08-24Council File # $ � a'
Green Sheet # 3047734
Presented by
1 WHEREAS, Douglas Strain, a Heavy Equipment Operator for the Department of Public Works, is
2 a sergeant in the Minnesota National Guard currently serving a tour of duty in Iraq, and
4 WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works donated equipment to the Minnesota National
5 Guard for enhancing the safety of this employee and other National Guard members serving in
6 the Iraq conflict, and
8 WHEREAS, this donation was authorized by the City Council on October 3, 2007
9 (Council File # 07-920), and
11 WHEREAS, the Minnesota National Guard sent the Department of Public Works an American
12 flag as a thank you for this donated equipment, now, therefore,
14 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council on behalf of the Ciry hereby authorizes the acceptance
15 of this flag from the Minnesota National Guard, and
17 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Public Works Director will determine the location for
18 displaying this flag.
Requested by Department of:
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
BY� / �
Approv y r: Date '� `� 0�
Public Works Direcror
Form Appro ed by City ttorne
By� �i� . �: �
Form Appr b ayor for ubmissio o Council
By: ,t�.,
Adopted by Council: Date ��G/��0`/,{�
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
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DeparimenUofficeJcounca: Date InBiated:
PW -�b��WO,� 21-DEC-07 Green Sheet NO: 3047734
CoMact Person & Phone:
Doc. Type: RESOLU'fION
E-DOeument Required: N
DxumeM Contaet: Rhonda Gillquist
ConWCt phone: 266-6070
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Approval of the attached resolution authorizing the acceptance of an American flag from the Minuesota National Guard and
determination of ffie location for displaying the flag.
iaavons:.vpprove (a) or rt
Planning Commission
q6 Committee
Civil Service Commission
Initiating Problem, Issues, OpportunBy (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
The Minnesota Nationa] Guard sent the Depar[ment of Public Works an American flag as a thauk you for safery equipmen[ that was
donated to National Guard members serving in the Iraq conflict. The Minnesota National Guard sent the Deparunent of Public Works
an American flag as a thank you for this donated equipment.
Advantages If Approvetl:
Ability to accept and display the American flag which was sent to the City as a thank you from the Minnesota National Guazd.
DisadvanWges If Approved:
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Assign 1 blicWO�s De D'uector {Z Z1� ',
Number Z Atto
Routing 3 or'sO�ce Ma odAssistant
Order 4 �
5 " Clerlc Ci Clerlc
1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for ihis department?
Yes No
2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Dces ihis personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
curtent city employee?
Yes No
E�cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attaeh to green sheet
Disativantages If Not Approved:
The American flag sent to the City as a thank you from the Minnesota National Guard will have to be returned.
Funtling Source:
CosURevenue Butlgeted:
Activity Number:
Finaneiai Infortnation:
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December 21, 2007 9:34 AM Page 1