204721Original to City Clerk O R D I N � 21�B Severin e 7 A Mortinson, by request — An ordinance amending Chapter 93 f of the St. Paul Legislative Code. This v is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety: ;RES ENTED BY 44 ..�.f.s,ca3n +t,�Wtl 111 O1 a � a. Yeas Attest: ' 1M 6 -60 An ordinance amending Chapter 93 of the St. Paul Legislative Code. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health sand safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 93.01 of the St. Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended by striking all of the language of said section and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Section 93.01. All bonds nwning to the City of Saint Paul and written by surety companies, shall be executed by and furnished through surety agents having a place of business within Ramsey County, Minnesota." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval, and publication. Councilmen DeCourcy Holland Loss D Mortinsan Peterson Rosen Mr. Pres nt (Vavoulis) Passed by the Co cif DEC 12 19K Favor U Against Approve DEG 12 �9 Mayor PUFUSM- q(0 Ort¢inal to City Clerk O� c ORDINANCE 204721_ COUNCIL FILE NO, ORDINANCE NO. .An ord a in ce mending Ordinance NO 5783 approved _ h 17, 1922, entitled: ".An ordi.n ce requiring that all bond running to th City of St. Paul written by surety co m es be furnished through St. Paul agenc es" as amended. T is is an- emergency ordinance rendered necess for the preservation of the public pace, health,,and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY F SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That 0 'nance No. 5753, approved March 17, 1922, as amended, be and hereby is ther• amended by striking Section 1 therefrom and inserting in lie thereof the following: "Section 1. That reafter all bonds running to the City of St. Paul tten by surety companies LUshall be emecuted by and urni.shed through surety z :agents having a place of usiness located within v Ramsey County, Minnesota."� 880 Section 2. This ordinances hereby declared to bean emergency ordinance rendered neee\ssary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety.\ Section 3. This ordinance shall \,\take effect and be in force upon its passage, ,approval, and publication. Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Passed by the Approved: City Clerk Mayor 1M 6{`60 8 Tn Favor A gainst R I Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO, PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amendin# Ordinance No. 5783, approved March 17, 1922J entitled: "An ordinance requiring that all bonds running to the City of t. Paul written by surety companies be urni.shed through St. Paul agencies" as amended. This is an mergency ordinance rendered necessary fort a preservation of the public pace, health, and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIJIT' AUL DOES ORDAIN: 204'721 Section 1. That Ordinance Vo. 5783, approved March 17, 19222 as amended, be and hereby is further amended by striking Suction 1 therefrom and inserting in lieu thergof the following: "Section 1. That hereafter all bonds running -to the City of St. Paul written by surety companies shall be executed by and furnished through surety agents hiving a place of business located within Ramsey Gounty, Minnesota." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation t of the public peace, health, and safety.~ 1 Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon itc passage, approval, and publication. .1 Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: IM s -so s City Clerk Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Favor Against Trlplieate to the Comptroller ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO, +• PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. �F An ordinance mending Ordi.na,nce .No. 57$3# ;F approved larch 17s 1922, enti.tl,ed.s "An ordinance re:;uirin , that all bonds runzdw, to the City cod` St Paul written by surety companieM be f shed through �E St. Paul agencieaa t a amended. Thi a i o an a orgency ordi.nanee ,rendered necessa� for th pre nerwat:iom of tho public paces nd 0afe+ty. I p ;t Yeas .t 3l iE Attest: THE COUNCIL OF Tpr ciTy or $AINT IPAUL IMPS OTtUIM Section 1. That U an amended„ be snd hereby le therefrom and inserting in lieu 204'721 No. 5733, approved Burch 17i 19W2p amended by striking bection 1 the followins t "°ection 1. That "or after n1l. bonds running to the City of St. FaUl. itten by surety companies shall be executed by and furni.ahed through surety pgen"ta Ira. -ring a place of busineso located vitbin Ramsay t aunty# ftnnocot, . a Section 2. This ordinance is hereby eeclared to be an em&rgency ordinance rerderod, neeeoilary for the preaervation of the public peaceq health# and safetro eection 3* This ordinance shall take effect end be in force upon ita pesaage, approval., Pnd publication. Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) City Clerk 1M 5-60 ,8 i Passed by the Council Approved: Tn Favor Against Mayor' f Quadruplicate to Department ` ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An oreinance arendint Roe 5733} x;)pxovec' Moreh. 27, 19.:• , ontit3cLs runa.o,- to i rie Citm o" tt. Paul, urlutn by rurety con -mio, b furni,'holl Virawigh rtneererf rceoccary fqi th- rjr. -rrvatti-+n of the publi.e p!.ce, "O.-Ii ho -no 6� ff-ty. 204721 7octi -i 1. That Or lu-ico No. 5743 , -P.-raved 'I^roh 1.71 2�;t.'► ^need, bt - ne ht ri 'I �r t • rrar w r =Wee bf 4,tri :-i nT Q? erg rr,xp sir .n-crtin6 i� tlfzt r. reof ti^,° fal.l.o,1r,s "'Ceti-- 1. Thlt hcIle•tfter r11. bonen running to tkt, tai to, nE : t. t ..l ±rlttt wn �y : urety co nice !:h •.I be w eelxti• tI 1; : -+�' 4 iFt�x ai r t,eri t. •rou,-►!, (ruroty �arnt�. t -Vln,g z jj -Acs of t6- JA6iwr, 100 A d VithIA 163Vnt4i 'Unnt -ot 4n rcetf,) & Ttt., or is •n!ce is bcrc`by eecl. _nrett to b . onar- ,oncrl iretnenco renelort{, aoce;za .r/ for t2.c. orc.t:exrw Lion o tho 'Ubllr rf-rcr: h1 ;°],V, rn d fttj. e'cl,toil ". 'Mr r ter ;sl 11 t art c f :cot - nA be In I once tx"n It �. rk :,po, - . prow. 1, °jnd Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk IM s -so ogDs Pa Approved: Council Mayor Tn Favor A gainst �ls 2n Laid over to 3rd and app Adopt Yeas Nays Yeas l ays DeCourcy DeC urcy ` r+l „Roilami--- Holland I Loss Mortinson J Peterson Rosen 204721 Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis s