D001722y CITY OF 5AINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: �(s� f� p� o� ADMIlVISTRATIVE ORDER / (+'r � Date: [� '�� ' 7 7 ADMIIdISTRATIVE ORDER, WAEREAS, the adopted 1999 Capital Improvement Budget includes an appropriafion of $75,000.00 for the Childrett's Play Equipment Program (CPEP) administered by the Division of Pazks and Recreation, and WHEREAS, the North End Elementary School Playa ound project is among the projects to receive matching CPEP grants of up to $15,000.00, and WHEREAS, the North End Elementary School Playground project has satisfied all program requirements, and WHEREAS, Saint Paul Public Schools is the fiscai agent for the project, THEREFORE, it is ordered that upon receipt of written approvai of the project plans from Saint Paul Public Schoois, the proper City ofFicials are hereby authorized and directed to pay Saint Paul Public Schools, PPM Accounting, 360 Colbome Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, 55102 an amount not to exceed $I5,000.00 for the project. C49-3S010-088234159 � APPROVED AS TO FORM c J ��.J/� AssisTen[ City Attorney D3tC U�'�v���� � � 11 C °! /!/ktt \ �er.�..._ � DEPARTMEM/OFFICE/COUNqL UATE INITIA7ED �} l < v v V � � ��' I Parks and Recreation GREEN SHEET NO. �9882 June 21, 1999 � � ']a GONTACTPEflSONANDPHONE INfT1AL/DAiE INRiAI/DA7E � hn Wirka 266-6411 � DEPARTMEM DMEGTOR _Ci7Y CDUNqL AS51GN NUMBER W Z CITY ATfOANEY 4 CRY CLERK ROUTING USi BE ON COVNCIL AGENDA BY IDASE) �ppEq PINANCIAL SEftVICES DIR. FINANqAL SERV/ACCTG 3 MAYOR (OR ASSISTA� r J_ Parks and Recreation — ��� TOTAL # OF SIGNATVRE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCA7ION5 FOR SIGNATURq ACTION REQUESiED: Approval of Administrative Order North End Elementary School Playground Project RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A� or Rejec[ (R) PERSONpL SERVICE CONTMCTS MUSTANSWEfl TNE FOLLOWING QUEST10N5: PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION — t. Has this persoNtirm ever worked untler a tonttact tor Mis tlepartment� CIBCOMMITTEE A CF 9$-367 YES NO A STAFp 2. Has ths persan/5rm ever been a ciry employee? � DISTftICTCOUNCI� -- YES NO — — 3. Ooes [his person/firm poaesa a skill not normally possessed by any currenc city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COVNqL O&IECTIVE? yp5 NO E�Wlain sll Yes ansvrem on separa[e sheet and attach W green sheet. INITIATING PRO&.EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Wha[, When, Where, Why1: , The North End Elementary School Playground Project is to receive a matching grant of up to 515,000.00 from the City's 1999 Children's Play Area Equipment Progrem. A�VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Payment will be made in accordance with the terms of the grant program. �ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEO: None ���` �� s'����t� ��.�'��'� ,, . .� � DISApVANTAGES If NOTAPPROVED: ��� �� ��� Payment cannot be made. �� ��� � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAGTION S ��J,OOO.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONFJ ES NO FUNDINOSOUflCE _ ��B ACTIVITYNIIMBEP C99-3S010-0882-34159 GINANQAL tNFORMATIOPo: (EXPLAfN) RECElVE� JUtd 2 51959 �'iTY CLERK