� . .80 ,_ �: � � ' Total � 8�5.60 �"� DEDUCTIOAs � 36.0 tona of C1as� n�" Concre�e . . . .� � 11.20 � 0 .�0 �: ' TQT9L NET ADDITION 22. , and ;� VVBEREA3, the total Addition ie � �,22.I�A, noR therefore, be it i � � RESOLV�D, �hat the City of St. Yau1 through it�s City Coune3l '- approved the foregoing Addition made in aaaordanee •ith the ': Specifi catior�s in the �um of' � �.22.�.�.�, �aid sum to be add�d to �j the lump aum aona3derat ion named in the contrac t known a,s �= �: Comptroller�a Contraet T,-63l�3 #'or the making of tha above Impro�e- �; ment, and which amount i� to be finanaed as followe s �: �' Finsncing - 31E�»1 . . . . . . . 25�.68 i: Chioago dc North�veatern Railway lb .72 � F The Commi.�aioner of P�blia iVorka ha� agreed with the above nemed Contraator i�iat the amount oY � �.22.�.0 is the eorrect �� eum to ba e,dded to the a bove contra at. � a� i� �� �: Nalt 1� ���� COIJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— �; Yeas Nays �� D�eCourcy ��v � f� �t��' �iolland Approved 19— � Loss ;� In Favor M'ortinson Peterson Mayor R�osen �gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis , ��. a SM (i-(il �. 1 �; �� L