203365 1! t . ��ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � ' � - CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. � � � E ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE � C C RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �PRESE'RTED BY � �l]�USt 4 19 61 ' � /�"�'" - �l�OMMISSIONE DATF � i �� � . � RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee � therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing all labor, materials and sernices necessary for and reasonably incidental to the furnishing and installing of { equipment and electrical work at the Arlington Hills, Merriam Park and Aamline Branch 1 � , � Libraries and Main Library, Saint Paul, Minnssota to GO�OLD �LECTRIC, INC. in � accordance with Citq plan and specifications therefor hereto attached and the � � �� Informal Bid #2930 of said Gombold 'Electric, Inc: tor the contract price of $1,355.00, such bid being ti� lowest and said Gombold Electric, Inc. bei�ng a � reasonable and reliable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper Citq officials hereby are suthorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Council File No. 203365—By Frank L. Saint Paul. Loss— Resolved, That the Council hereby , approves the award of the Contract Committee therePor and hereby awazds � Informal Bid �#2930• contract for furnishing all labor, ma- tertaLs and services necessary for and reasonably incidental to the furnishing and installing o4 equipment and elec- -'-�-- _ - trical work at the Arlington Hills, , Merriam Park and Hamline Branch Libraries and Maia Library,Saint Paul, , Minnesota, to GOMBOLD ELECTRIC, INC.�in accordance with City plan . �°'t- — and specifications therefor liereto at- tached and the Informal Bid No. 2930 of said Gombold Electric, Inc. for the ,. contract price ,of $1,355.00, such bid b'eing the lowest an$ said Gombold Electric, Inc. being a reasonable and • reliable bidder, and the Corporation � Counsel be and hereby is directed to� ��p� ^tn��°�.ua-tke.ai. °tt� .,nr�aS�r•,rt:yiJ n�� � 0� „��"-"l�:j�:.`1�'yy 11 ' �` �^ 5 COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— lYeas Nays , , DeCourcy AuG 4 �g61 Holland ; '" , pproved 19— Loss � � � - In Favor � � Peteraon �' � Mayor � A gainst . � R,osen �,1 / f Mr. President, Vavoulis , p���D � " �o� — �'Z (O U aM ��� � . �F f c �DUPLIGATE TO PRINTER ti �� � '- CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa c-���� � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N�f� �� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � �COMM SSDONER A11gt,tst 4� 1961 DATF � , h l !' F RSSOLVED, That the �otmcil herabq approvea the a�ard �� the Contraat Committee �� . �; tl�orefor and herebq award� cqntract f4r t�rnishing a11 labor, �aatarials and ,� 'G . �; servic��t a�c�asnry tor and r�asanably inaident.a7. to the ft�rnishing and �nstnlling o! 1E � � �quip�snt and �lectriael work et the Arlington Hilis, Mrrria�e �ark and N�1ine Hranch � p s - . � �� Libraries and Nain Library, �9a1nt paul, 1[innrsota to (�OiR64LD SLBCTRIC� INC. �n • � . � � accordanc� w3th Citq plan and sgeciPications therePor Iyereto �sttachod and �l�e . �� , , � In�or�aal Bid A�2930 oP ea3d (io��bold �lectr�c, Inc. for the coutract price ot � � A � ; =1,355.00, euah bid be3ng the lo�veet and esid Goptbold Tleatric� Ino. being a �� � ��r�aeonebl� and reliable biddor� and the Cbrparation Counsel be and he�reby ie E ' f: ��dir�at�d to draw up the prcper lora� oi cca�tract there�or, sad tl� pro�ssr Citq � �`ofYiaials l�srebq are authorized to exacute aeid contract on ?yshalf o! �� City oi �� �Saint Ptful. ' ' � i� ��Iatormal Bid A�2930. �I� �, � �} � �� . �° t ,� , , � �F , �UG 4 1961 � € � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �uG � ,���� � DeCourcy � Holland Approved 19— r , • � �gs Tn Favor � TiT,....�.:..,__„ � Peterson � Mayor � Rosen Against f Mr. �President, Vavoulis . � . . r 6M (j•81 � :F' f � 1 -