204704Original to City Clerk RESENTED BY 0RDI !Council File No. 204704 - 0rdinance No. E 12100 ' By Frank L. Loss — An ordinance amending the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of ,the Saint Paul Legislative Code, per- taining to Use Districts, height Dis- tricts and rezoning' of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended. This is an emergencyl ordinance ren- dered necessary for e preservation'of ,thy_ public peace, health, and safety. An ordinance amending the Zoning'Cbde- ;" Chapters 60 to 6/;., inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, .and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: VC0 204704 NO. 1 211 a y yl Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 61}, Wusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts, and rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following described property from "B" Residence District to Light Industry, to -wit: Lots 11, 122 13, Block 2, King's Subdivision of Lots 21,. and 25 of Wilkin and Heywards Addition to the City of St. Paul; Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, Block 2, Schneider's Addition to St. Paul; and Lot 7, Block 3, Alaba>;ia .Addition No. 2, St. Paul, Minn., being located on the north side of Atwater_ Street between Western Avenue and Farrington Street. Section 2. That the owners of,the hereinabove described tracts or parcels of land, coincident with the passage of this ordinance, shall file with the City Clerk said owners' written covenant, approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel, binding said owners unto said City of Saint Paul in the following particulars: that the building proposed to be erected on said premises shall approximater110 feet by 110 feet in ground area dimensions and be maintained at a setback line approxi- mately 22 feet distant from the-front line of said premises; that not more'than 25 per cent of the floor space of the same shall be devoted to manufacturing business; that the - emne== owners of said building shall fill and level said premises substantially to an elevation con- formable to that of the established abutting public street grades and blacktop the public alley at the rear of said premises under and conformable to a pertinent City permit, at said ownerV'stown cost and eagense. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Loss 0 Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk im 6 -60 8 0 Passed by the Council NOV 2 4 1961 �O In Favor Against NOV 2 41961 Approved: Mayor r BLLJBEID� Duplicate to Printer �.Y ORDINANCE ' COUNCIL FILE NO. 1 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. ! An ordinance ascending the Zoning Code, a Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, j, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necess- ry for the pre::ervation of the public peace, health, and safety. a' THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIV PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, iclusive, of the Saint Paul LeFielctive Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts, and rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so ar. to rezone the foll=�.ng described property from "B" Residence District to Light Industry, to -wit: Lots 11, 12, 13, Block 2, King's SuThdivision of Lots 24 and 25 of Vilkin and Hepi rds Addition to the City of St. Paul; Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, Block 2, Schneider's Addition to St. Paul; Fmd Lot 7, Block 3, Alab"a Addition Pao. 2, `'t. Paul, Minn., being located on the north side of Atwater Street betreen Vestera Avenue �.nd Farrington Street. rectio-, 2. That the owners of the hereinabove described tracts or parcels of land, coincident with the pasage of this ordinance, shall file with the City Clerk said owners' - written covenant, £pproved as to fors.