203382 • �� ` y L, � OriQinpl to Clfy Clerk �. ' 2U3382 � L -- � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � �.�P OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ; �- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � � � ; PRESENTED BY �Q% � 1 COMMISSIONE DATF 1h � �� f 1 RESOLVID, upon the pertinent appeal of Mobil Oil �ompar�y �((a. Divl.�ion of :ocony Mobil Oil t;omgany� Inc.) under the � Zo�ng Code� that tbe provisions of said Zoning Code �reby :sre rel�ed � to tihe extent necess�.ry therefor, an.d the re�ui.rements of same for a � 10-fvot buffer strip �.t the e�.st property line on the north 1,.7 feet � of the south 6� feet of Lot ].1.,�J. R. �eide�s Sub. of Block 27, J �rlingf,on �i].ls �ddition� embracing th+e southeast corner of Payne { and �ims .�venuea� in connection ir3.th th�e reconatruct3.on of �.n e�.sting � filling at�a.tion on said premisea� hereby are relsaed, Naived� and k c�ispensed; �.nd : � . R�SOLVED FITI�PFIER,, that the application of said GompaRy for t permi.ssion �.nd �.uthority to reconstruct the e�.sting fi7.13.ng station � on s�id Lots ]l,. �,nd 15� in accordance W3.th plans s��i.tted therefor � �and approved �ul,y 13� 1961, filed herewith� hereby is granted, sub�ect E to compliance with a7.7. applicable proviaiona of the �,egi.sla.tiv�e ; Cgde of the �ity of �aint Pau1 �and the statutes o� the �tate of � Nlinnesota. ' �! E ' Councll Flle No. 20338�By Frank L. � Loss--- ' Resolved, U on the ��~; p pertinent appeal 4 k ,� oP Mobil Oil Company (a Division oE •��- � the�Zoning CodeCthatathe�c.) under provisions � to the extenL nec ssary bthereforl and Fthe requirements of same tor a 10-foot .. �. - - bu�er strip at the east property line '"""- � � � on �the north 47 feet oP the south 68 t feet of Lot 14, J. R. Weide's Sub. of Block 27, -Arlington Hills Addition, ' � embracing the southeast corner of �' Payne and Sims Avenues,in connection with the reconstructioa oP an existing � Slling station on said premises, hereby are relaxed, waived, •and dispensed; and � Resolved Further, That the applica- ` tion of,said Company for pei'mjccion # and authority to reconstruct the exist- ing filling station on said Lots 14 and � 15, in accordance with plans submitted � therefor and approved July 13, 1961, � filed herewith, hereby is granted, sub- _ ject to compllance with all applicable provisions of the Legislative Code of F the City of Saint Paul and the statutes �� of the State of Minnesota. � 1981dopted by the Council August S, � Approved�Aug�ust 2, 1961) AU G 8 ��V I i � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— �Yeas Nays / • AU G 8 �961 ; DeCourcy / E Holland Approve ?' 195— r t e i _ --� � Tn Favor �—�� t nson ^ _ � Peterson C J Aatirtg Mayor � A gainst , Rosen � . -- �� � . - sM z•s� .�2 . t • i � t F �± . 4` OFFICE OF CITY � CLERK MRS. AGNESH. O'CONNELL ' Cify Clerk r �BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN } � Couneil Recorder �� 386 City Hall and Court House '"" •*�., , St. Paul 2, Minnesota �O� 38� � � i August 3, 1961 y � � � � �9 � �' �� � � � ! �'iUG _q �J�1 r. � ��.�.�o�����oN co�s�� � Mr. Robert J. Swords fCorporation Counsel j Building a C � Dear Sir: � � �e City Council requested that you prepare resolutions granting the � following two matters: � � F Appeal of Mobil Oil Co. to relax the 10 ft. buffer strip at the east � property line for the building site only on the north �+7 ft. of the � south 68 ft. of Lot 14, :J:,: R. Weide's Sub. of Block 27, Arlington Hills � Addition� at the southeast corner of Payne and Sima Ave. ; Application of Mobil Oil Co. for permit to reconstruct an existing � f illing station a�t the southeast corner of Payne and Sims Aves., on � Lots 14 and 15, J. R. Weide's Sub. of Block 27, Arlington Hills Addition, � in accordance with plans approved July 13, 1g61. � � Very truly yours, � ���� � . i :.3 City Clerk � � . � ` . �� � � IIIII�N111 N• N��• iii ��� H�• �• � . ��• •�� �',.. I � •�. �. . u 11111.. �� / � n �.. 1111 ��� � , � i •�� � / � � �� � fr i t����� • � � r� e� - ;� � � . —C I�T—Y�O—Fa---STA—�I�N=T P U L — M I N N E S O T A £� .�� ' s � ` . . � � F ...