204712 �. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' � y • ������ ' `' C I T Y O F S T. P A U L- couNCi� fY OFFICE OF THE�CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ �, 7, � COUN SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM t PRESENTED BY_ ,:' , � COMMISSION r � DATF .�s- , 8'�SULVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee � therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing all labor, materials and services necessary for and reasonably incidental to the wrecking of d�vellings, garages, barn, sheds, and remonal of retaining ��alls, fences, sidewalks, miscellaneous concrete .and debris at 825, 831, 834 and 839 Capitol Heights; 723, 725, 727, 742 Jackson; 64 Pennsylvania; 6 71 and 73 East Arch Street, St.Paul� Minnesota, to TRUCK CRANE SERVICE CO��ANY in f accordance �vith City specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid #8554 of . . , � said Truck Crane Service Company, City to pay Contractor $3290.0�, such b3d being the lowest and said Truck Crane Service Company being a reliabl.e and reasonable bidder } and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper forar of . contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to exAcute said contract on behalf of the Citq of Saint Paul. � o- � Councll Flle No.`20471�By Frank L. , Formal Bid �f8554. - LO� Resolved, That the Council hereby ' • approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor and hereby awards _ � contract for furnishing all labor, ma- • terlals and services necessary for and reasonably incidental to the wrecking - 04 dwellings, garages, barn; sheds, and removal of retaining walls, fences, �, � Y ,,,�, f,.s., �. f_ - -.-.,., sidewalks, mLscellaneous concrete and � " - • � - � � debris at 825, 831, 834 and 839 Capitol � - •ti � Heights; 723, 725, 727, 742 Tackson; " ' 64 Pennsylvania; 71 and 73 East Arch • Street,_St. Paul, Minnesota, to TRUCK , CRANE SERVICE COMPANY in ac- • cordance with City specifications there- � . for hereto attached and'the Formal Bid No. 8554 of said Truck Crane � Service Company, eity to pay Con- - tractor $3290.60, such bid being the � lowest and said Truck Crane 5ervice � �� Company being a reliable and reason- able bidder and the Corporatioa Coun- �i Ov COUNCILMEN se� be and hereby is directed to draw � � up the proper form of contract there- �i0UIIC11 19- for, and the proper City officials here-. � Yeas Nays . by az'e authorized to execute said � A(�� contract on behaif of the City of Saint �O� aJ Paul. DeCourcy � Formal Bid No. 8554. . Adopted by the Council November 9, Holland 1s61. - 'ove 19— . Approved November 9, 1981. ��� �sg � (November 10, 1961) � � �n-r�avor Mortinson � PP.t����---� � �.�'�i�� Mayor ` A gainst Rosen r. , � . BM a-ai ��. • . - . �� ��� � ���'��.2 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER � �t ` CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _ - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �E COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM � �E , 1`t � PRESENTED BY �• , DATF COMMISSIONER lf n 1 �� �OLV�D, That th� Cour�cil h�r�by �pprovee th� ��rd oi th* Cantract Ck�it�N �� th�r�tor and hsrrby �trrards contract Lor furbir�in� qll labor, �uteriels �nd r�rvic�s �� �� �k n�c�ssa►ry �or a�nd rra�sonablq incid�ntal to th� �rr�alcia� o� dwliing�s, gar�g^�s, barn� shv�ii� �� and s�ova� ot r�ta�ing rlarlls.• l�nc:rs, aiaUwalks, �iscrilau�oue aoacrot� and dobria �t �� �� 82S 831 8�4 �nd �3D 4ti itol Eii ts 723 72S 727 7�� J�ckoon 84 P�ims lva�niai �� � � P � i � � � f 3► �r �� �l �nd 73 �ast Arch �tre�t, St.Panl, 1[innesot�, �o TRDCX �A� SE�tVICB �AttY in �E accordancs �.�h Eitp eps�33liar�tione �h�re�or },�reta att�ahed ar�d the i�brrel Hid �8564 0! �� - �� �id Truck Crani Ssrvice Cotpau�y� Cit�r to p�iq E�ontraator ��a90.Q0, suoh bid b�ing th� 1� " lo�sst a►nd said Truak Cran� ��rvice Ca�p�nq b�� a reliabl� and r���o�nab�.f bidd�r � and th� Corporation Counssi b� esnd tMreibq ie diract�d try draw up th�i prop�r for� o� �� - � j€ aantraat there�or, and tl� proper Csty btficiai� l�r�bq ar� muthoriaed to exAcut� �: � � �� uid cdntraot on beha�� b� 4h� Gi�y o� �int Paul. �k • . . �i l�orsal Bid #�8584. . �' a ti[ !f �LE �F �f � �7�E F �f. �� . �� �� " N4V � '��6� �; COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— �� Yeas Nays �'t DeCourcy � ti�,� � � Holland Approve� 19— �F Loss �` n Favor Mortinson �E Mayor - � Pa+.Prqnn_ � � Rosen gainst �, ' M vo � F 6M (i-Bl iE 1� �r 1E '