203368 r , ��� '- +� � ^� '��- 4 •* ..,., / 7 � 1`�- � � y COUNCIL FILE N�O���`�' x � �..;,.- . � i � t " "'""""""""" � y � ' "� ° BY- -- - -- - --'--`--'- -- - ---- - � ---------------------- , � 1 FINAL ORDER E � � In the Matter of reconstructing the sidewalk on both aides of Summit Ave. from D�,le St. to Chatsworth 3t• Council Flle No. 203388— � Ia the matter of reconstructing the idewalk on both sides of Summit Ave. from Dale SL to Chatsworth St. under � April�?,gnary810rder 201870 approved � uponp thec bove gmprovem nt nupon due notice, and the Council having � heard all persons, obfections and7 recommendatIonsirelative thereto, and' � having fully considered the same;' 1 therefore, be it ' , Resoived, By the Council of the Ci1r f St. Paul that t�e._pr;�r,ise_nati+J•� � under Preliminary Order--------------- -7- Pp p - ---- -�eYt��s;�.kj.�, � A 2018 0-----------------------a roved --------A--ril 28�, . - ---------------------------------------- � Intermediary Order----------------------------------------------------aPProved ------------------------- � ------------------------------------------- � A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council � having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered i the same; therefore, be it � RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- � c 1 '" provement to be made by the said City ia to reconstruct,the sidewalk on both eides of � Su�it Ave. from Dale St. to Chatsworth St.� except Where good and sufficient sid.ewalks � • � no�+i exi st � � - - _ - - -- -:.- • . i � . � and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. � RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and ' directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for � approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. � r � E Adopted by the Council--------��.�t-�----�- -------------------------- � � ` �j� .-L�`�- --- -- ------ --�----C-�_ -- --- ----------�%P� � AU G 8 ��' G����� City C1erk. � � APProved------------------------------------------------ t E � 4 File 565�+6 � � �--------------- --------------- - --------------------------=-- � ---Mayor.--- � Councilma��l� � � Councilma����� � Councilman���� �, � Councilma��, �j � /� , I/�� � Councilman��@�O� � ` PUBLISHED D � 7 � Councilman� � Mayor ��� � � ; � 2•55 2M 2� 'r ' � ' ,. �,' ;%�r _,. . � � ' �+ �. � Dist. No:'2.�. v . . . � , �� , - _ �0�3 � - ` Summit - Dale to Chatsworth - both sides 6� � 4 a OFFICE OF THE COMMISSI(�tER OF PUBLIC WORKS �����,-^,D � � • �'" �� � ` . � REPORT TO CONINIISSIONER OF FINANCE � i � ` � t � ' � Mav 3, 19 61 � I � To the Cormnissioner of F�.nance of the City of Saint Pau1: � ' The Coirmiissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre- � t 1�m3.nary order of the Council� known as Council F�le No. 201870 F � approved April 28, 19 61 relative tq reconstructing the sidewalk ' 4 on both sides of Surtmit Ave. from Dale St. to Chatsworth St. � E � � � � � � and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: � 1. The estimated 'cost thereof is $ 0.52 per sq. ft. for mono conc. walk 4" � thick. Extra work (excav., fill, conc. removed, root cutting, drive crossings, etc.) at extra cost. • t � � 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made s E a part hereof. ! � 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X � � !�. I�aprovement is askec f petition � ti� � � � ����6� , -� . � � ��'c � 1 a� `'�i � MP �'�G� � Commissioner of Public �+lorks � � 4��� � ` G, 9 � _ .. - � � ., -' � . . � � ' .. � . ���Y� 33 � � � � � City Council, � St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Notice has been received that sidewalk is to be reconstructed on Summit Avenue abutting property owne�d by the undersigned at 965 Summit � Avenue. � An examination of the sidewalk ad�acent � to the Ea.st 3/4ths of Lot 17 and all of Lots 18 � and 19, Block 28, SUmmit Park, indicates that the � walk is in good condition and there is no �justi- fication for its replacement. � Preliminary order 201870 approved by the � Cit Council A ril 28th 1961 coverin the construction E of this sidewalk is hereby protested and the City � Council is requested to cancel any further consider- � ation of this pro�ect in so far as it would affect the undersigned property owner. � Respectfully submitted, � ! � � E St. Paul; Minnesota f August l, 1961 � R d � � ► � r � \