♦ L �: ... � �������������;;�;�:;�:RD OF ZONING, ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL ;:�:�::::;':'.:.;'::::::.::....:...: � """"•: •:�X�ANS�QI1�:431-131-437 1�I3 CITY HALL AND COUIT HOUS[ SAINT�AUL 7,MINN�SOTA � � � July 31, 1961 i Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell � - City Clerk � Building _ � Dear Madam: � t i � •This is in the matter o� the Socony Mobil Oil Company for 1) an appeal to relax the ten foot buffer strip at the east property line for the.building site only, � attd 2) an application for a permit to reconstruct an existing filling station � on property located at� the southeast corner of Payne and Sims Avenues. Tbe pro- �� perty is described as Lots 14 and 15, J. R. Weide's Sub. of Block 27, Arlington Hills Addition: The zoning is commercial. � Rr f � On March 14, 1931, tbe City Council granted a permit for a filling station on ; this site. "The applicant now proposes to remove the existing filling station � iastallation and completely redevelop the site with a new filling station. In � 4 order to provide adequate traffic movement on both sides of the pump island, it "p is,necessary to secure a relaxation of tbe ten foot buffer strip at the east r property line for the building site only. This property has a f rontage of 125.2 � feet on Payne.Avenue and 70.07 feet on Sims_Avenue resulting in a total area of approximately 8,772 square feet. To the north, south and west are commercial uses fronting on Payne Avenue, to the east aad ad3oining is a single-family resideace which fronts on Sims Avenue. - The Traffic Engineer bas approved the plans which meet the standards for this type of fac ility. Field investigation disCloses that the relaxation of the buf�er strip as requested will not be detrimental to the ad�oining property � owner as bis property is approximal�ely 7 feet above the grade of the property under consideration. The proposed reconstruction will reduce the traffic con- � gestion and improve tbe appearance of tbis site. � In consideration o� the above factors, the Board of Zoning recommends: 1) the � granting of the appeal to relax the 10 foot buffer strip at tbe eastproperty � line for the build3ng site wbich is the north 47 feet of the south 68 feet of � . Lot 14; and the granting of the application for a permit to reconstruct a fill- � ing station on property as described above ia accordance with plans approved July 13, 1961. � 8incerely, � �ir,d�z` C. ��.(�...�G � �� � H. C. Wieland � _ Secretary r Board of Zoning HCW:FYiI ► Fncl. � � . � � � , � � - , ,�t ,� ,� J , � �d � , �� ✓ � `�'. Mobi 1 `' � I . � � � _ � � Mobil Oil Comp �any � A Diviston of Socony Mobil Ofl Company, Inc. „ } 606 VANDALIA ST., ST. pqUL 14, MINNESOTA � � � duly b, 1961 i � 1 � • ? ' � � Honorable Mayor and F a.ti�I COUIIC�.1 c% City Clerk �Room 386 - Courthouse � � St. Paul� Minnsso�ta � .Dear Sirs: � • � RE: 7�etter of appeal for variance wi.th i Chapter 6?�.03, Paragraph I of the � City Code � € Name of �pplicants: Mobil 03.1 Company , � E Legal Deacription oY Propertys Lots � a�a i5 0� Joaeph. Weide�� � S�bdivision of Bloak 27 Arli.ngton �� Hills Addition, Ramsey Coun�y� � Minne�ota E 4 � Stxree� I,ocationr 926 payne �.verme (Southeast corner of intersec�tion PaSme and S3ma) � . � Present Uses Serv3ce Station � . Propo�ed Uses Service Station � � � Purpose of Appeal: 8elaxation of the 10� bnffer st.t�ip o�, TH-� N 4y r �r -o� the south 66t�7� of the East � property line as per Chapter 64.03� � Paragraph r of the City Ordinanae y . � Aeed of Appeal: To enable Mob31 Oil Company to build , a neyr aervice station and ne� yard facilitiea to conform to the upgrading � of this market3.ng area � �3C� C� [� � Nif� DD 1 # JUL 11 1961 � CITY PLANivII�G �30AI�1� ' ► � Saint Paul, Minnesota �� � _ . , � ► 1 �� !1 ' . I' �► , �. . - '� t � � ' � ; Honorable Mayor & �y.�y Council -2- Julg 6� 1961 � � � "Letter of appeal for varianae �3.th Chapter 6�..03, Paragraph I of' the � Ci�y Code" � E � Ordinance Pertaining to Appeals Chapter 6l�.03� Paragraph I t � I � f Please refer to the enclosed revi.sed plot p].ar� of this location. i � Youra tru�y� � C, , . �� � 9 ,� � C. J. Rice /�� �' � Field Engineer � W.H.Bnrns/bah � Enc. fi � � ! � r � � F t � 1 i r t � _ , � � � s � � k , i 1 � i E f � f � i � � �� �` , � •� • , t � � • • CITY OF SAINT PAUL r Capital of Minnesota � k' � / j �e a�t�ce�t ci�lic a et � � � � � � Tenth and Minnesota Streets� 1 ) POLICE SOBERT F. PETERSON, Commiseioner HEALTH � FIItE PROTECT70N JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deyuty Comminetoner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM A.B.ANDER90N, Licensa Insyeetor f � � au.