203386 � -1 . � - : € ' . o��a�ta ��ty��«� � � 203386 . - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY j COMMISSIONE DATF f �i ' � - � � � r � R�SOLV�� that upon appeal of Holman Methocii.st Church from � the decision of the Commission�r of Paxks and Recreation and 6 � Public Buil3ings, �a. building line set-back of zero feet is hereby f t �stablished on the Northeaster7�y 1Q� feet of Lot 3, Block 49, � q' Lyman Dayton's :�ddition, �or the propos�d canopy over the entrance t b to the new addi.tion to the church, located on the north si�1e of � � E�.iclid Street between Masia �venue ;and Bates �venue. �� i �{, -- t, Council File No. 203386—BY F'rTan1�L ` Reso vl ed, That upon appeal of Eiol- � man Methodist Church from the deci- t sion of the Co:nmissioner of Parkc t and Recreatlon and Public Building"s, � a buildiqg�line set-back of zero feet E is hereby established on the North- i easterly 10 feet of Lot 3, Block 49, � Ly�nan Dayton's Addition, for the pro- i E posed canopY over the entrance o . the new addition to the church,located � �be£weea Maria Avenue a duBates Avet � nue. Adopted by the CouncII August 8, 6 19Approved August S, 1961. � (August 12, 1961) � . � � , � - f F L ' . � Y . � � � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the C�i��8 �9� 195— ; ? Yeas Nays � AUG s �961 � DeCourcy � Holland Approvec� 195— 4 � a �. � �In Favor � �R(11`+inann—• . � Peterson Mayor ; ' gainst • � Rosen 1 � , on SM 2-57 .�..2 , d� i ' � � � • k ` l \ • ` ; O F.F I E E O F C I T Y C �..E�R K ��� . AGNES H. o'CONNELL � City Clerk �E BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN # � � Council Recorder � 386 City Hall and Court House . k St. Paul 2, Minnesota � , � r � ti L / � A�• 3� 1961 , , � ' r � t 'r E > � � � � •� Mr. Robert J. Swords � Corporation Counsel � Building s Dear Sir: � � The City Council requested tha.t you prepa,re a resolution granting �he � attached appeal of Ho]man Methodist Church for establishment of a building � line set back of zero ft. for the NE'ly 10 ft. of Lot 3, Block 49, Lyman � Dayton's Addition, for the proposed canopy over the entrance to t�he new t addition to tl� church, which is located on the north side of Euclid St. � between Maria Ave. and Bates St. G , EVery truly yours, � l,/ ��� jCity Clerk � . b` f F ` ; � � J f � F k �� �� �# � , ` un��►��f� �.��• ...• � •�• �r�• •�• ` •�• •�. " I i r: � ';' r I � i 11111.. q " '+� [ �" 111! ,:il ! � � �. ' � � � � ;�� � �/ • ti� 1` , � � : ; ,m. , " d 4 �� � � � , r l I = �°' C I`T-Y�O-F�--S-A11�-N,T P U L - M I N N E S O T A �� E � � � y � Y . . , . � .......................... • � � . iii}iii:...,:p,.::....:;:••°:;;; i ;�::::::::::::::�.':..�::�'�c:R D O F Z O N I N G, � C I T Y O F' S A I N T PA U L � -°••• �::..•:#kzFN.si'aei•:ssi-sss-sss 1013 CITY HALL AND COUIT HOUS� SAINT►AUL 4,MINNlSOTA :.�.:.;{. } ....... ... . ;....... ........... .... � • ...:.:. '... �. � � August 3, 1961 � Mrs. Agnes H. 0'Connell • City Clerk ' �� Building . � Dear Madam: � � k .This is in the matter o� the appeal of the Holman Methodist Church to establish _ � a building line set-back of zero feet for the northeasterly ten feet of Lot 3, Block 49, Lyman Dayton's Additic�n. This property is located on the north side � of Euclid Street betwee�n Maria Avenue�and Bates Street. The zoning is "B" residence. � , , . , � This property is presently being developed with an addition to the existing � church which is located to the east. The applicant proposes to erect a canopy � over the entrance to the new addition which would extend to the sidewalk line. � The applicant's property has a frontage along E�,iclid Street of 160.7 feet of r which 70 feet is occuped by the existing structure. The addition will occupy � an ,additional 50 feet of the total frontage. The building line in the block � k � as established by six existing structures is 9 feet. It is necessary for the � applicant to secure Council Approval for any deviation. The major portion of the new building will maintain a set-back of 13? feet with the canopy over the � entrance extending to the Euclid Street frontage for a building line of zero ; feet for the entrance only. . � East and ad=;�pani,�g�i�s the existing ehurch structure; south and across �clid � Street is the church parking lot; west and adjoining are single and two-family � � residences for the remaining part of the block which front on Etiiclid Street; � north and adjoining are single-family residences fronting on Surrey Avenue. Field investigation discloses no basic objection to this request inasmuch as � the topography of this block is such that the proposed canopy would not have a detrimental effect on the residences in the block, and the canopy would be at least 75 feet from the nearest residence. � In consideration of the above factors, the Board of Zoning recommends the granting of the appeal to establish a zero foot building line set-back for � the northeasterly ten feet of Lot 3, Block 49, Lyman Da,yton's Addition for � the proposed canopy entrance to the new addition to the church. t � Sincerely, � . � ��6�•-� C. l�f.�..�.��.�., i HCW�i►mi , Herbert C. Wieland, Secretary � Encls. Board of Zoning � � n � ( N � � I � � � � � � ' . � • � . . ' • r ' • � � � � � Jl °' .E.e � �, � architects 8� engineers $AINT F4 , .. ._. � jy t 2706 W 7th BOULEVARD I� ����n r� � �� j, 1�r ST PAUL 16 MINNESOTA �M JUN 2� 1961 p� A � , � 910111� 1 � � �t � E TELEPHONE MI 8 0766 �I .I �I � � � 1 � I � I �(���`�`��7', ;' � � � June 27, 1g61 f � � City Council E Court House t S�. Paul, Minnesota � Dear Council Members: i E � We, are serving as architects for a pa.rish addition to the � Holma.n Me�hodist Church on the northwest corner of Etiiclid , a.nd Ba.tes. The existing church is approximately 8 feet j� north of the sidewalls on E�,iclid. The parish house is to be constructed immediately to the west with a.n. entrance � 'on E`uclid. � We are hereby making application. for permission to build � a canopy over the entrance from the new addition to the � sidewa]1� line. This ca,nopy is 72 feet above the sidewalk � and is about 6 inches thick and �- feet wide. We would � appreciate your consideration and approval of thia re- � quest. ! Very truly yours, � BERGSTEDT, HIRSCIi� Z,1AHI�ERG & WOLD� IlVC. � � � � �� � �,i I w.. Y . .�JL�v 1 o , Milton V. Bergstedt ' � . MVB:bf � � cc: Mr. Nienaber � � � G E � ��!f� i i M �j � � � � � U � � � ,JUN �� 1961 � CITY PL�N�vllv�► �'�Aic� � Saint Paul, M�nnesota i � � � r MILTON V BERGSTEDT�JAMES V HIRSCH �CHARLES D WAHLBERG •CLARK D WOLD•O DONALD BILLING•JACK I LOVELESS�FRITZ C ROHKOHL