204736 � � , ORIGINA��TO GITY CLERK • � � CITY OF Sf..PAUL FOENCIL NO. 204�36 � , OFFICE OF THE'CITY CLERK COU CI 'REaOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��� • ' COMMISSIONE _DA7E �F � REuOLV�D, that Mazy �n.n Niilton be permitted to install and � vper.a-te a 49-��' o£� street parking lot on the south side of Carter 9venue between Como �venue antl Reston �treet, described as Lot� 1 -and 36 ' antl the vacated 2f}-�oot public a1ley �ar��oining said lots, Block 38, St. - .�.nthor�y Rark North, in accordance w3.th plans �.pproved Octob�r 19, 1961, sub3ect to compli.�ance with the provisions of all ordinanae� governing � �he operation of parking lots, anc�.. to the eonclition that the sidewalk abutting said premises be kept clean and frae of ice :and snow at �a7�. times. Council FYle No. 204736-By'Frank L.� , ' . Loss— - Resolved, That Mary Ann Miit�n be , pernlitted to install �nd operate a 49-car ofP street parking lot on the south side of Carter Avenue between � Como Avenue and Keston Street, de- scribed as I.,ots 1 and 36 and the vacated glocict38uStCAnthonyjPa kgNorth�n' accordance with plans approved Octo- ber 19, 1961,subject to compliance with the provisions of all ordinances govern- � . ing the operation of parking lots, and to the cond(Uon that�.the sidewalk � abutting said premises be kept clean and free of ice and snow at all times, , Adopted by the Councll November � 14, �1961. ' ` Approved November 14, 1981. (November 18, 1981) x . � -�ov i 419�' COkUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas € Nays FDeCourcy ��� � � ���,� Holland � - proved 19— Loss 'Tn Favor �"�"� ,,..K. Mortinson � ► � Mayor Peterson - � A gainst Rosen � Mr. President, Vavoulis sM G-(il � .. O F�F I C E O F C I T Y C L E R K - • MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL �� City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS . , HAROLD J. RIORDAN Couneil Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House � 1F � -�-' St. Pauf 2, Minnesota • .. , � ,���1�� �s Nov. 9, 1961 bTr:btobert J. Swords Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: � �'h�e City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the application of Mary Ann Milton for permit to install and operate a �+9-car parking lot on the south side of Carter between Caano and Keston, also described as Lots � and 36 and the vacated 20 ft. public alley ad3oining said lots, Block 38, St. Anthony Park North, in accordance with plans approved October 19, 1961. Very truly yoi/zrs, � � � �-�-�-� � � �� ity Clerk ��� �►��� �0/i�,.�� �, Q,w-- '`•} 0,� �c,�, '� � 3 ��� � ' �� 1 - � � � _� i � ,,,,,.,,,,, ; ... ..... :.: ... .... .. � ... ... .:. � ... . • N • �����.. �� � ���� �I;� - � /� � ��� � I � ��• 1 �� , �` 1? 1�r , � • e�� �� � � �1 � CITY OF S � INT PAUL - MINNESOTA 8� �f . . '`'`. �::::�::::::::::::::�<:�:;f�;R D O F- Z'fl N I N G, � C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L ••••• :•:'.'•:•:�tkk'Ri+,�iqit:ssi-sss-ssa IJ13 CI7Y HAII AND COURT HOUS[ � • SAINT�AUL 9,MINN�SOTA t . � November 8, 1961 Mrs'. Agnes H. O'Connell ' � City Clerk • Building f Dear Madam; This is in the matter of the application of Mary Ann Milton for a permit to install and operate a parking lot on property located on the soutb side of Carter Avenue between Como Avenue and Keston Street. The property is described as Lots 1 and 36 and the� vacated 20 �oot public alley ad3oining said lots, Block 38, St.Anthony Park North. On May 20, 1961, the City Council reclassi- fied Lot 36 to a commercial zone. Lot 1 has been zoned commercial since the enactment of the Legislative Zoning Ordinaace in 1922. � Lot 36 and the portion of the vacated alley are undeveloped. The ma�or portion of Lot 1 is developed with three buildings the first floor uses are commercial .anii the second floor uses are residential. The applicant proposes to develop the remaining vacant portion of this property with off-street parking facilities for 49 cara. The property is irregular in shape having a frontage along Carter Avenue of approximately 280 feet, and approximately ?8 feet along Como Avenue. � The property along the southerly property line extends to a depth of approxi- . mately 150 feet f rom Carter Avenue. Southwesterly and adjoining are single- family residences ahich front along Carter Avenue; northwesterly across Carter Avenue is a single-family residence whicb f ronts on said street; directly north end across Carter Avenue is a small sheet-metal shop, also a drug store which fronts on both Como and Carter Avenues; nertheasterly and ad�oining the proposed parking lot are the applicant's buildings which �ront ott Carter and Como Avenues; _ southeasterly and ad�oining is tbe Commonwealth Nursing Home wbicb fronts on Commonwealth Avenue. Field investigation discloses no basic ob�ection to the proposed use as it will help alleviate the off-street parking problem which exists in the immediate area because of the commercial properties fronting on Como Avenue. It appearsthat the proposed development will have no detrimental effect on the single-family residences to the south and soutbwest. The Traffic Engineer has approved the plans which meet the standards for this type of facility. The plans indicate that a catch-basin will be provided for surface drainage. ' In Consideration of the above factors, the Board of Zoning recommends the grantiag of the application for a 4q car off-street parking lot on the above described property in accordance with plans approved October 19, 1961 ,� . Sincerely, , /�f- C . �.u.,�,...� H. C. �ltieland Secretary HCW:FGI Board of Zoning Encl. Z. F. 4801 1�d�Q"' - y �� � U OFFICE OF THE COMNIISSIONER OF FINANCE ��'� �� October �7, ],�61 - � • S�au-1 2; Minn.,_ �m --�- You.are hereby notified �the Council of=the'�City of:St. Paul will cohsider the matter of ala�.ication, of Mary Ann'�dilton, ,for � rmit to inst •=pe a�l. artc�opsrate a 1�9 car�parking lot on the south side of Carter bstween Como and Keston. Lots 1 and 36 and vacated �11ey adj. Blk 3$ •St. Anthony Park North and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. on November 9, 1961 � File 15�.87 - BERNAftD T. HOLLAND Commissioner of Finance. The City Charter requires this Notice be sent from the Department of Finance.