�y io, 196i } � � � � � � E E Mra. 9gnes H. OtConnell City Clerk f . r f � � Dear Madam: t 8eferring to the application of the Mobil � Oil Compa�y for permisaion to reconetruct aud r ebuild their filling station located at 926 Pa�tne Avenue. t � , � The attached report covers the inspection made by the Fire Prevention Division. � � Very truly yours, t E � �. 1 . � Commissioner of Public Saf ety � ; � � � , ► t � - � j � � ; , : � r' I �� - i _ . � . � � • THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY I . OF THE � f CITY OF SAINT PAUL € � I.NTER-OFFICE CO�MMUNICqTION � " t � �z ; d � � auiy lo, i961 � � � s � f Hon. Robert F. Peteraon � Commissioner of Pablic Safety � r � Dear Sir: � 3 E � In regard to the application of the Mobil Oil Compa.ny for ' permission to reconstruct and rebuild their present filling atation � located at 926 Payne Avenue, also known as the southeast corner of { Payne a.nd Sime. We have investigated the foregoing a.nd report tha.t �here � will be no ahar�e in the preaent underground gasoline storage tanka o which consiet of one-4,000, one-5,000. and one-6.000; a total of � 15,000 gallons. t s � As there will be no chan�e in the gasoline stora,ge, we therefore recommend that permit be granted. E � Respectfully yours, � � � s � H ard J. Sc e 11, Chief g icision of ire Prevention t t j HJS:ab R . � � � � ' , t � t 4 I� � 1 ,1 � �` � � �, . . "'� a �� i� �. . . . �4PP���I) s J�EC� city of Saint Paul, MinnesotaT� FZl'�TAI' �1�TSPECTI''��' �` � APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PER���V OF S INT P�41.� � �� (Please print or type) ���� � E ION BUI��,�� �; Y TO THE HDNORABLE MAYOK AND CITY COUNCFL ' ' I� �, * �GI/I�LizL�� � � the City Clerk • � ' City of Saint Paul, Minnesota �,� �� m,� ;. � Application is hereb made to �' or reconstruct an existing � y install and operate a new (cross one out) � � FILLING STATION No. of islarids and pumps : � /�(„� � /�f�j�jJ,Q� �� s No. of tanks and capacity: � " ��L�QQ „��,Q�., �- � PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) , (indicate type) � Capacity of parking lot : To be used in connection with: ,: � MISCELI�ANEOUS: F (indicate type such as Drive-in Ref reshment Stand, Used Car F Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) �. Capacity of parkiag area: / � s *Location��V --"' �'. �. �OY�G�/ /�t/!9G � c�/�►/J5 �i/� S � �'`� , / , Legal Description : Lot3 !/l� � /� Block �'' Addition �'��'���T��1 � �/GL�- Applicant's Name : �/lOBfG �/L �p �= Home or Office Address: �o� �r��v��u� .�v�' �"r �.v� �� �'� Phone Number : �'�� � _ �7��� �� � FILEG " �. FOR/� TAE APPLICANT, . �¢ 1.�� ���i.� �/���/ (Signature " (date �' Addresa : ���o ���i/1,7�G!/� �Y� �jl �,�L 96� JUH 30 QN 9 OS is Phone No.: ��� � y ���/ � CITY CI, r��;'S (::'� .'.. When completed: file three copies of this application form and three p 3 ts of = , � � the preliminar la out lans of the �`��`" ' ' �'���• �''��'P` , y y- p proposed facility with the City C erk, * Aoom 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota F Z-3 6/11/56 �� *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. � 2 � � � � � � ' = 2. South side of Main St. between First and Sec d�,t i ,� � � � �t ; JUL 3 19�1 . : ZO�I f�G FI LE ��� ��,,�,��,��� �+�A� ? Saint Pa»l. N1��nP�rR �; S � � G �;ve. �'t. 97- 99 _ . � �� �c. ea�- � o�-t � �. a e a_. � � o�-� C - p�� e ° � I�('f Z _ _. __, .�r. . �,a n l �r, C� C „ / , _ /-�e.T��a�'►_ b rlr' Z a nn � � _ �r? G � Yleere_r1 �f / / e, F . � OFFICE OF THE. COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE . °�° �'�° St. Paul 2, Minn.;- July, 219 1961 -- — - - c_ :�-a ' �_�� �_ -' M1 You ar�here�rrt�ed that the Council of theyCity of St. Paul will conside�the, ma er f application-of Socony Mobil Oil Co. for permi reconstruet an exiating P37.1.i.r� st,ation on the southe�st corner of Payne d S s Avenue. and that a public hearing will be held in the Cotincil Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Buildin in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. on �''�gt 3 s 19�1 ` _ BERNARD T. HOLLAND � File 15390 Commissioner of Finance. The City Charter requires this Notice be senf from the Department of Finance.