204723 OrlsInnl to Clt�Clerk A,i' �Council File No. 204723—OTdinance No. • ' � .O R D I �I reques� Severin A. Mortinson, bY � � An ordinance making it unlawfui to E NO. M����`° 'drive or park vehicles on or, over �the public sidewalk except where regu- lar and authorized driveways or crose, f� /D � � PRESENTED BY ings �e provided tor �at p"� E NO. � unless written permission. is secured;•. ,a� tk�e. Commissioner of Pnblic�' � Arrct+tac_ncY--ordinance{ , -„�'s•`��tnt _�, —�. _ ,�-:. AN 08DINANCE MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO DgNE Og PA13K VEHICLES ON OH OVEB THE PUBLIC SIDEWALK EXGEPT WI3EB.E:� gEGULAS AND AIITHORIZED ' DBNEWAYS OE CEOSSINGS ABE PEOVIDED FOA THAT PU�POSE, UNLESS W�ITTEN PE�MISSIOId IS SE- , CUfiED F$OM THE CONlMISSIONE�' OF PIIBLIC WOAKS. THIS IS AN EMEFiGENCY O$DINANCE EENDEEID NECES- �-•-^�-�. �,�._... SAKY F0� THE PF3ESESVATION OF THE PUBLIC. PEACE, �'•AT,TH, AND SAFETY. � THE COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF S,AINT PAUL DOES OFiDAIN: SECT ION 1 No person shall stop, park or drive an. automobile, truck, tractor, construction- equipment, house moving equipment, or vehicular equipment: of any kind on, along, or across any public curb, boulevard, or sidewalk within the limits of the Ci�y of Saint Paul, Aamsey County, except where regular or authorized driveways or crossings are provided for that purpose. SECTION 2 r When necessary� and for good reason, the above prohibition will not apply if perm3.ssion is obtained in writing from the Commissioner of Public`�Works or his authorized repre- sentative. SECTION 'i . � � Any permission secured will be on the condition tha� suitable precautions are taken to prevent any unnecessary damage to the curb, boulevard or sidewalk and to prevent any injury to persons lawfully using the curb, boulevard or side- r walk. , SECTION � An.y person who has secured such permission shall � bear the cost of repairing. or installing the sidewalk, boule- i� j vard or curb damaged by him, his agents or employees. � �� ° � . \ �� a � i� � �� , �' � � �� Q � � . C].. �k " Q �� � . ; � „ Yeas Councilmen Nays 1 Passed by the Council ' DeCourcy i � � Holland 1 ' � Loss � ' '�� ; Tn Favor Mortinsan .. ' �' ;+ y Peterson - ' ; ' �; A gainst � Rosen ` - � ' � i � Mr. President (Vavoulis) ° ' '+ i �' Approved: ", ' Attest: : � ' � ; � City Clerk ', �� Mayor in� e-so �s � ��.�- 4 l � OriFinal to Cit7 Clerk i _L � r � � � �� RDINAI�TCE � � - �04'723 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. � - 2 - . SECT ION 5 This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the publie peace, health and safety. SECTIOIQ 6 � This ordinance shall take effect a.nd be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. SECTION 7 This ordinance shall be deemed a part of tY�e Saint Paul L egislativ.e Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter number at the time of tYie next revision of said Legislative Code. � .r....�: ' � N OV 2 819� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Couns,il DeCourcy / Holland �J �p��� Tn Favor Mortinsan Peterson n A gainst Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) , � S ��� - � - ' Approv�d• Attest:�' � � ` , i City Clerk Mayor i� a-so �s n �{[lI�LISP�4+°.'i�� �o�;,,��q rD� ' �� ;,�CITY� OF S�, PAUL DR. JOHN G. TURNBULL Chairman FAIR E'�L�YMENT �PRACTICE COMMISSION HENRY 5. GIANNINI 176�{City Hall and Court House DR. IRWIN A. EPSTEIN .St. P�`I 2, Minnesota JOHN H. KISSINGER MRS. LONNIE O. ADKINS CApital 4-46I2, Ext. 353-354 DANIEL G. JACOBOWSKI Exeeutive Seere+ary `�8 � November 6, 1961 ����'�° �� ��'� - /��A Y p���� The Honorable George Vavoulis � �R'S �''NN � Nla�r�,. CitH if St. Pau1 ���, �OV s j�FI��. � �•� St. Paul 2� I�fl.nnesota ���/���/$/4 �pM � /,�� Dear Mayor Vavoulis: We are very happy to advise you that our Commission has made a final selection of a candidate for the position of Executive SecretaYy� to fill the vacancy of Daniel G. Jacobowski who re- cently announced his intention to resign. The person we have selected. is Mr. Seth R. Philli s. We present his riame to 9ou so that you in turn may presen it to the City Council for its approval. . You may be interested in knowing that Mr. Phillips was the unan- imous choice of the Commi.ssion, and that he was chosen from a total of 21 who had applied for the position. The selection was made onl,p after the Co�nission carefa].ly screened all of the applications and conducted detailed interviews with 13 of those whom they felt to be qualified. We would prefer that all publicity regaxding the filling of this position would emanate from your office. We are, therefore, making no announcement ourselves, but will wait until you officially release the news. , ' Sincerely, � John G. Turnbull, Chairman FEP CommissionM- JGT:er 3S> ' � �� � �� 7u C��S�� � i�l� �'-��i� . � �, , , ; . �- , .. �> CITY OF ST. PAUL FAIR. EMPLOYMENT PRACTICE COMMISSION ROOM 1700 - CITY HALL CAPITAL 4-�612 - EXTS. 353 - 35� NOTE; November 9, 1961 This is to inform you that the City of St. Paul Fair �nployment Practice Commission has now appointed Mr. Seth R. Phillips as its new �ecutive Secretary, effective November 16, 1961. This appointment was made with the approval of the City Council on November 8, 1961. Mr. Phillips will be looking forward to meeting those people locally receiving the Newsletter, and to corresponding with those receiving it out of the city, and exchanging infor- mation on employment problems and relative matters of discrim- ination. 2hr. Phillips will appreciate any information and guidance that is offered relative to his new duties and position, and is hopeful of being of service whenever there is a problem. � SRP:er d ls � '� � 2n x ' . Laid over to � 3rd and app � " 1 Adopte Yeas Nays Yeas Nays DeCourcy DeCourcy � *Ho�end,. Holland Losa �.ees---- Mortineon � Mortinson Peteraon Peteraon Roaen Rosen -iiir i i2oi� �..�..�.o.:�+.o M!. President Vavoalis 2�4�72 8 -