204666 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK „ � ,� ,. . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - -- � OUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ,�„ PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE ��� DATF � . RE�OLV�D, that upon appeal of Centr.al Baptiat Church from the rieciaion of the Commissioner of P�axks and Recr�eation and Public Bu31�.ings, �a four–foot builc�i.ng line setback from Roy �tr�eet is hereby established on property �_ �ituated at the southeast� corner of Roy �treet :and Shields �v�nue, .also described �.s the nort,h 15 feet of f,ot 28 and a11 ' of Lots 29 snd 30, Block l, Milham Park �ddition. Council File No. 2U4686—By Frank L. ' Loss— Resolved, That upon appeal of�Cen- '" tral Baptist Church from the decisio�i ; of the Commissioner o4 Parks and . RecreaUon and Public Buildings, a' four-foot building line setback frb�n - Roy Street is hereby established on property situated at the southeast corner of Roy Street and Shields Ave= nue, also described as the north 15 Ifeet of Lot 28 and all of Lots 29 and 30, Block 1, Milham Park Addition. Adopted by the Council November 7, 1961. � Approved November 7, 1961. . (November 10, 1981) N OV 7 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas DeCourcp Nayg �0� � 1g�� - " .� Holland Approved 19— �sg n Favor � Mortinson ' Peterson n Mayor ���_ �Against Mr. President, Vavoulis aM 0-Gl O F F I C E O F C I'T Y' C L E R K MRS. AGNES H. o'CONNELL • ° City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS - H�RO�o �. RIORDAN - ' Council Reeorder 38d City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota �n���� Nov. 2nd, 1961 � Mr. Robert J. Swords Corporation Counsel , Building � Dear Sir: . � - � �e City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting th e atta.ched appeal of the Central Baptist Church to establish a four-foot building line setback from Roy St. on property located at the southeast corner of Roy St. and Shield.s Ave., also described as the north 15 ft. of Lot 28 and all of Lots 29 and 30, Block l, Milham Park Addition. Very tru�jr yours, ' , �'� � ' City Clerk � ` _- _3 �� `� �'�� _ cn� �o� ���, �. . _ o ��. -• • '�91�f� �96� � � �/� I11111�Nl�� ' `���. •�• M��• ii! � Y��� ••• �►'• �, t •�� ��. ��„ I I •�. 1 . �.. ' IIt11.. �� Illf �:11 � ' � . � � � •�► � /� 1` lt � � � '� ` � e�� 1� . tl . , CITY OF SAINT PAUL — MINNESOTA 8� � �!' i � :•k�.�i:i::.�.'::::ti•:l.Vt'�Y` .. ... 1 . ::;:::::::::�:::;�::�:;�:�:R D O F Z O N I N G, � C I TY O F SAI N T PAU L """ �:���X��l�S�ORF:]31-131-45.1 1715 C1T7 HALI AND COURT HOU6[ SAINT�AUL],MINN�SOTA �......;.; ...'r::............... � November 1, 1961 Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell �/ City Clerk Building Dear Madam: � � This is i�n the matter of the appeal of the Central Baptist Church to establish a four-foot buildiag line set back f rom Roy Street on pro- perty-located at the southeast corner o� Roy Street and Shields Avenue. The property is described as the north 15 feet of Lot 28 and all of Lots 29 and 30, Block 1, Milham Park Addition. The property i-s zoned "C" residence. This property is presently developed with the existing church building, parish house and two single-family residences which are used for church purposes. Tbe applicant proposes to remove the two residences for the purpose of enlarging the present church facilities by constructing an ' addition to the existing church buildiag. This addition cuould also in- clude the enciosing of the present outside stairway entrances to the church. The present set back requirement ia the block is 13 feet, and the applicant is proposing a four-foot building line set back f rom Roy Street for the north 15 feet of Lot 28 and all of Lots 29 and 30. Tbat part of the proposed addition which will be located on LOts 26, 27, and the south 25 feet of Lot 28 will maintain the �same set back as the exist- iag residences in the block. South for the remaining part of the block are nine single-family residences; east and acroas a public alley is an auto- mobile service �arage and parking lot which f ront on Snelling