► by the Corporation Counwel, binding said, owners unto sL3 d City of Saint Paul in the following particulars: that the building proposed to be erected on s ^id premises shall approximate °110 feet by 110 feet in ground :area dimensions and be meintrined at a setback line approxi- mately 22 feet dist::nt from the front '.Line of �, id preAses; that not more than 25-per cent of the floor epace of the s,ne shrill be devoted to m =nufacturing bueiness; that the ewn-er­e�r owners of said building shall fill End level svid premises eubst- ntially to an elevation con- ' formable to that of the established abutting public street graces and ! blacktop the public alley at the rear of s•id premises�uneer and conformable to a pertinent City permit, at s•id oimerft own cost and expense. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the - ;ublic peace, heelth, and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its pass -ge, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy QUand Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk ins s -so s Passed by the Council NOV 2 4 1961 In Favor Approved: A gainst AV 21`00 Mayor t. Pursuant to Chapter 64.06 of the Legislative Zoning Code, we, the undersigned P owners of two - thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated .,+ City of Saint Paul, Minnesota fth f PETITION TO AND ORDINANCE NO.•5840, THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE, W x Chapter 64.06 of the Legislative Zoning Code, l� } The signer; should appraise himself of the uses permitted under -the; new classification before signing this petition. 4 For furtZi r information about the re- zoning of property, € call the Board of Zoning Office Ca. 4 -4612, Ext. 251. ' b+ f -Date: March 28, 1961 d • _ TO THE HONORABLE _,MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL the City Clerl' " ?` City of Saint Paul, Minnesota V 4 Lots 11, 12 & 13,'Block 2, King's Subdivision of Lots 24 & 25, Wilkin x and Heyward's Addition. Lot 5, Block 2, Schneiders Addition to St. Paul. " t Lots 6•& 7, Block 2, Schneider's Addition to St. Paul. .-'Lot 8; Block 2, Schneider's Addition to St. Paul. I L E D� �- Lot 7, Block 3, Alabama Addition No. 2. ' from a B- Residential District to a Light-Industrial District, for the MAY :purpose of installing, constructing and/or o eratin the folio 1. light industrial manufacturing plant. p _ gg -- t. CITY 01J :PL� S =' kf. Record Owner Signature ` � • • �, .� ` � Lot Block Addition .. °�. Paul Falz 11' 2 �r King's Subdivision of �'- Record owner of first Lots 24 & 25, Wilkin & :four lots, purchaser Heyward's Addition. sunram under earnest money l 2 King's Subdivision of . Y4f , contract as to �ocond Lots 24 & 25, Wilkin &., �� ,four lots Heyward's Addition. 13 2 King s Subdivision- of j� Lots 24 & 25, Wilkin & r Heyward's Addition. is 5;. 2 Schneiderts Addition harles Ryckman & 6 2 Schneider's Addition se ckman 'husband & F RY cif 2 Schneider s Addition < Fee Owners[Jo 8' 2 Schneider's Addition Leonard M. Brown & 7, 3 Alabama Addition No. 2. .°' Fcuth'Brgwn (fee owners) • �/ /� )2�4 Charless - Ryckman & Rose C:ckman husband' & wife 'kA1, a 4•: 2 10 '2 Schneider's Addition King's Subdivision of Lots 24 & 25, Wiljcin & Heyward's Addition.:. Pursuant to Chapter 64.06 of the Legislative Zoning Code, we, the undersigned ° owners of two - thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: 4 Lots 11, 12 & 13,'Block 2, King's Subdivision of Lots 24 & 25, Wilkin x and Heyward's Addition. Lot 5, Block 2, Schneiders Addition to St. Paul. " t Lots 6•& 7, Block 2, Schneider's Addition to St. Paul. .-'Lot 8; Block 2, Schneider's Addition to St. Paul. I L E D� �- Lot 7, Block 3, Alabama Addition No. 2. ' from a B- Residential District to a Light-Industrial District, for the MAY :purpose of installing, constructing and/or o eratin the folio 1. light industrial manufacturing plant. p _ gg -- t. CITY 01J :PL� S =' kf. Record Owner Signature ` � • • �, .� ` � Lot Block Addition .. °�. Paul Falz 11' 2 �r King's Subdivision of �'- Record owner of first Lots 24 & 25, Wilkin & :four lots, purchaser Heyward's Addition. sunram under earnest money l 2 King's Subdivision of . Y4f , contract as to �ocond Lots 24 & 25, Wilkin &., �� ,four lots Heyward's Addition. 13 2 King s Subdivision- of j� Lots 24 & 25, Wilkin & r Heyward's Addition. is 5;. 