203332 a r � °[�y ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �fl��3�/_ - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL `°o°' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONE ' DATF a� WI�REAS� The Co�missioner of Paxks and I�creat3on and Public Bui].d3.ngs has reported, in accordance with 5ection 53 of tY� City Charter, the existence af an emergency during �the period from July 16 to 31��196]., �ich rendered necessary the emp].oyment of certain employees of the Depart�ment of Parks and Fbecreation and Publio Builclings for more than eight hours per day or forty hours per week in doing the following work s y Council File No. 20333�gy F}ank L.� Loss-- , Supervision, operation, maintenance, CB.T'e Resolved, That the proper city offi-� 8T1C� rotection Of Ll��.].0 ATiC.S 1I1C� la � cers are hereby authonzed to pay � P p p p Y certain employes in the Department gZ'01117,C�8 �TI.Cl of their facilities. of Parks & Recreation & Public Build-' ings for extra employment as described� in the resblution. � � 1981dopted by the Councll August 2,� And Wl�REAS, This eu�ergency arose by reason of the Ap{�roved August 2, �ss�. following facts an.d ciraunstances s cAu�st s, �ss�> � Seasonal requ3sements for protection of pub3.ic property and pursuit of depart- mental activit�es, such ass Civic everrts and munici�al sports and pla.yground.pro- graras requ3red increased t ime and effort of an unforeseen but temporary nature; regular employees ill; breakdown of equip- ment required 3mmedi.ate repair; storm damage to boulevard trees caused dmn.gerous situations; housemovers operating outside regulax hours requi.red services of a t�ree tri.mmer; and heavy patronage at parks refectories� paxt,icularly on week-ends. THEREFORE, � IT RESOLVED� That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees wh,o per- formed such work in accordance with the provi.sions of the Council�s salary orciinance� Ordinance No. b1�1.G6. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council�� � ��� 19— Yeas �� Nays ��� c� ��� DeCourcy Holland Approved 19— �i oss a� Favor �' � 11T � ��`��,�,,...u-°:,=r�—�.- I V Eeterson Mayor i� A gainst Rosen Mr. Pre�sident, Vavoulis SM D•60 ��Z