Avenue; west and across Roy Street are single, two and four-family residences; north and across Shields Avenue is the Betblehem Lutberan Church which is set back 16 feet f rom Aoy Street; diagonally across the iatersection is an apartment building. Field inveatigation discloses that the requested set back wouid not be detrimetttal to the existing residential uses. It is also felt that the denial of• this appeal would serve a hardahip on the church and th.at the relaxation as proposed would still be in keeping pith the purpose and intent of the Ordinance. . In accordance arith the above factors, the Board of Zoning recommends the granting of the appeal to establish a four-foot set back on the north 15 feet of Lot 28 and ali of Lots 29 attd 30, Block 1, Milham Park Addition. � Sincerely, . . l��C ' �`�'�.Y H. C. Wieland � Secretary � HCW:FGI� Board of Zoning Encl. � Z. F. 4769 � ,� J • � •` � � � Centr�l-� B� tist Church � _ �' �� � . �� Church Phone: Mldway 6-1594 �,1 � Mldway 6-0743 420 North Roy St. � St.Paul 4,Minnesota Warren R. Magnuson, Pastor Rea.: HUmboldt 8-8269 � July 17, 1961 The Honorable Mayor and City �Council c/o City Clerk • Room 386 City Ha11 and Court House . St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sirs The Central Baptist Chvrch of St. Paul, Minnesota� is contem- plating an expansion of their present building. In the proposed building plans we have sought to improve the entrance area of the church building which faces Roy Str'eet.�� . , It is our wish that we might be authorized to extend our build- ing line an additional six-teen feet to_the front which faces Roy Street. Currently our present building line is twenty-two feet from the' sidewalk. The new addition would then be six feet from the present sidewalk or four feet from our property line. , � - . , In order to gain your approval for the proposed extension of the church building on the west side we are submitting the following information to you: Name of Applicants° Central Baptist Church� 1�20 North Roy 3treet, St. Paul� Minnesota • ?�ega1 Description of Propert : Our property includ.es lots 30� 9, 2 � 27 and 2 of B ock , Milham Paxk, located in the N. E. 4 of the S. E. 4 of section No. 33, Township 29, North of Range 23 - Street Location: The property is located on the southeast corner of Roy Street and Shields Avenue. � The Fresent Use of Propertys The property is used to fulfil the E purpose of the church program which includes services of public worship� Christian education, and Christian fellowship. ����. �� � . ��� `v � ..... . - � � , o . ° , . . .� � . . � ' ' - t • ' .� Page 2 , � , _ July 17, 1961 � _ . t - - - . , . � . . Proposed Use of Propertys Same as the present use of property. � Purpose of Appeal: It is the desire of the congregation to pro- - • �t � vide a more adequate entrance to their present facilities as k well as provide,more adequate space. � � . � Need of Appeals _ It is our desire to remove the hazard of the - � • -• present outside stairways and to eliminate the congestion of our present inad.equ�ate inside halls and stairways. We fesl - our. present arrangement which is both inconvenient and hazard- _ ous can only be improved by the additional expansion requested. � . �ection of Ordinance Under which A eal is Made: Ordinance No. 03, � . . � - - � We are including with this request a site plan furnished by our _ ' axchitect which deli.neates our proposed addition. We have a].ready furnished � the City Planning Commission with a similar plan. � In �a previous petition which we withdrew there is a letter with the s3.gnature" of ad�acent property owners atating tYiey do not have any � � � objections to the proposed addition. � • . � - Your- kirid consideration of this matter so vital to us will be most appreciated. - , ' ' 3 c rely • , . • C'cit�c.c�— �''��� . �arren Magnuson, P or and • _ Chairman o£ the Central Baptist � Church, St. Pau1, Minnesota _ _ _ � � , , � � � . � . � • - _; � - . . _ • : i , t • ' , _ � ` ' - .+4�t �t i E`� ` • ., ' � �L r� ; � . . � � �C _ , ' � ' � , z � . y+. 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