2 Schneiderts Addition harles Ryckman & 6 2 Schneider's Addition se ckman 'husband & F RY cif 2 Schneider s Addition < Fee Owners[Jo 8' 2 Schneider's Addition Leonard M. Brown & 7, 3 Alabama Addition No. 2. .°' Fcuth'Brgwn (fee owners) • �/ /� )2�4 Charless - Ryckman & Rose C:ckman husband' & wife 'kA1, a 4•: 2 10 '2 Schneider's Addition King's Subdivision of Lots 24 & 25, Wiljcin & Heyward's Addition.:. b Record _Owner Signature Lot Block Addition James C. Conlin- -W: I Rose Conlin ,. 1' 2 King's Subdivision of Lots 24 & 25, Wilkin & Heyward's Addition. James Conlin & Rose Conlin 2 2 King's Subdivision of Lots 24 & 25, Wilkin & Heyward's Addition., Adeline R. Baron 3 2 King's Subdivision of Lots 24 & 25, Wilkin ► & Hdyward's Addition. f ' ;,� King's Subdivision of Gunda Do agall 5 Lots 24 & 25, Wilkin L & Heyward's Addition. i William C. F. Rohde G �r 2 King's Subdivision of , :r;, Lots 24 & 25, Wilkin & Heyward's Addition. t s Subdivision of �Y dose A 7ti� 2 King Lots 24 & 25, Wilkin & Heyward's Addition. May M. Patterso A �� a . 2 King's Subdivision of. - Lots 24 & 25, Wilkin ' & Heyward's Addtion. , ?? May M.- Patterson 9�:.�' 2 King's Subdivision of +� Lots 24 & 25, Wilkin 't f �� r, P & Heyward's Addition. LaVerne Lawrence Drake & "-eJ� _ Susanna M. Drake, husban -- & wife I •' - a $ =, 2 Pacific Addition. �J/ k^ Y , '€ - • Lillian B. Schultze. .. �rP� n 9.,10, 2 Pacific Addition. �i Carl R. Englund ' Sybil S. Englund s .' 12 & 1a.: 2 Pacific Addition. ' :.._, u ^ r;,• ,• r� 14,15 -: '�-Wayne H. Mads'en .� �& 16< 2 Pacific Addition. �r George Holder & - R Ruth Holder, - husban ye 3, 3 Alabama Addition.No. 2. Lucille- M.• Spreeman •^ 4 3 Alabama Addition No. •2. Joseph H. Selby & �► Dorothy I. Selby',* husband & wife 5, & 6, 3 Alabama Addition No. 2. John Paul &I Adeline J. Paul 8., 3 Alabama Addition No. 2. CR K t I - f ' . 1, . Record Owner Signature Lot Block John Paul & Adeline J. Paul 9 3 Yllliamt -.0 Reeves & :Jedzi J. ,Reeves 42 10+t -- Addition Alabama Addition No. 2, 0 Alabama Addition No. 2. v v State of Minnesota) ) ss County of Ramsey ) Paul Falz being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of 3 pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the losts placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Sub tribe and sworn before me t s f NO ary lic, Ramsey o y, Minn. My Comm ssion expires Page of F pages. VICTOR J. MICHAELSON, JR. Approved as to form 7/2/54 Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. Office of the Corporation Counsel joy Commission ExplM hate 1. 1961, I h i Y i i r OD I i i 19 _ o ' Stafe of Minnesota HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES A. I. JOHNSON, Speaker October 18, 1961 Mayor Vavoulis & Members of the City Council Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Pursuant to the action taken by the North End Improvement Club at their regular membership meeting on September 11, 1961, we wish to inform you that the North End Improvement Club favors the moving of industry into our community. A discussion was held on the proposal of the erection of a building on the North side of Atwater Street between Western and Farrington by Mr. Paul Falz for the purpose of manufacturing service and heating. The membership at this meeting had unanimously approved the erection of this building, and hopes that the City Council will comply with the request of Mr. Paul Falz and permit him to construct this building on his property. JPJr /em r Yours tru , Cfsep Prifrel, Jr. Presi t th End Improvement Club I '- ` I r t i ",I "- a � °141'q �I�N�I f�t��l _ o ' Stafe of Minnesota HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES A. I. JOHNSON, Speaker October 18, 1961 Mayor Vavoulis & Members of the City Council Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Pursuant to the action taken by the North End Improvement Club at their regular membership meeting on September 11, 1961, we wish to inform you that the North End Improvement Club favors the moving of industry into our community. A discussion was held on the proposal of the erection of a building on the North side of Atwater Street between Western and Farrington by Mr. Paul Falz for the purpose