203329 �� � Origlnal to City Clerk �o���� ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL ._ couNCi� NO. -- � � � Y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE � � UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' b t� PRESENTED BY COM tv115510 N E DATF �� ' � . WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul has • heretofore, by resolution, Counci3 File No. 20295�, directed the Purchasing Agent to offer for sale certain portions of the old workhouse farm property; and Wf�REAS, the Department of Hi�hways of, the State of Minnesota has by letter of July 26, 1961, directed to Mr. George Shepard, Street and Highway Engineering Goordinator, over the signature of E. J. McCubrey, its Engineer, indicated . its desire to acquire for .the State a portion of Block 9 of Ba.ttle Creek Heights Plat 2; and W�IEI�EAS, because of the State �s interest in acquiring a portion of Block 9 it appears desirable that Block 9,'be withdrawn from the propertLes to be offered for sale on August �, 1961; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby directs the Purchasing A ent to withdraw from the sale � to be conducted on August �+, 19�1, all of Block 9, Ba.ttle Creek Heights Plat 2. � Council EYle No. 203329 — By Milton � _ . --•��• - . Rosen— r ,. , • •- "` Whereas, The Coupcil of the City of .� � _ _ � ',y,L_,.,;ti.�„ Saint Paul has heretofore, by resolu- ��""" ° " ^' ' -"- - -�.+- tion, Council File No. 202954, directed � the Purchasing Agent to ofYer for sale certain portions of the old workhouse farm property• and t � Whe�eas, The Department af High-� way3�of the State of Minnesota has ' by letter.-nfi...r,.),v.ti^aY,art��.,ir' - -'�0_. r•-r•�- ZV. 'J% a' „ . - AUG 2 1961 . ��COUNCILMEN : Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays �u(�e`� `�� DeCourcp ' Holland ' Approver� 195— � • Tn Favor � �4e����se� ' Y Mayor Peteraon � _ • Rosen Against ' �eusr.LSi�D � 3—.�= f��l Mr.;�resident, ' �� SM 2-57 .�.2 _ ' �� � ' ' �� ���� Dnplicate to Printer �� ;,. , �'-; , CITY OF ST. PAUL F OE NCIL NO. ° . ° ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE2 DATF ,r i� '' WHTREAS, the Counall o#' '�he eity oF Saint P�ul ha� ;� heretofore, b9 reeolution, Cpunail F'ile NQ. 20295�F, dire�ted �� the Pur�ha�ing Agent to o#'fer for ssle aertain port3on� oF '� the old workhou8e farm proper�y; and ,� �� ;� WHER$ASj the Departffien� of High�aye of the State of �;, Minneso�a has by let��r c�f �uly 26, 1961, �.3reated to �, Mr. (�eor�� 9hepasd, 3tre�t �nd H�.ghxay Eng3ne�ar3ng �oordinator, ;k over the signature oP E. J, MeCubrey, 1�� Tsngi�neer, indiaated �� it� dea�re to acquire for the S�ate a portion o� B�.oak 9 oi' ,� Ba.�tle Creek Helght�t Pla� 2; and = ;� WI3BREAS, b�cauae o� the State��a intere�t in aoqu3�ing a portion oF Block 9 it appears desirable that Block 9 be Kithdra.wn from th.e proper�a to be of�er�d for sal� on Auguat 4, 1961; now, therefore, be it RESOI,VED, That the Counail of the City of Saint Paul ' hereby dtr�cts tlae I'urchas3.ng A ent to withdraw fx�om �he sal� � ' �o be conducted on Auguet �, lg�l, all of Bloak 9, Battle �;� Creek Height$ Plat 2. �'� 3f ,� �, ',� � 'h � ;E �F �� ,6 ;! i�v .6 1� '� I� �e G 2 ��� 3E COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Courfc`� 195— �� Yeas Nays ��� 2 �� � DeCourcy '` Holland Approved 195_ ;� zi e i Tn Favor • ;F Tt,?r-v-r'-�,.u:.,. � Mayor ;e Peterson � �' A gainst ;� Rosen . Mr. President, S�e� SM 2•57 .�.�2 F