204695 . , + �� ► . (� w , � RSSOLUTION OF COUNCII.APPROV- /'����� ING AS6ESSMSNT AND FIXING �rd � TIME OF HEAAING THEREON �'i'�e NO � � i . Yresented by Commissioner Council File No. 204895� �� In the matter of the asses�ment of benefits, cost and expenses for chang- i ing the grade,of the�alley in Block 19, � ,. Summit Pask Addition, £rom Victoria St. to Milton St. to conform. t�--t-he •' PTj7da�,a�„aY.^rr°•,• . ' - . �t r� . J CITY OF ST. PAUL i�; . � �� Resolution of Coun.cil Approvi.ng Assessment �� �� and Fixin.g Time of Hearin� Thereon �; . ,, . In the ma,tter af the assessment of benefits� cost and expenses for �� changing the grade of the alley in Block 19� Swr�.it Park Addition, from Victoria St. �F "to Milton St. to conform to the grade as shown on the profile on file in the Dept. of �; � fPublic Works; also grading a.n.d surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 1r19, Su�nit Park Addition� from Victoria St. to Milton St, to the proposed change of �`grade ��`under Preliminary Order 1908�+3 , approve� February� 3, 1959 , �4 1915�2 Intermediary Order , approne� March 26, 1959 � ���t 191905 , approve� April 21, 1959 Final Order . �' The assessment of benefits, cost a.nd expenses for a.nd in connection with } �i the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same ° ' ___ _ _ - - r-°�---_• _ --- ~ ; a.nd found the said asseasment satiafactory, therefore, be it � '` ��� � _ ! RES4LVED, That the said� assessment be a.nd the same is hereby in all respects approved. �i �� RESOLVED FURTH�R, That a public hearing be had on said assesament on the 6th ! day of December. 1961 , at the hour of 10 a'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of � t the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; th'at the Co�rnmissioner of Finance � ! f give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, sta,ting in said notice the time and place of ; - ! heaxing, the na.ture of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the ` lot or lots of the paxticular owner to whom the natice is directed. 5 �� ,, { ` File 14382 ' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL ��j�� �; 's Yeas Nays � APProv� A1 f1 V 7 �.! a`� R � � �; � �` Tn Favor � Mayor �; � Against ��. �r�s� 1 / l0//r�j �_ '; 2M i.�o .�s ay �C �