of manufacturing service and heating. The membership at this meeting had unanimously approved the erection of this building, and hopes that the City Council will comply with the request of Mr. Paul Falz and permit him to construct this building on his property. JPJr /em r Yours tru , Cfsep Prifrel, Jr. Presi t th End Improvement Club I '- ` I r ",I "- I I• �' ,�IF�II�I, � °141'q �I�N�I f�t��l _ o ' Stafe of Minnesota HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES A. I. JOHNSON, Speaker October 18, 1961 Mayor Vavoulis & Members of the City Council Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Pursuant to the action taken by the North End Improvement Club at their regular membership meeting on September 11, 1961, we wish to inform you that the North End Improvement Club favors the moving of industry into our community. A discussion was held on the proposal of the erection of a building on the North side of Atwater Street between Western and Farrington by Mr. Paul Falz for the purpose of manufacturing service and heating. The membership at this meeting had unanimously approved the erection of this building, and hopes that the City Council will comply with the request of Mr. Paul Falz and permit him to construct this building on his property. JPJr /em r Yours tru , Cfsep Prifrel, Jr. Presi t th End Improvement Club I '- ` I r EDWARD G. NOVAK SENATOR 98TH DISTRICT 1424 ARUNDEL STREET ST. PAUL 17. MINNESOTA '%faf0 ofMtnnosofa SENATE September 23, 1 Hon. Mayor and Members of the Council Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: COMMITTEES CITIES OF THE FIRST CLASS CIVIL ADMINISTRATION JUDICIARY LIQUOR CONTROL SECRETARY RAMSEY COUNTY DELEGATION cp Ire Al PA i �►'�`F. , A m SEp °FF7c 71 $j�ldp I am writing this letter as a recommendation favoring rezon- ing applied for by the Paul Falz Co., 1930 St. Anthony Ave. As I understand it, this rezoning will make it possible for the Paul Falz Co. to relocate at Atwater and Western Streets in St. Paul. It would appear that establishing this busi- ness at the new location would be a definite benefit to the community. I am acquainted with the officials of the above company, hold them in high regard, and am confident that they will, through the management of their company, make the company acceptable to the neighborhood and the neighbors proud of- it. EGN:scs Very truly yours, Edward G. Novak State Senator AIAIAv X n � Q r F J C E_ O F .CITY CLERK MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota o° , Nov. 3, 1961. X04704 Mr. Robert J. Swords, Corporation Counsel. ` commoom own Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you draw an ordinance granting the attached petition of Paul Falz and others for the rezoning of the %r property described in the petition from "B" Residence to Light Industry, subject to the compliance by Paul Falz of the following conditions: That th2 building to be erected on said property be 1100, 1 ft. to include about 2s. man actu17;�g us ss tha the sai Pd6 aul_Falz w ve he hole on the,,Rr;a e�rty,.�fille�d ice, and t t he will`Fia've`�he a`iley in he ock 6lacktopped up to_his_property, and further that the building-.which he constructs will- ,be set ".1, app .-.14 the pPtlryrc72 71I3: ` •te �I I l Very truly yours, C�� v City Clerk ;;T** .: CITY OF SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA 8 :..J:.. «:RD OF ZONING, CITY OF SAINT PAUL . "':•'A7i7i�04 rd'" 251_ass.253 1315 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA October 25, 1961 Mrs, Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madam: This is in the matter of the petition of Paul Falz to rezone from "B" residence to Light Industry district property located on the north side of Atwater Street between Western Avenue and Farrington Street. The property is described ap Lots 11, 1,2, 13, Block 2, King's Sub. of Lots 24 and 25, Wilken & Heyward1s Addition; and Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, Block 2 Schneiders Addition; and Lot 7, Block 3, ,Alabama Addition No. 2. On September 20, 1961, the Commissioner of Finance reported the petition sufficient with the owners of 24 of a possible 32 (75%) tracts of land within the prescribed 100 foot radius having signed the petition. The property is presently vacant and the petitioner proposes to develop it with a building in which he will manufacture gas conversion burners. This property has a frontage along Atwater Street of 252.7 feet and extends to an average depth of 129.8 feet, resulting in an area of approximately 32,800 square feet. Part of this tract has been filled to the street grade of Atwater Street, and the remaining portion is approximately 10 feet below the street grade of Atwater Street and 5 feet below the adjoining lots to the north. North and adjoining are single- family residences which front on Topping Street; east and adjoining is a single - family residence which fronts on Atwater Street; south and across Atwater Street are three single - family residences fronting on said street, and a number of vacant lots; pest and adjoining is a two - family residence which fronts on Western Avenue. The property to the south across Atwater Street is zoned light industry. The Board of Zoning considered this matter at their meeting on i OCtober 5, 1961, and recommend the granting of the petition to re- zone the above described property to a light industry district.' i Sincerely, H. C. Wieland HCW:FGI Encl. Z. F. 4713 Secretary Board of Zoning r 1p CITY OF SAINT PAUL CAPITAL OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner WILLIAM W. ROONEY, Deputy Commissioner 113 Court House, Zone 2 CApital 4-4612 °® i September 20, 1961 ELTOR A. DEHN Valuation Engineer CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM Chief Cashier To the Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: I have checked the attached petition, filed in the matter of rezoning Lots 11, 12 and 13, Block 2 Kings Subdivision of Lots 24 and-25 Wilken and Heywards Lot 5, Block 2, Schneider's Addition Lots 6 and 7, Block 2 Schneider's Addition Lot 8, Block 2 Schneiderls Addition Lot 7, Block 3 Alabama Addition No. 2, N. side of Atwater East of Western. from "Bff Residence District to a Light Industry District, -and find that said petition is sufficient. Yours very truly, BERNARD T. HOLLAND Commissioner of Finance CH cp C.C. Mr. Schroeder, City Architect Q+VICE, F CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota i Le L1 May 26, 1961. Hon. Bernard T. Holland, Comsr. of Finance. Dear Sir: MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder The City Council referred to you for check the attached petition for rezoning Lots 11, 12 & 13, Block 2, King's Subdivision of Lots 24 & 25, Wilkin and Heymard's Addition, Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, Block 2, Schneider's Addition to St. Paul, and Lot 7, Block 3, Alabama Addition No. 2, on the north side of Atwater between Western and Farrington from a B ResidentialRto a Light Industrial District. t Very truly yours, City Clerk hz- M 11111.. 11 1111 ,III �1 1r MINNESOTA } f ` � � �/ Li2� ��- %� ����� ���� is . f. 2nd Laid ove: to w , 3rd and app Adopted. / / v Yeas Nays Yeas Nays DeCourcy DeCourcy Holland HvHd Loss Loss U,ortiRffTn---'- 31ortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis s 204 104 Peterson 'Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis 0 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - -St: Pain 2, Minn., Jctct .r 13. 1;61- Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code of the City of St. Paul, you are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the City Council % crr�ne�rer 2i,' 1C�csuFt House and City Hall at 10:00 o'clock A. M. on UL on the advisability of amending the Zoning C de by janging Lots 11 g , 12 end 13, Block 2 K nc. ,Slt'�d of tot;; 2 and 25 Jdilkin & Heyffards : Lot 5 � _ 3 , 0ohnPlders Add; Lot 7 Blk ? Alabama Add. No. 2 from a —"B" Residence District to a Light Tnd�•�ry nistriet. operty located hTorth side of Atwater past of Zgstern. For further information tall `eat= Room 1315. Cow us.e , or Phow .OWj 4=1'612. - Ext. 251 15.58 BERNARD- LAND Page File -8 Commis Finance The Zoning Code requires this Notice be sent from the Department of Finance